HPMRS CH 192: Blood God!

After giving himself and Hermione all the magic protection methods he had, they set foot on the steps of this golden pyramid temple.

Even little wizards like them can feel the majestic magic radiating from the building at the top of the pyramid, and naturally, their nerves are tense.

When walking on the stairs, Ryan discovered that the pyramid was a stone. It's just plated with a thick layer of gold.

But even if it is only plated with a layer of gold, this layer of gold may be about the same as the amount of gold currently reserved by the Commonwealth in the Fallout World.

We must know that the Commonwealth in the Fallout World has expanded to pre-war Washington and New York, and everyone has collected a lot of gold from those places.

But the gold in a relic of a thousand years ago can actually be compared with the gold reserves of the industrial age, this shows the power and prestige of the witch king back then.

While lamenting the local tyrant, the Witch King, they finally stepped onto the last step to the door of the building at the top of the pyramid.

Such a gorgeous door is actually made of wood, and even Ryan can smell the faint fragrance of wood.

But this kind of wood fragrance made Ryan feel even more terrifying, compared with everything below that had turned into ashes, the wood has been kept fresh for such a long time, one can easily be frightened by the awe of the powerful magic in architecture.

After checking repeatedly to determine that this was just an ordinary wooden door, Ryan took a deep breath to calm his spirits, and then yanked the door open.

Ryan had a lot of speculation about what was behind the door. For example, inside is a sacred temple, the Witch King sits high on the throne as a god.

It could also be that the Witch King was lying quietly in a multi-layered golden coffin, with countless puppets surrounding him.

Ryan even thought that the Witch King may have been able to travel to the Asian mainland in those days, so there may be some oriental designs inspired by his visit, maybe the ground is broken into different varieties of territory and forced together with gold chains, which is accompanied by reverse Gravity spells. Maybe the obsidian coffin containing the Witch-King was dragged by nine undead feathered snakes made into corpse puppets and flew in the hall.

In short, there are countless possibilities in this temple. But after opening the door, Ryan found that an old man with a red beard and hair, wrinkles on his face, and various gold, gemstones, and feather ornaments was sitting on the throne in the middle of the hall, and the most terrible thing was that. The old man on the throne is alive!

This was a scene that Ryan and the others had never thought of before: meeting the owner of the tomb, and the owner of the tomb was not dead but alive.

Obviously, in this case, saying sorry, closing the door and exiting, is simply impossible.

Think of a person who stayed in one place for more than a thousand years. At this time, someone rushed in and woke him up. Getting up after such a long time, so suddenly, being the ruthless Witch King, his wrath is not something that a normal person can handle. Thinking about the mummies, blood pools, and cocoons on the road just now, it seems that there is only one way to fight for life.

Thinking of this, Ryan squeezed a plan, and a bolt of lightning flew out. At this time, the person in the seat shouted: "Wait, little guys, this is not a place to fight."

At this time, Ryan had no time to take back his spell, but the spell that could severely wound the ordinary wizard suddenly disappeared less than a foot near the figure in the seat.

"Okay, little guy, stop, we have important things to do now." The old man said weakly after taking a few breaths.

Ryan also put down his arm and stopped the attack. After all, before he figured out why the attack was completely ineffective just now, it was basically impossible to cause harm to the old man in front of him.

Since the opponent has called to stop with such a big advantage, it is the best choice to stop and listen to what he says in this situation.

Now that the battle has stopped, Ryan took this opportunity to start to look at the situation in the hall.

After all, it is very necessary to confirm the surrounding environment under the current situation of unknown circumstances. If a fight breaks out, it will be useful whether you want to attack or run.

But just after taking a single glance, Ryan retracted his gaze. Because this space is too clean, how clean can it be? There was nothing but the blood-red throne in the middle of the room.

Yes, there is no sculpture, no furniture, and no daily necessities. Outside the flat stone floor and ceiling in this hall, there are only four equally flat walls, and the only decoration is the star map on the ceiling.

Ryan began to believe that this guy might really have become a god. After all, apart from this explanation, he couldn't figure out what other things besides the gods could sit in a chair for thousands of years while still staying alive normally. Ryan felt that if he were put here, even if magic could keep him alive for a thousand years, but if he sat there all day looking at this unchanging bare ground and wall, he would be crazy in less than a year.

The old man seemed to understand Ryan's mind. He chuckled lightly on it and said, "Don't try to understand the gods with the eyes of mortals like yours. You can't even imagine the power of gods."

Well, taking the previous words back, Ryan felt that the man in front of him was indeed crazy, and he excluded himself from the scope of normal people so quickly. And importantly, he felt that besides living a thousand years, this person didn't see any power beyond human beings.

After all, this is the world of magic. It is not difficult to say that philosopher stone and Horcruxes can make one immortal too, and it is not difficult for many powerful wizards to prepare in advance to catch his spell silently.

If he insists on asking, Ryan felt that the only thing he can't understand now is how he can achieve no lumbar spine problems and hemorrhoids without moving for a thousand years.

To appease those restless souls, Ryan asked: "Well, since you are God, why do you want to talk with a mere 'mortal'?"

"I see disrespect in your eyes, don't you know who I am?" After listening to Ryan's question, the old man sitting on the throne raised the scepter in his hand angrily and asked.

"Isn't it the witch king who used to rule this land a thousand years ago?"

"No, that's just my name when I was a human, and now I am called the Blood God."

Blood God, this title is a bit evil, and the title of the god in the legend also represents their position. In this way, if the person in front of him is a god, he should also be an evil god. Ryan thought silently in his heart, and suddenly he asked: "If you are really the blood god, why don't you ask the wizards above who are known as the blood god sect to serve you, and let me, an outsider, help you?"

"No, don't mention those guys, they all deserve to die." The old man who claimed to be the blood god must be angry after hearing Ryan's question. It seems that there should be a story between the guys above and him.