HPMRS CH 178! Ryan the builder!

Ryan had nothing to say about the fact that Yue Buqun was really shameless. He asked curiously: "Don't you want your problems to be fully resolved?"

"Don't dare, I believe that Exalted Immortal will arrange things that are in my best interest. Besides, my situation will not be worse than it is now. Since I cut off, I am worried every day, for fear that one day I will be found out and after that will be laughed at for thousands of years even after my death." Yue Buqun has completely changed his colors.

Now that it's for this reason, Ryan won't make any detours. He took out a direct contract, said: "as soon as you sign this contract, we can start the process, everything in this piece of paper."

Yue Buqun took a look at the contract and saw that it said that he needed to teach all the martial arts he knew to the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper promised that he would not spread these martial arts outside in his world. The corresponding shopkeeper is responsible for regenerating his lost organs, but the regenerated organs can only restore his body to its original state, and will not have any practical effects other than that.

In other words, the restored organs can restore Yue Buqun's voice, beard, and man-hood, and his body's feminine state will disappear, but the most important functions won't be restored.

"It's better than I thought. After all, my children are already old, I didn't even think about having another son anyway." Yue Buqun shook his head and signed the contract.

After seeing Yue Buqun signing the contract, the voice of Myriad Realms General Store rang in his mind. "Obtained: Mount Hua unarmed combat styles (Tiger Subduing Palm, Primordial Chaos Palm, Rock Splitting Fist, Jade Smashing Fist, Iron Finger, Leopard's Tail Kicks), Mount Hua Swordplay, Mount Hua Internal Strength(Violet Mist Divine Skill, Primordial Chaos Skill, Hugging Energy Skill, Mount Hua Steel Armour Breathing Skill), Nineteen Styles of Jade Maiden Sword style, Wild Wind Swift Sword technique, Reverse Dual Saber Style, Gentleman Swordplay, Virtuous Lady Swordplay, Self-Cultivation Sword technique, Mysterious Sword technique, Life Taking Linked Three Immortals Sword technique, Eagle and Serpent's Battle for Survival technique, Mount Hua Three Deities Peak, Nine Swords of Dugu" sounded with the voice in my mind, A blue gas flew out of Yue Buqun's body and turned into books on the shelf.

Ryan also relaxed when he saw something in his hands. He said to Yue Buqun, who was tied up by the vines: "To me, totally restoring your body isn't a big concern, but the issue is that the terrible swordsmanship you practiced will be eliminated. And I believe you would be unwilling to accept these terms, so I would restore your body to its former glory while saving myself the trouble of wasting merit on you. Since you desire to elevate the Mount Hua faction in the alliance, I believe this martial arts is not a waste of time for you; the only way to gain power is by exchanging and sacrifices."

After signing the contract, Yue Buqun also understood the rules of the Myriad Realms General Store and knew that once the contract was signed, both parties could not go back on their words, and he was relieved in his heart, after all, why would such otherworldly expert care about schemes and mortal affairs. So after hearing Ryan's explanation that a complete restoration would abolish the evil swordsmanship, he quickly said: "I'll just follow the plan you proposed. To carry forward the Mount Hua faction, I'm more than willing to sacrifice my selfish desires."

Ryan couldn't figure out whether Yue Buqun was speaking the truth or just creating a scene, but it didn't matter what he said at this time.

After thinking about this treatment, he should take Ryan's warning seriously, and now that Yue Buqun's hardware defect will be removed, maybe he will not be as psychopathic as in the original story.

Thinking of this he hinted Xiaoqing to tightly tie Yue Buqun, he took out the regeneration medicine from the Fallout world and injected the formula into Yue Buqun.

Yue Buqun didn't make any movements, nor did he resist the needle. After a while, he suddenly began to tremble, trying to confirm the regrowth of the part with his hands.

Fortunately, Ryan had prepared in advance to let Xiaoqing tie-up Yue Buqun and didn't let him move at all, but a slight sound could still be heard on the vines.

Curious Ryan asked Xiaoqing what happened now, and Xiaoqing's feedback was surprising. Because the strength of Yue Buqun's struggle weighed several tons.

Is this the effect of internal force? Ryan looked forward to the harvest this time even more.

Ten minutes later, the creaking sound finally stopped, and Ryan motioned to Xiaoqing to put Yue Buqun down. At this time, Yue Buqun had a face like golden paper, like sweating after a tan session.

The whole body is so wet it's no different from the one just fished out of the water. But he was still very excited, and even though Ryan was standing in front of him, he directly went to feel his regrown part with his hands, and when he touched the lost thing, he shouted happily: "I have it again, I have it again."

After that, Yue Buqun bowed down to Ryan: "Exalted Immortal, I had eyes but couldn't See Mount Tai, and I also inadvertently offended you. However, the great immortal still did not hold any grudge nor punished me, Yue is ashamed. Therefore, Yue vows to return to the world this time and do more good deeds and cultivate merits. This Yue will atone for his past deeds and try to make amends."

"Good, it'll be better for you if you do so." Ryan said after motioning to Yue Buqun to get up: "If you have any problem in the future, you can call upon the Myriad Realms General Store, and then you can come to me when you find the door open. As long as I see your merits grow, and your bad karma stagnate. Then I am sure I can completely heal you." After talking, Ryan showed him all the goods in the store. "I'll follow the order of the immortal." After Yue Buqun finished looking at the goods that he regarded as the magic weapon of the immortal, he walked up to Ryan and arranged his clothes after bowing. Then he said: "Exalted immortal. I have to go back to the mortal world, I will definitely visit again in the future." After speaking, Yue Buqun walked out of the shop and left. The Myriad Realms General Store also sent a message: detected the change of the world's fate and obtained 28 offset points.

The harvest this time is not bad. It seems that Yue Buqun will not be as bad as before.

Thinking of this, Ryan walked to the shelf and started to read a few new martial arts secrets. Looking at them, he suddenly discovered that the internal power mentioned in the martial arts secrets was very close to the spiritual power he was practicing, so he tried to carry his spiritual power in the body according to the method of Mount Hua's internal power.

After the spiritual power was poured into the arm according to the inner power and the heart law, Ryan raised the counter next to him. Seeing that the counter seemed a lot lighter, he lifted the counter with one hand as soon as he tried hard.

It seems that spiritual power and internal power have something in common, Ryan chose to learn all martial arts except the evil spirit sword. The three basics of Mount Hua unarmed combat, Mount Hua Swordstyle, and Mount Hua Internal Strength only need 1 offset point. The complex ones all required three offset points. Except for the purple one, which required 7 points.

It feels a bit cheap, Ryan thought.

After the infusion of light was over, he looked at the message of the system and realized that these martial arts are actually meant for internal power and perfusion is just to familiarize the body with the method of carrying spiritual power in the meridians.

No wonder it is so cheap, because the energy level of spiritual power is higher than internal power, so spiritual power can sometimes replace internal power to do what internal power does, but the reverse isn't possible. In addition, Ryan's spiritual power belongs to the same line of Taoism as these martial arts. So he can perfectly use spiritual power to mobilize these martial arts