HPMRS CH 179: Misfortune

Ryan was very excited when he returned to the dormitory, although martial arts were not very useful in this world. In the battles of wizards, long-range magic is always blasting each other, while Apparition allows the wizards to fully maneuver in the battle, and internal defenses have little effect on magic. So in the case of close combat, the skills in the Assassin's Legacy were sufficient.

Martial arts is at best icing on the cake for him, maybe he'll be able to ride swords in the future instead of sitting on a broom to fly.

But not all martial arts are of low value to Ryan. For example, purple magical arts are a huge gain. It can make people's eyes and ears more sensitive, hearing and vision can reach far, which can help you in detecting far away conditions without using magic in many places with magic detection. At the same time, protection of the body, and the physical defense are greatly strengthened. In addition, it also has everything to increase the body's strength, agility, attack, and other internal routine features.

The gain this time has greatly improved Ryan's survivability, which is a very valuable asset for Ryan, who is afraid of death.

After this transaction ended, Ryan did not continue to look at other cultivation methods for a while but kept practicing the powers he had mastered. Finally, ten days before Christmas, the field practice courses for Hogwarts students have begun.

The location of this course is an ancient aboriginal relic 70 kilometers away. Castelobruxo established an artificial ecosystem based on the remains of the magic formation and took that artificial ecosystem as a field practice.

The day before the departure, Ryan was a little nervous. After all, according to the previous news, this trip may be accompanied by a conspiracy by the former Acolytes.

Just as he finished his afternoon class and was going back to the dormitory to pack things, in the hallway he suddenly heard the voice of Headmaster Fernando: "Please follow me. Some things are needed to be notified to you urgently."

Ryan quickly found an excuse to say goodbye to Hermione next to him, and then followed the voice to the left and walked to an empty corridor.

Pushing open the wooden door at the end of the corridor, Ryan saw Headmaster Fernando sitting at a table, and beside him was sitting the owner of the small shop in Mahogany Town, the former Acolyte Skolzner.

"What happened, what's the emergency, why did you call me here? Didn't you earlier say that Chimera people will attack tomorrow? And at a time like this, we should not be in touch, especially in the school where there are many random people and eyes twice the number of people.

"We didn't want to get into touch with you, but things are not following going according to the plan," Skorzner said. "Today the Brazilian Ministry of Magic suddenly received the so-called reliable information that the local Blood God cult is going to attack you, so they began to mobilize the Auror and the strikers to the artificial ecosystem where you are going tomorrow to prepare to ambush the enemy."

"Wait, what is the Blood God Sect? Are we talking about the Chimera Society's name as the former Acolyte Organization?" Ryan asked with questions.

"The Blood God Sect are the descendants of the group of dark wizards who liked blood sacrifices and blood magic that were suppressed by our ancestors. After being hit by our ancestors, they returned to the dark and deep caverns of the forest. Now it is the most powerful organization of dark wizards in the region. They are also the local dark wizards that cooperated with Chimera Society." Headmaster Fernando explained.

"Oh, that's it. Isn't it a good thing that the Ministry of Magic cleared the group of dark wizards in advance? Or is it that you aren't happy because you couldn't take the revenge by yourself?"

"No, absolutely not." The two sitting at the table shook their heads and retorted at the same time, and then the Headmaster said, "The problem is that this information is too strange. Even when I reported before that the Ministry of Magic, they just sent an Auror team to patrol. Why did they get this information at this time? You must know that these two organizations have been hiding in this place for more than half a century after being beaten black and blue. How can they suddenly be exposed? And how can so many secrets be exposed altogether?"

"Yes, especially Dietrich, the leader of the Chimera Society, was the most cunning among those young Acolytes. In the past few years, he has evolved into an old fox. Our group of former Acolytes fought with him nearly half a century ago, he was always a step ahead, taking advantage of everyone and every scenario. I do not think that such a cunning person with a great mind for conspiracy would be so simple routed by the Ministry " One old man started the lecture and the other continued.

"Then, why did you call me here today? I don't know as many things as you, and it's useless to tell me these things " Ryan was a little curious about the purpose of them calling him over.

"We just want to tell you how bad the situation is now. For safety reasons, we may adjust where your practice tomorrow. But in the current situation, we cannot guarantee 100% safety, so if you want to leave or feel any ominous foreboding let us know in advance. We just want you to be vigilant at all times. Once you find something wrong, immediately contact us with the brooch we gave you last time. After all, the only thing we can confirm now is that your study tour group is the target of the other party, and you are the only student that can be contacted by us in the study tour anytime," the Headmaster explained to Ryan at this time.

"Why don't you just cancel this event in this case? Don't tell me it's for the reputation of the school, so the arrangements cannot be changed." Ryan asked puzzled.

"We certainly want to cancel the event, but the problem is that you guys came by air. So, once we cancel your activities, on the way when you go back, they might do a surprise attack on your train, in that case, we won't be able to help?" Headmaster rubbed his temples, and then said: "So we want to directly draw them over and give them a major blow, to solve the problem from the root."

"Then did you tell the professor who is going to lead the team about this?"

"We have informed the two professors at Hogwarts house and they have promised to remain vigilant at all times. But the problem is that your professors must also be the target of their focus, and they will definitely have a response plan. And the students will be overlooked by them, at this time your importance is reflected." Fernando replied.

"Well, I will be fully prepared tomorrow." Ryan nodded, it seems that tomorrow's activities will not be so peaceful.

Early the next morning, the professor's voice resounded in the dormitory: "All students, please rush to the common room as soon as possible, we're going to inform you about some important matters."

When Ryan washed up and came to the common room, he found that everyone was there. A few students looked a little uneasy, but the other students next to them were comforting them.

For example, Cho Chang was comforting another little girl from her house, he seemed to remember Cho Chang calling her Ellie Thea or something, she's a second-year pure-blood wizard. But because her parents are scholars, there is no physical prejudice against Muggle-born wizards and Muggles.

Hermione had planned to pull her into the book club before, so Ryan was a little impressed. She is a little shy and introverted girl, and it seems that this incident seemed to scare her a bit this morning, so Cho Chang was comforting her in a low voice. And there are several such students, after all, things were a bit abnormal this morning.

After all the students arrived, after waiting for a few minutes, everyone's mood returned to normal. At this moment Professor Sprout and a strange bald middle-aged wizard walked in.