HPMRS CH 189: Tomb raider.

Eternal life, whether it is a Muggle or a wizard will always be dazzled by this thing, and then do countless evil deeds. Think about it, back then Voldemort, treated his soul as sliced bread and finally turned himself into something completely inhuman. Even Ghengis Khan tried many things as per muggle history books. This witch-king in the Amazon rainforest is just one of these types of people.

When Ryan was thinking about this, more information flooded into his mind. Have to say that soul communication is a very good way. He can circumvent the most troublesome language barrier.

It turned out that after these people died, the Witch-King didn't let them go. He attached their souls to this kind of insect called the Demon Devourer, allowing them to be gatekeepers for eternity, and at the same time constantly sucking their soul energy and tormenting them with pain.

They gradually lost themselves in the millennia of torture, until just now Ryan used a transcendent spell with a lot of merits to help them regain their sanity. So they are willing to hand over everything while they're in control to Ryan. The prerequisite is that Ryan will take them through the door that they can't pass through anyway, the magical door set by the Witch King, so that they can have final revenge on the Witch King.

Ryan pondered for a moment. After all, this meant that in their soul state he has to strip them off the insects and then attach them to his own body, but in this way, his soul would be open to them. If they harbour any malice, Ryan will be ruined forever.

The three leading souls had a wealth of social experience of their lifetime, and they could see at a glance what Ryan was worried about. So they proposed that death itself can be used as a witness, and they vowed not to hurt Ryan in the process.

Soon they took the oath, Ryan felt that the level of this oath was very high, even higher than the unbreakable oath. Now that this Is the case, Ryan also let go of his worries, he opened his mind, and he was ready to accept these souls.

Hermione looked anxiously at Ryan sitting there motionless, if it weren't for watching Ryan's chest rising and falling slowly, she might even think that something had happened to Ryan.

Suddenly Ryan stood up, stepped out of the cloth on the ground, and walked towards the crystal arch bridge on the edge of the platform.

Hermione subconsciously wanted to hold Ryan, but she was half a beat slow, and could only watch Ryan step out of the protection of the platform and step onto the arch bridge.

"No!" The next scene made Hermione scream because she saw the dark mist on the blood pool starts to light up a little bit of unknown blue fluorescence, and then the entire dark mist rushed into Ryan's body, At the same time, a large amount of black mist was continuously produced in the blood pool and flew towards Ryan.

Just as she was about to rush to the bridge, she was suddenly restrained by the light from the white cloth blocking the intersection, and she could only watch the black mist pouring into Ryan's body.

The blanket of darkness was poured into Ryan's body, he turned stiff and after a while finally started moving again, he turned for a moment, turned the body after the hands and feet.

After seeing Hermione who was fixed on the white cloth by magic, Ryan waved his hand to release the magic. At that time, he was worried that Hermione would rush forward with excitement, so he made preparations in advance, and in the end, things turned out to be as expected. As soon as the restraint was released, Hermione immediately rushed to hug Ryan, then immediately let go and took a step back and asked, "Are you okay now?"

"It's okay. I have just negotiated with the souls in the dark mist and made a simple deal that is beneficial to both parties. Now we can cross the bridge." Ryan said to placate Hermione. After the five mummies shouted, they crossed the crystal bridge too.

Sure enough, when they walked across the crystal bridge, there was no more black mist. When Hermione saw this scene, she also obediently didn't ask what happened just now.

When they came to the platform opposite the blood pond, the golden gate appeared in front of them. With the help of the pile of souls in his mind, Ryan recognized that the pattern on the door was actually a text. And all the words engraved on this golden gate just recorded the honorific title of the Witch-King back then.

"This is a big show-off." Ryan sighed, and read the words on the door according to the instructions of the souls. When the last syllable fell, the golden gate opened inward, exposing an oblique upward passage made of small blocks of ashlar.

Ryan ordered a mummy to find the way as usual. The mummy was destroyed by an inexplicable force as soon as it stepped into the passage. He didn't even know where the force that destroyed the mummy came from.

"This is between the lives set by the Witch King back then." A soul's voice sounded in Ryan's mind, which was made by the old man's soul who had just been chosen to represent.

"Although I don't understand magic, I participated in the construction of this pyramid temple as a scholar. I was the last group of people killed back then because of a small mistake. Now I think it should be because of the plot of the Witch King to keep it secret. Simply kill all." The soul let out a bitter laugh and continued.

"But before I was killed, I had seen the design of this temple. Behind the golden gate is called" between life "and no undead creatures are allowed to enter. The magic on that golden gate simply doesn't allow that, some tried to enter at that time, probably because they were worried that we would choose to enter the Golden Gate to gain eternal silence after being tortured. In this way, no one would be left to guard his blood pool for the Witch King."

It seemed that these mummies could not be taken away, because after entering the pyramid, the Myriad Realms General Store considered him to be in combat mode, so Ryan couldn't put it into the Myriad Realms General Store.

After hearing this, Ryan and the others stepped into the tomb. At this time, Ryan discovered that the entire door was made of gold, the first beautiful metal that humans can use. The tomb owner's local tyrant's aura was revealed.

The entire tomb passage was emitting a slight white light, which formed a sharp contrast with the darkness and silence of the place where he had walked before. It seems that the owner of this tomb really believes that he can gain eternal life, so on the way into the tomb, he is completely dressed up according to the world of a living person.

Naturally, there is no trap mechanism in this section of the tomb. On one hand, the owner of the tomb may feel that the blood pool and devouring insects just now can kill all the uninvited guests, and the owner of such a large-scale tomb does not need to waste resources here to set up a second, similar defense. And for those who can break the prior defence, they'll naturally be able to break the second defence, it is better to display his authority by superfluous things.

On the other hand, he may feel that he is an immortal, and the tomb is his home. Normal people will only set traps outside their homes, and few people will set them in the living room. After confirming that there were no traps here, Ryan and Hermione sat down in the middle of the tomb and began to rest. Ryan took out a bottle of water from his bag and handed it to Hermione. After all, they have been walking here for more than an hour. So it is necessary to take a good rest before facing the next challenge.