HPMRS CH 194: Round 1! Fight!

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Ryan fumbled in the space pocket and pulled out an iron shelf which was taller than half of his height with a yellow gas cylinder. Later, he pulled out a shell the size of an ostrich egg.

"If it weren't for me being a Minutemen general, I wouldn't have been able to get such a good thing. I just don't know how effective this thing is for wizards?" Ryan thought while loading the fat nuclear bomb and then carried the launcher to the secret door.

A deep breath after a short breath for stability, Ryan opened the secret door directly in front of the other party, before giving them any chance to react he fired the little nuke on the crowd gathered there, then quickly closed the door. After closing the door, Ryan heard the sound of several spells hitting the door, followed by an explosion. Even if he was far away and behind a stone wall protected by magic, Ryan could feel a slight vibration.

The magic attack only paused for a second or two, and then another magic or two hit the stone wall. But as the ten-second countdown ended, the whole space returned to silence after a few screams.

Ryan looked out through the peephole again and found that the Doomsday Clock had been tilted to one side, and the bright red light connected to it had completely disappeared. The place where people stood under the Doomsday Clock platform has become a pile of black and gray, and four figures are standing motionless on the platform, but each of them is pale as if all the blood in their bodies has disappeared.

Ryan opened the secret door and used life magic to investigate the four figures on the stage, only to find that all four were dead.

"What kind of magic is this?" Ryan gasped. Now the situation is very clear. The wizards below were killed by the nuclear bomb. But those guys above didn't know how to control the explosion of the nuclear bomb, and then attacked the place where Ryan had just appeared. But when they started the assault, the pyramid's defensive magic killed them.

Thinking of that guy called the Blood God being able to control the defense magic of the pyramid, he's certainly more powerful than previously imagined.

Because he didn't know what traps were still in this hall, Ryan did not dare to go out and pick up the spoils. And was called together with Hermione through the door back to the hall.

What they didn't know was that when they had just left, the remains in the hall slowly disappeared, and at the same time everything in the hall was restored to its original state, and only the Doomsday Clock was left crooked there.

Before returning to the hall, Ryan quietly held something in his left hand, and then hid his left hand in his sleeve. As soon as he entered the hall, the guy sitting on the throne happily stood up and stood up and said: "Very well, you have cleared the obstacles for me, and the blood god will re-rule this land. And I will give to you the glory of being able to be at this God's side eternally."

After speaking, a strong soul fluctuation swept from the throne, and Ryan immediately felt his head dizzy. Fortunately, he finally regained control of his body under the shouts of Taoist's Mind, Consciousness Sea, and a lot of souls, occlumency would have protected him better here, but Hermione next to him was in a daze, and it seemed that she should be under the control of this blood god.

"Ah, since the traitors of the Blood God Sect betrayed, I have never seen such good test subjects. You, come up and let me take a good look." The old man on the throne pointed to Ryan and drank.

Ryan who was concealing something walked slowly to the front of the throne with empty dazed eyes pretending to be under control.

"Let me see..." The old man on the throne had just come up with a plate of obsidian and he let Ryan hold it with his right hand, then looked down at the obsidian plate like he was analyzing something, but as he just put his hand on the stone, he heard the sound of the mechanism starting with a click. Then a knife suddenly popped out of the right arm under the obsidian and pierced his heart, forcing him to turn sideways to avoid the blow.

But he didn't expect that Ryan's left hand would extend from the sleeve at the same time, what this hand held was the jade medallion from before, then the jade medal was shattered, and the large group of lightning blew the two people away from the throne. Taking advantage of this Chaos, Xiaoqing, who had been hiding on Hermione, formed a set of armor on her body and led her out of the temple.

Ryan, who now didn't have to play safe, just stood up holding his bloody left hand and saw the old man lying motionless there. The blood-red throne slowly squirmed, and finally formed a human form composed of blood.

Sure enough, the real body is the throne, putting up a fake front, he's too cunning, no wonder he was able to rule the land in his era as a king.

But a guy who can kill 100,000 innocent humans, even his own daughter, and wife, how can he be a good person. In addition, since he entered the main hall of the temple until now, he hasn't left his throne no matter what happened. Isn't that strange?

So now is the time to fight, Ryan endured the pain and took out a bunch of jade charms and threw it towards the blood human figure in front of him. With a crackling sound, a lot of thunder and lightning burst out and left scorching marks on him. These scars disappeared as soon as a new layer of blood brushed up.

"It's useless, I'm a god. How can a mortal hurt a god? You have successfully angered me now." After saying that the blood man folded his hands together, and then slowly moved them. A blood-red staff appeared in his hand.

"Do you know what you just did? Originally, I was about to swallow everything that the Witch King arranged in this tower and successfully forge my own body. With the body, I will become a real and proper god! But you bugs have delayed me by another five hundred years."

While speaking the blood man waved his staff, a crescent-shaped bloody breath went straight to Ryan. Ryan rolled to the side and avoided the attack, the attack was so close he almost lost his life.

"I swear, I will drain your and your companions blood while keeping you alive. Then I will turn you into cocoons and let your souls wail in them for a thousand years, no for tens of thousands of years." In the end, a lot of swear words were sprayed. After coming out, it was obvious that he was going crazy.

Wait, the one in front of him is not the Witch King, but the Blood Origin Stone that was refined. Ten thousand years isn't he overreacting.

The Great Sage had only been suppressed for five hundred years. But then again, stones are stones, some are precious, others are waste. A Monkey demon turned into Monkey King after about a thousand years. Your bloodstone is this kind of inferior garbage, even your own shape has not been defined.

Ryan slandered while circumventing the main hall while avoiding the attacks of the blood figure. From time to time, he also fired spells to hit him and caused wounds on his body. It is a pity that no matter how many wounds are caused, they will disappear in less than ten seconds.

Ryan was very nervous because the souls he had seen before proved that his attacks were not in vain. But, if he couldn't hold it, he could only use the escape system of the General Store to run away.

But after chasing for a while, the blood figure stood back to the original position, and then raised the stick in his hand and slammed the ground.

Ryan thought he wanted to send out a big AOE move, scared Ryan put up severe defenses in front of him at a high pace. But there was no attack, but a circular black hole was exposed directly above the blood man on the ceiling of the main hall.

Soon a trace of blood-red breath flew from the black hole into the blood figure. If Ryan could see the situation outside, he would find that the blood pools in every blood god sect secret stronghold were slowly drying up. At the same time, many wizards who had practiced the blood god sect's unique magic suddenly found that the blood in their bodies began to boil. Evaporating and dissipating.

"These traitors thought they could steal God's power, but today they all have to pay it back, with interest."

The blood god stood there holding a staff with both hands and shouted, and Ryan could also feel the intensity of the energy in him getting higher and higher.