What a great body, I will make good use of it!

support for consistency p@treon.com/Tempestpanda

inflation is High and i am getting paid a lot somewhere else doing something i like

so if you want consistency ya all need to give me a lot of money



The corpse of the Witch-King on the ground began to tremble slowly after the blood was injected. Hermione saw that the situation was not good and raised her wand to cast several spells on the body of the Witch King.

Although a lot of things were shot, it still couldn't stop the corpse from slowly getting up.

Ryan's magic circulation in his body was temporarily disrupted because of the backlash of the spell just now, so he could only draw out the liberator in his left hand and shoot at the rising corpse. After emptying a clip, successfully destroying the left arm of the corpse. It fell to the ground all of a sudden because of the imbalance.

When Ryan was hurriedly changing the magazine, the corpse who had just fallen to the ground because of the broken arm stood up, and then a thick cloud of blood poured out from the wound and glued the broken arm back to its shoulder. When it raised his face to look towards the attacker, Ryan and Hermione were scared shitless.

Unlike the majestic old man with red hair and beard just sitting on the throne, it may be that this body quickly rotted away from the powerful magic protection of the bloodstone. Ryan could see carrion falling piece by piece from his face.

"Incendio." Hermione's spell struck him. The spell burned his clothes, but when it reached the skin, it quickly extinguished, leaving only scorch the size of a bowl. Unfortunately, this still could not stop him from moving forward.

"Petrificus Totalus." Another spell was hit, but this time this purely controlling spell had no effect at all. It still walked firmly toward the two people step by step. Ryan emptied the magazine again, but unfortunately, the strength of the leg bones was stronger than the arm bones. The bullets left many bone scars on the corpse's legs, but they still couldn't stop the living corpses from approaching.

Ryan found that the corpse of the Witch King attached to the bloodstone was rapidly decomposing, so for the blood stone, it probably needed a new body, thinking of this, he decided to take a gamble. "You get out of the way first, I can deal with it." Ryan stood up with Hermione's help and then whispered to Hermione. Hermione shook her head and stubbornly continued to cast spells on the living corpse. In desperation, Ryan could only knock Hermione out with the back of the knife temporarily, and then propped up his body and dragged himself to meet the living corpse.

As soon as he approached the living corpse, he was lifted up by the living corpse, Ryan's collar was grabbed by the corpse's right arm. Ryan could even smell the rotting breath from this arm.

Enduring the tingling of the meridians, he ran the Purple cultivation power to form an internal breathing cycle, thus the suffocation because of the strangling of his neck, disappeared. At this time, the living corpse opened its mouth and said with a harsh voice that resembled chalk scratching a blackboard: "You, now it will be mine. What a great body, I will make good use of it."

After speaking, it opened its mouth abruptly, the skin of the corners of the mouth that was beginning to rot was completely torn apart, and the chin was directly attached to the neck, and the whole mouth opened like a snake at a hundred and twenty degrees. Ryan could see a thick cloud of blood tumbling in his throat. (N: Orochimaru is that you?)

At this time, the living corpse stretched out his left hand and tried to squeeze Ryan's mouth. It seemed that the blood in its throat was the original blood stone, but it lost all its defenses under the bombardment of God's punishment, and only was left with the most fragile ontology.

This opportunity was so great, Ryan jerked his hand directly into the living corpse's mouth. Then a signal was sent to the sea of consciousness: "The time for revenge is here!"

Numerous demon devourers in the state of soul sprayed out from the sea of consciousness of Ryan, and then followed Ryan's arm straight into the body of the blood stone.

"No!" The Blood Stone uttered a stern cry, but it was no longer able to stop anything from happening. Although each soul eater can only wipe away a little bit after hitting its body and then disappear in smoke, they still rush to the blood source stone one after another, and Ryan can even vaguely hear the completely disappeared soul eater. The hearty laughter of the souls ringing, their final wishes, at last, has been fulfilled.

The scream of the blood stone became smaller and smaller and finally returned to nothingness.

The whole body also slowly burned from the inside out. The light blue flame burned more and more vigorously, and slowly extinguished until the entire body was burned to ashes.

After the flame was extinguished, dots of light like fireflies floated from the ashes. These dots of light gathered together and then stopped, and then a dot of light flew out of the inside and became a female soul.

Apparently, Ryan recognized that she was the soul of the previous storyteller who claimed to be the daughter of the Witch King.

"Thank you." The soul performed an ancient courtesy to Ryan. "Thank you for helping my father be completely liberated, and completely wiped out my father's enemies and revenge for my father. At the same time, other people also want me to tell you, thank you for helping them complete their revenge."

"As a thank you, we have prepared some gifts for you." After speaking, the soul beckoned, and two drops of blood flew out of the ashes on the ground. "The evil soul on that stone has been completely wiped out, but this little essence can be given to you. It can help you strengthen the magic power in your blood and help you gain some new power at the same time."

Because the residual power of Heaven's Punishment is still running in Ryan's body, Ryan can easily judge that the energy contained in these two drops of blood is beneficial and harmless to them.

So he didn't stop her and let two drops of blood smoothly enter the two of them.

Sure enough, after the blood entered the body, Ryan felt that his injury had healed a lot. At the same time, he could feel that some impurities in the blood were being removed, and some strange power surged up.

After watching Ryan accept the gift, the light spots that these souls turned into circled him a few times and then slowly dissipated. Before completely dissipating, the soul of the Witch King's daughter said to Ryan: "This so-called kingdom of God is supported by the power of the blood stone. After the blood stone is destroyed, it will return to chaos soon. On the largest floor tile where the throne is located, the door to the outside world can be opened. At the same time, there is a small floor tile next to the largest floor tile, underneath it is all the belongings of the blood stone."

After speaking, the soul of the Witch King's daughter waved to Ryan and disappeared. Ryan walked to the gate of the palace and looked out. Sure enough, the space began to shrink slowly. A large amount of gray mist poured in from all directions, constantly devouring the existing space.

Now was the time for evacuation, fortunately, the damage on his physical body has completely been restored by that drop of blood. He awoke Hermione, and then came to the floor tile with her a little confused.

Ryan pried open the small floor tile first, only to find that there was only one animal skin bag inside.

Regardless of the inspection, he first hung the animal skin bag on his waist, and then infused the magic into the largest floor tile.

With the input of a little magic power, a beam of golden light shot down from the position of Sirius in the star map at the top of the hall, creating a golden gate out of thin air in the center of the hall. After Ryan and Hermione passed through the gate, the gate disappeared. After a while, the gray mist poured into the hall, swallowing the entire space and obliterating everything that had existed here.