Unexpected gains!

"Are you the said wizard who can ease our pain?" Ryan was looking for the furniture in a corridor decorated with paintings and sculptures. A female voice suddenly came from above his head.

"Well, if there is no other wizard in the castle, then it should be me." Ryan replied while looking up, feeling a little smug, only to find a white feather duster like a bird flying in the air.

It seems that the witch who imposes the curse is quite creative, at least he would never think of this aspect of turning feathers into birds.

Thinking of this, Ryan quickly pulled back his thoughts from running the wrong way, and then said: "In fact, we have just worked out the mitigation magic, but now we need someone to help test the effect."

"Then please, experiment on my body." Feather's duster suddenly flew in front of Ryan and said. "I feel that my body is getting stiffer and stiffer, and I feel like I'm about to fall from the sky."

"Okay, it's a pity that this magic is not well tested though, I hope you can forgive me if things go otherwise." After speaking, Ryan took out his wand and drew silver runes in the air. The process continued like last time, but this time Ryan added a little Taoist power with it.

As the last syllable fell, the rune culture in the air turned into a silver light spot and sank into the feather duster in front of him. After a sharp pause, the feather duster fell to the ground with a snap.

My spell should be fine, Ryan was sweating as he thought about it. Fortunately, the feather duster fluttered again at this time, and it looked more flexible than before.

"Ah, I can feel a lot lighter on my body, thank you so much. Wait for me, I will help you call my other companions." After finishing speaking, the feather duster flew away along the corridor.

Soon a lot of furniture gathered in the hallway, and the chaos made Ryan a little frantic.

Fortunately, the butler candlestick was very prestigious and well versed in etiquettes. He took Ryan into the hall, and then made all the furniture line up to receive Ryan's treatment.

After alleviating the curse on Seven or Eight Furniture, Hermione walked downstairs to join the busy work.

"I thought you and Belle were enjoying talking with each other, why are you here?" Ryan asked curiously.

"I thought you might be busy, so here I am to help you. Besides, Bell is going to find Mr. Beast. I always to leave them some personal space."

The work carried on until the sun went down, and the hundreds of pieces of furniture in the castle were blessed with curse-relieving magic. When everything was over, Ryan found that both his and Hermione's voices were a bit hoarse.

"I'm really sorry, so please use some of the drinks we prepared first." After finishing the magic, Ryan and Hermione came to the Great Hall. They came early and there was no one at the table.

As soon as they sat at the table, the candlestick butler ordered a cup of mint tea. While drinking tea, Bell and Beast discussed the contents of the book and walked into the Great Hall.

"Oh, two new guests. Before I couldn't personally thank you, it was a bit rude of me. Well, now enjoy the dinner." Then the wild beast sitting on his chair looked at Ryan. When he turned his gaze towards Hermione's face, he was suddenly startled, after all, he hadn't looked at Ryan and Hermione carefully before. So at this time, it was natural to be surprised by seeing a girl who looked a lot like Belle.

"If it weren't for knowing that you are from afar, I would have thought you are Belle's younger sister." After speaking, the beast smiled and enlivened the atmosphere at the table.

"In fact, we are quite similar to sisters. Apart from our looks, both of us like reading too." Belle raised her eyebrows and said.

Ryan felt that this sentence was very reasonable, especially when she put a book next to her when she was eating, it seemed that the two people were really alike. It felt like the will of the universe itself accepted this coincidence.

Of course, the face of the beast on the table is buried in the soup basin, making half of the face look like borscht, which is really not elegant. But you have to admit that the servants in this castle are not inferior to the house-elves of Hogwarts in the cooking department.

After returning to the guest room, Ryan and Hermione studied for a while and went to bed after studying the wonderful runes today. As a result, Ryan was woken up by Hermione knocking on the door early the next day.

"What's the matter this time? I'll definitely be nervous every morning if you do it this way every day." Ryan quickly cleaned up and opened the door. It turned out that Hermione was standing outside, but her face was full of panic. It seems like she's worried mad.

"What happened? You seem to be in a bad mood." After speaking, Ryan walked to the table in the living room, took a set of tea sets from the polychrome plate on the table, and then picked up the teapot and poured a cup of black tea. He stretched out her hand across the table to signal Hermione to sit down. "Don't be nervous, take a sip of tea and speak slowly."

After sitting down, Hermione held the teacup at the height of her chest with both hands. After calming down her emotions, she said with a trembling voice, "This morning I suddenly found that I could manipulate my blood, and a lot of blood magic knowledge poured into my mind. Am I being possessed by the blood god in that temple?"

After speaking, she was worried that Ryan won't believe her so she bit her finger. As she anticipated, she manipulated a drop of blood from that wound, the drop of blood was suspended in the air, and then it twirled around her finger. "You see, that's it. I don't need any magic, just rely on my intention to direct my blood."

It seemed that this was the gift that the souls killed by the blood god gave them at the end. Thinking of this, Ryan also made a wound on his finger.

Sure enough, after a drop of blood rolled out, Ryan found that he had a lot of blood-related magic in his mind. Soon, Ryan could also make this drop of blood circle his fingers.

"What the hell is going on?" Hermione asked in surprise as she watched the scene with her eyes wide open.

"This is a gift of magic, a gift that can be hidden in the blood and passed down." After speaking, Ryan roughly explained the love and hatred between the victims in the temple and the blood god, and for them. The process by which they got the gift as a commission for revenge.

Finally, he concluded: "That actually two drops of blood that we got only recorded a part of the knowledge of blood god, but the real value has been given by hundreds of thousands of soul that we liberated, their magic gave us strength, because they are people related to the blood god, so this power is naturally related to the manipulation of blood, giving us a type of magical ability, just like the ability of many Magical Creatures."

"The most powerful thing about this gift is that because the overall strength of the giver has exceeded a certain upper limit. So this power is branded in our blood, and it can be passed on from generation to generation through bloodline inheritance."

"Wait, you said can be passed on from generation to generation?" Hermione suddenly reacted in a violent voice. "Why does it sound similar to that theory of pure-blood wizard?"