HPMRS: Escape!

Crossing the golden gate, Ryan was surprised to find that they came to an underground space. In the middle of the space, there was a normal-sized pyramid that was only a dozen meters high. There were some people in red robes around, it wasn't clear what they were doing.

And in the square in front of the pyramid, there was a continuously rotating black hole ejecting all kinds of things, and Ryan even saw the doomsday clock being ejected.

It seems that it was not only the so-called kingdom of God that collapsed but also the outer space where the pyramid was built with a height of a kilometer. When Ryan was thinking about it, several people rushed out of the black hole, and then the black hole closed.

It seems that these in fact should be the remaining personnel in that space that moved out all the important things after discovering that the situation was not right, and then escaped.

One of those who ran out yelled out loud and said: "not good, an enemy to sneaked into the temple and somehow triggered the authority of the blood in the temple to prevent the doomsday clock of empowerment, they've killed the president, and destroyed that space."

As soon as the words fell, the members of the Blood God Sect in the red robe on the square began to panic. At this moment, another person came out of a small hole next to this place and shouted: "No, damnit. The professors of Hogwarts and Castelobruxo have been sighted nearby, and I saw their team escorting our companions who had attacked them before, and soon they will find us."

Hearing this news, the square became more chaotic. At this moment, a loud-chanting voice suddenly resounded: "Avada Kedavra "

Green light flared and it hit the man in the square shouting the loudest, everyone immediately stopped the panic, the square was enshrouded in silence.

"All of you mudafukas just shut up and listen to me!" A man in blood-red robes with gold-rimmed edges, who was apparently a middle-aged man came out of the temple from the top of the pyramid." The situation is not so bad now. There are enough traps and guards at our entrance, and it'll take a lot of effort for them to get in. We still have enough time to prepare."

The middle-aged man looked at the mob underneath and found that they had calmed down, so he then ordered: "Gilberto, you take ten people with you to guard the door and try to hold them back. The rest will come with me to find the destroyer inside the temple, from the original temple the only exit is here, and here only, also apparition is restricted, the destroyer must still be here. Aurors will only send their topmost elite to do such an impossible task, we just have to catch the person, since the person completed the mission, he or she will be paraded as an international hero, they'll surely exchange our security for this person's life, and we will be able to negotiate with them on our terms."

As soon as the voice fell, the ferocious-looking man and ten wizards ran out, and the rest completely dispersed, it seemed that they are preparing to hunt Ryan and Hermione.

Look at their numbers? Some 20 to 30 adult wizards came to catch two underage little wizards? Don't they have any sense of pride or self-respect? Ryan murmured secretly while using the caves around this place to hide from the pursuers with Hermione, they were technically playing hide and seek. In the process of escaping, Ryan discovered an unfortunate situation: because his injury was a bit serious, he can only maintain his normal third and fourth-year magic power level for one month from now.

After all, he used a spell that was far beyond his power level. In this case, it is already a very good result that the injury can be completely recovered. But for him, who is currently running, having this level of magic power is not something that's favorable to him.

With the help of Illusion Charm, the two of them also avoided a wave of wizards who were chasing after them. But later, a pale and very weak wizard who was chasing after them, cut his arm and let out blood, and then chanted a spell on his blood.

The blood on the ground quickly turned into a palm-sized blood moth. After hovering for a while, it quickly flew towards Ryan and Hermione, and the wizards behind them also chased up like they found a treasure.

Damn, the invisibility charm can't hide the smell of people, this is terrible. Ryan slowly raised his arm to aim at the nearest guy who was chasing and fired a stun spell, then pulled Hermione up and ran away.

"They are there, don't let them run." The effect of the invisibility spell still exists, making it impossible for the trackers behind to determine the true identity of Ryan and Hermione, but the invisibility effect of the spell itself is completely destroyed. Soon this group of wizards caught up.

After taking a few turns, suddenly another group of wizards emerged from the front and aimed at Ryan, and fired a spell. Fortunately, because of the previous practice, the two flexibly dodged the curses. But with this delay, the chasing enemies from behind were also almost there, and the two of them were trapped in this corridor.

"Alohomora." Hermione chanted a charm, pointing to an iron door next to her. The door opened, and the two immediately got in.

"Lumos." Ryan raised his wand and began to stare around, and he saw a lot of the heap in the corner of the bag and a room and a wooden stand, it is clear that this is a warehouse.

"Incarcerous." Ryan and Hermione locked the door with magic, and then piled the shelves behind the door with a floating spell. The strange thing was that the wizard outside did not blow the door open at this time.

But Ryan soon understood why. After he used the immortal cultivation magical technique, he heard a somewhat sharp voice coming from outside the door: "Don't use explosive spells. The people inside have to live. If they die, we can't threaten the outsiders or the group of Aurors." Soon, one spell after another hit the door, and Ryan felt that the protective spell they had previously released on the door was faltering.

So he raised his wand and tried to reinforce the protection spell on the door, but because they are is significant differences between Ryan's strength compared to the outsiders, also there was the difference in numbers, even if Ryan and Hermione took turns in reinforcing the protection spell, they'll dry out their magical reserves before the outsiders.

Finally, the protective spell on the door disappeared. After a few seconds of silence, more than a dozen spells hit the door at the same time, leaving a dozen or so dents on the iron door. At this time, Ryan and Hermione had no magic power to strengthen their defenses. Fortunately, the iron gate blocked the first round of attacks, but it was very likely that the iron gate would collapse in the next or so round.

As soon as the first round of attacks was over, Ryan knew that he couldn't hold on to it, so he could only adopt the last plan. He communicated with the Myriad Realms General Store to prepare for an emergency escape. Just as he was about to go and grab Hermione, he saw her suddenly walking towards the door. Ryan grabbed her and asked, "What are you doing?"

Hermione, who was pulled back, twitched her nose and said, "After all, the notice me not charm didn't disappear when we ran away. The people outside may not know how many of us we have. If I go out now to lead them away, you might be safe."

"Stupid girl." Ryan shook his head with a smile, and then took Hermione's hand and said: "I have a magic that will help us escape. You just need to close your eyes. If you feel anything pulling you, don't resist. Believe in me! We can escape."

Hermione closed her eyes as he said, and Ryan immediately launched the emergency escape. A golden light flashed and two people disappeared from the warehouse.

As soon as they disappeared, a new round of magic hit the iron gate. The iron gate couldn't hold it anymore, and it collapsed suddenly and aroused a lot of dust. Before the dust fell, the wizards outside swarmed in. But they found that the warehouse was empty, and the invisible people who had escaped into the warehouse have completely disappeared as if they were ghosts.