HPMRS CH 190: The last trap!

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"What was the point of bringing everything with you? It's as though you were forewarned that something bad would happen today." After taking a sip of water, Hermione inquired.

"You guessed it," Ryan made a half-truth statement. "After all, this morning was unusual, so I expected something to happen on the way, but I didn't anticipate anything to actually happen." He shrugged his shoulders.

Hermione was wise enough to stop questioning Ryan after hearing his response. She sat calmly and closed her eyes to rest after sipping the water.

After resting for a few minutes, they packed up their things and continued to follow the road towards the main tomb. Although this is a tomb on the other side of the earth, many places still conform to the superstitions or what we call Feng Shui in China. Therefore, after a large number of forks appeared in the road ahead, Ryan chose the road leading to the tomb.

The more luxurious the road becomes as you progress because you're on the right path. A mosaic design began on both sides of the road, with gold and valuable stones added to the décor. Ryan, on the other hand, went right past them without straining his eyes. After all, who knows if the magical world has a permanent sticking curse that can't be erased by purification, or if the curse latches on to the person who touches these objects. Consider how many treasures are within grasp in the Tomb Raider novels. Treasures along the road are all kinds of traps, so Ryan isn't going to bother.

But looking at these good things but not being able to take them is also a psychologically irritating thing. Fortunately, after bypassing a huge stone pillar that tells the story of how the owner of the tomb was enshrined as a god step by step, they finally found one wide hall.

They should theoretically have traversed the entire pyramid based on the distance they have just travelled. They are, however, still at the bottom of the pyramid. The Golden Door is most likely a portal to a separate space, and this idea raises the level of this magical tomb. After all, opening up another space in an artificial space is a difficult task that can only be accomplished by wizards who have conducted extensive research in this field. can do this.

This hall is very similar to the square at the entrance of the pyramid, except that the totem poles on the square have been replaced by statues of indigenous wizards wearing crests and wands with feathers. A large wooden door stands at the far end of the hall, with a word engraved on it in an ornate sculpture: Kingdom Of God.

Behind this door should be the final destination the main tomb. After all, for an already mad wizard, the only place where he can think of as the kingdom of God is the place where he himself is.

According to the common bridge sections in the tomb robbery novel, if there is no defensive measure along the way to the tomb, it is likely that the last level of entering the tomb will be set up in this hall. Probably placed by some unfortunate people who joyfully stayed behind to accompany the owner of the tomb.

In a magical world, the danger level of these traps often rises by several levels.

This route has been as easy as an outing since entering the Golden Gate, making Ryan increasingly anxious. When he saw the doors in front of him, he intuitively realised that there had to be an issue here.

It would be stupid to cross the main hall directly now that there is uncertainty, especially when there is a stumbling block in his way. Ryan considered this and instructed Hermione to hide behind the pillar in front of her, telling her not to come out no matter what sound she heard, while Xiaoqing in micro form hid behind her to protect her.

Ryan grabbed a clone of Xiaoqing and hurled it into the hall, it bounced twice on the ground, and came to a halt in the centre of the hall on the road, but nothing occurred, even after waiting for a few minutes.

This is a bit embarrassing, but when Ryan was about to step into the hall, he suddenly stopped because he found something wrong: basically all the sculptures along the way were exaggerated abstract art with a local aboriginal style. Sculpture, that is to say, all the content on the sculpture is different from the real thing in the proportion of each part.

This is a little embarrassing, but just as Ryan was about to enter the hall, he immediately came to a halt because he noticed something odd: almost all of the sculptures along the path were overdone abstract art with a local aboriginal style.

Although these wizard sculptures in the hall now look exaggerated, their body proportions are basically the same as real people.

"Isn't it that?" Ryan whispered in his heart thinking of the content of a movie played by a major director in his life. But think about this tomb can kill 100,000 workers to make a pool of blood, don't think of 100k a little number, nowadays the human population is unprecedented, but just a thousand years ago the world population was below 350 million in his last life, it should be smiliar here too, this amount of people was enough to make an country or arm an empire.

Thinking of this, Ryan took out more than 30 jade charms the size of a thumb. Each of these jade charms is crystal clear, and if you look closely, you can faintly see golden lightning flowing inside.

"This is where Uncle nine's inventory will show it's true worth, I hope my guess is not true, or else I don't know when can I get something similar." Ryan split the Jade into similar sized proportions, he let Xiaoqing's clone put a jade talisman on each statue.

After getting ready, Ryan walked into the hall with a palm-sized jade medal in his hand. As soon as he stepped on the floor of the hall with one foot, the stone skins on the sculptures began to fall off. Ryan could even see some of the stone skins that had fallen off, revealing rotten fabrics and black skin.

"Northern ocean endless, the god of endless, the Big Dipper, Ruler of Time, Ruler of endless Space..." When Ryan noticed the predicament, he instantly recited the thunder spell, and and activated the jade amulet.

When the jade amulet was activated, the powerful energy contained in it was suddenly released, and the entire hall was flooded with golden lightning. Ryan had to squint his eyes to avoid being hurt by these strong electric lights.

Ten seconds later, the lightning storm in the hall finally ended, and all the corpses were burnt to coke.

Ryan was just about to step forward to clean up the battlefield, but found that from these dried corpses that had been burnt into coke, white soul fire was floating one after another. They are actually alive! Ryan opened his eyes wide in surprise, watching more and more soul fire floating out of the debris on the ground in front of him, and then slowly building a figure in the air. A few minutes later, more than 30 figures emitting milky white light were floating in the air. It seemed that the thunder infused with merit had not only destroyed those mummy corpses, but also purified the soul inside.

The leading wizard in a robe and a feather crown gave Ryan a gift, and then stood up and began to whisper. Fortunately, the souls at the door just now let Ryan understand their language, so he could understand what the wizard was saying.

According to the story, Ryan knew that these wizards were disciples or subordinates of the Witch King, and were later made by the Witch King into something called a cocoon. This kind of thing has a living soul, but the body is dead. After their bodies have died, they are deprived of control over their bodies, but they can still feel everything in the outside world, and the constant flow of energy in the blood pool outside the door prevents them from dying or madness, keeping them calm forever. Suffering from torment.

Because they have a living soul, they will not be destroyed by ramp. The living souls can also ensure that when outsiders enter this hall, they are flexible enough to cause serious losses to the intruder.

"Fortunately, I'm too cautious, or instead of living my life as a salted fish, I would have ended up becoming a fried salted fish... Instead of lying flat, I would have died flat." Ryan let out a sigh after listening to the narration of the soul in front of him. Even if their combat effectiveness is not as good as before being made into a cocoon, they are more than 30 in numbers and are enough to cause serious harm to him.