HPMRS CH 193: Secret weapon!

Maybe, the furious gesture just now made him feel like he's not acting like how gods should, the old man quickly calmed down, said: "Anyway, I have been waiting for thousands of years. Since there is no emergency and I'm a little bored, let me tell you the ins and outs of this matter."

"After I established the country back then, I have blessed the people here for nearly a hundred years. Later, I grew old and worried that no one could bless the country, so I began to travel around the world to find a way to keep myself alive."0

"After a difficult search, I finally found something that would make me immortal near an island in the northeast where the person of the same race as her's told me about the thing: the bloodstone." The old man pointed to Hermione.

"Bloodstone?" Ryan and Hermione looked at each other, and both shook their heads to indicate that they didn't know. This is no wonder, after all, most of the books they read belong to the publicly released books, and the things at the calibre of bloodstone level will not be recorded in these relatively popular books for commoners.

"Have you never heard of it? But it's okay and won't affect my story. It was an accident that I got the bloodstone. I was resting on a small island in the north of the island, in the sea, I saw nearby. There was a powerful wizard that I think in retrospect killed a huge blood-red octopus. After the octopus died, I felt that there was something he was looking for in its body, so I didn't know what the wizard was looking for, so I was interested and kept watching him from the distance. His face turned ugly as the blood-red stone flew out of the octopus towards me."

"The wizard may have thought that I took his trophy, and repeatedly said that this blood-red thing was an evil item and told me to give it back. I ignored him, and he kept chasing me afterward. Finally, I was able to reach the nearest Island from the previous Island, which was the mainland there, I successfully got rid of his pursuit, but he also caused me permanent damage."

"Dragging my broken body back here, I used the bloodstone to repair my injuries while building a real kingdom of gods: I opened up a new world with the power of the bloodstone and moved my servants here, to let them enjoy eternal life like me through some magical rituals. From that time on, I became a god."

Ryan felt that the souls in the sea of consciousness were even angrier at this time, but this self-proclaimed blood god did not notice this strangeness and was still immersed in his memories.

"But what I never expected is that the bloodstone has its own thoughts. With my use of its energy, it will even sometimes control me. The most important thing is that it used the opportunity to control me at an important juncture, blood Sacrifice magic circulated, it'll use me to form the blood Church, transform my followers and force them to do many evil things in my name."

"In the end, I discovered this matter, but at that time I and it had become one. After a battle, my capital was destroyed, and I and it were trapped here and suppressed by heavy seals."

"It is a pity that the seal cannot be as eternal as us. A few years ago, the Blood Stone even broke through the seal. Even if I blocked it back in time, it still sent a signal to summon the descendants of the Blood Church." "Unfortunately, my inheritors have been extinct, and now those who bear this banner are the running dogs of the Blood Stone."

"Now, they are controlling a powerful weapon with another group of people on it. Soon that weapon will use its power to completely destroy the seal here, and then it will replace me and become the Blood God."

"So boy, I need your help to help me destroy that weapon. As a reward, I will teach you what I have learned all my life."

Ryan didn't believe his words very much. But that weapon is likely to be used to attack the school. So letting them bite this dog is also a good alternative. Thinking of this, he asked the old man on the throne: "But there are many wizards there. I'm not an adult, so I can't beat them at all."

"It's simple, you don't need to confront them head-on. They should all be in the hall because that hall is the energy core area of the temple, and they extract huge energy from there to charge the weapons. It's just that I didn't notice when I was sleeping before. When I woke up, it was too late."

"Fortunately, now that I am awake. You are lucky to enter my kingdom of God to get this opportunity. As long as you can interrupt their ritual and stop them for ten seconds, I can manipulate the energy in the pyramid to kill them. After that, you will be able to get the grace I'll bestow on you."

After speaking, the old man patted the armrest of the throne, and a golden gate appeared in the hall. "If you use this gate, you will leave my kingdom of God and appear in the secret passage next to that hall. It's up to you."

He and Hermione came to the secret path through the Golden Gate, and Hermione asked uneasily beside her: "Do you think the man who claimed to be the blood god just now said the truth?"

"Probably not." Ryan said, "but these blood god cult guys are not good people, at least we have the same needs in eliminating the blood god cult."

After speaking, Ryan looked at the people in the hall through the peephole. Most of them were Blood God Cultists wearing blood-red robes, among them were Chimera Society members wearing various robes.

At this time, all the people in the hall gathered together and looked at the stage at the end of the hall. Ryan could vaguely hear the voice coming from the stage:

"In another half an hour, this powerful holy weapon will be fully charged. After that, we will use it to destroy the Castelobruxo to announce our rise to the world. From now on, we will live under the sun again without any fear."

"Hurray!" the people below cheered in various languages.

Ryan walked a few steps along the secret road and changed a peephole, and finally saw what was on the table:

A black cylinder with a height of more than five meters and a diameter of more than four meters is suspended in the air, looking like a big bell in a church or more like a magical clocktower. Countless blood-red rays of light projected from the surrounding walls to link to this thing, it should be charging it. At this time, the clock was vibrating quickly, visible to the naked eye, like a bound beast.

When Ryan cast his gaze to the top of this thing, the bronze anti-wright character on it explained the identity of this thing.

"The Nazi German Doomsday Clock of World War II?! Does this really exist? What exactly did Grindelwald do back then?"

Seeing Ryan's unusual look, Hermione leaned forward: "What's wrong? Do you need me to help you?"

"Nothing." Ryan continued to comfort Hermione. "You go to the innermost bunker and hide. I will take care of the rest."

Hermione also knew the situation at this time, nodded, and ran to the innermost bunker to hide.

Ryan estimated the distance and then fumbled for the space bag while muttering: "Fortunately, I brought this thing with me, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to handle the 30- odd people below."