HPMRS CH 156: Knowledge and Discussion.

The new week is here, and after a week of classes, Hogwarts students have gradually adapted to Castelobruxo's teaching method, and also adapted to the accented English of the professors. Under these circumstances, everyone started to choose the class they want to attend, and it is no longer a group of students of the same year going to attend the same class together.

Naturally, Daphne of Slytherin ran to class alone, while Ryan went to the Herbology class with Hermione.

Herbology, as Castelobruxo's specialty, naturally has its extraordinary place. Unlike the greenhouse at Hogwarts, they were taken to the tunnel group, and they heard from the students of Castelobruxo around them that their greenhouse was built in the tunnels.

After walking along the depths of the tunnel-group for more than ten minutes, the students came to a huge underground space, which could even fit a football field.

In the space in the middle of the site, there is a light source emitting both light and heat. In addition, under the adjustment of a large amount of magic, it is divided into multiple areas, with different hydrothermal conditions and magical environments, which are used to cultivate various plants.

Where is this greenhouse? It is basically an ecological high technological dome. Ryan was shocked by Castelobruxo's grandeur.

At the entrance of this ecological dome, the professor of Herbology was already waiting. Ryan quickly recognized that he was the professor he had met in the Emerald Dreamland before. The professor also obviously recognized Ryan too, so he nodded slightly and greeted Ryan.

The content of the third-year course is not difficult. Today's course is to understand a simple small symbiosis composed of three special magic plants.

The leaves of this small tropical tree that looks like Rebecca's fern tree and can be used for the treatment of many magical diseases, but this plant must work together with the moss on the trunk and the parasites on the roots to show a good medicinal effect. At the same time, neither moss nor parasitic bacteria can produce nutrients by themselves.

It can only survive by absorbing the nutrients from the plant.

Today's learning content is to learn about this plant and master how to judge the optimal amount of the two parasites on each tree.

Ryan was quickly attracted by a piece of knowledge in the professor's explanation. He encountered many problems in the greening process of the Fallout World before, and the knowledge that the professor said can perfectly solve one of the difficult problems there.

You must know that before even Dave or the experts in the institute were helpless before this issue.

As the old saying goes, if there is a sequence of learning, a specialization is gained over time.

There is no omniscient person in the world, especially under different knowledge systems, the solutions to problems are likely to be completely different. Just like getting memory from Voldemort's Horcrux, Dumbledore can't do it in any way, but Uncle Nine can get a part of the memory due to different world laws. This does not mean that Uncle nine's combat effectiveness is higher than that of Professor Dumbledore, but that there are different methods under different power systems.

The same is true for Voldemort, his defense against the magic of this system has indeed reached a top-level. But when faced with another magic system he had never seen before, he will still lack resistance.

So Ryan took advantage of this opportunity and hurriedly continued to ask questions, and also received a satisfactory answer. At this time, he became excited and used a series of data collected before to directly ask about many of the problems he encountered.

Because they had met each other in the Emerald Dreamland before, the professor started to answer Ryan's questions even off-topic ones just to help fellow practitioners. But then when Ryan produced a lot of information, he was also moved.

Because he happened to study this aspect, but in the magical world, the natural world was not devastated like the Fallout world. So the professor can only do testing with the concept of micro-ecosystem by creating artificial measures.

Naturally, the research results obtained in this way are far from the real situation, so after listening to Ryan's knowledge, he quickly signaled Ryan to stop and then told the students to start independent observation.

After explaining the content of the class, the professor called Ryan to his office to discuss in detail, because he has been stuck on this issue for a long time. This time he was able to meet a like-minded person, and he definitely won't let this opportunity pass.

After half an hour, the professor showed a lot of things on the blackboard in the office and began to explain to Ryan excitedly. Ryan, on the other hand, raised his questions from time to time and took out a lot of observational data as evidence. Sometimes it will point out the defects in the professor's explanation and put forward the correct point of view confirmed after observation.

As the two people continued discussion on certain issues, they yelled sometimes, quarreled sometimes, and sometimes got the answer in a quarrel. All in all, now both of them have entered a state of enthusiasm for knowledge.

Although the two of them met in the Emerald Dreamland, they were just acquaintances there. Ryan usually spent most of his time communicating with people his age. The professors also only teach and don't have time to communicate with their students too much. However, in this exchange, the professor's knowledge system of the magical world collided fiercely with the knowledge system of the other two completely different worlds that Ryan knew, bursting with unprecedented brilliance.

No matter what you do, once a person gets excited, the situation will go beyond control easily, and the current discussion is exactly that.

Ryan's level of discussion can easily compare to a small Pure-Blooded magic family's heirlooms.

While as this wizard seems more like a scientist and less like a wizard, because scientists can cover all of their research in a few hours if they don't go into details, and just a spark is enough to cause eureka, at least Ryan felt that he has already taken out all the treasures from the belly of the dragon... I mean professor in front of him in just a few hours.

Of course, both sides benefited similarly in this conversation. In the face of Ryan's large amount of detailed and effective data and unique ideas, the professor felt like the concepts that he needed a lifetime to complete are likely to be completely solved in these few months.

When the two people were discussing incessantly, the bell rang.

Ryan was surprised to find that it was already noon at this time, and he has spent an entire morning on discussions.

But this morning Ryan also benefited a lot, after all, with the low school density of the wizarding world.

Basically, it can be assumed that every professor can influence almost all next-generation students in the region. Under these circumstances, the professor is naturally selected among the best, so the things that can be said to be the professor's life's hard work will naturally not be simple. That's why the professor decided to take Ryan to his office and avoid all the students when he decided to discuss it: because knowledge in the wizarding world is deemed most precious, only after immortality.

If it hadn't been for what Ryan had in his hands, obviously data that required a lot of resources and time piling up (whether it was Dave or the institute, they invested a lot of energy in botany research, and even some observational data persisted for Hundreds of years of research) can greatly advance his own research. He wouldn't discuss it so deeply with Ryan.

As the discussion was over and Ryan was about to leave, suddenly the professor stopped him and asked him to wait for a while.