History and forgotten booty!

Hermione seemed to have thought of something because of the gift and looked at Ryan with wide eyes in disbelief. Ryan nodded with a serious face.

"Your guess may be true. Our act of accepting this gift should be very similar to the ancestors of the pure-blood family who gained distinctive power because of mixing up with the blood and inheritance of mystical magical creatures or by signing some pact and becoming the progenitors of pure-blood wizards. If explained scientifically, it is a kind of Targeted gene mutation."

Speaking of this, Ryan remembered what Slytherin had left in his secret room about human body modification, and paused for a while before continuing: "Of course not all pure-blood families have gained this power by signing contracts with powerful beings. Some powerful wizards have also kept their power in their blood through their research, and passed it on from generation to generation."

"After possessing this kind of power inherited by blood, the ancestors of these pure-blooded wizard families gained an unprecedented advantage. After all, at that time, wizards were also in the groping period for the application of magic power, relying on the power of blood inheritance they ensured that the family will not cut off the inheritance for various reasons."

"After establishing an advantage, they naturally obtained more resources, and the more resources, the greater the advantage. In such a virtuous circle, the family power also expanded like a snowball and finally formed the pure rule of the British wizarding world we see today, Bloodline families. They are called pure blood because in the early years they had to resort to close relatives to marry to preserve the power in their bloodlines."

"However, over time, even the power in the blood of close relatives will gradually fade. Your parents are dentists, so you should know that incest increases the chances of many things going wrong. So a large number of Pure-Blooded families have to choose other Pure-Blooded or even hemp wizards to marry with, but because they had accumulated enough advantages before, even if the power in the bloodline disappeared completely, it did not affect their dominant position.

There are naturally stubborn families, but they are slowly disappearing in the long river of history. So that now I know that there are only two families left to pass on the power of the ancestors in the bloodline."

"Wait, the one whose name should not be spoken was born parseltongue, maybe his family is one of the families that inherited the power of the bloodline." Hermione asked his question after listening to Ryan's explanation.

"You are right. I looked through the old newspapers in the school library and found out that the Gaunt family is from Slytherin. It's just that from the newspaper a hundred years ago, that family reported irritability and mental problems probably caused by prolonged incest, they were famous for keeping their bloodline pure, until 50 years ago that family completely disappeared, the last member was imprisoned in Azkaban for killing Muggles and finally died there. The other bloodline user is our Headmaster Dumbledore's, with ancestral Phoenix, fortunately, their family has signed a long-term contract with Phoenix, so there is no need to marry close relatives like the Gaunt family."

"So it's like this." Hermione nodded, then picked up the teacup and started drinking tea quietly. It was only at this time that Ryan realized that in addition to these two drops of blood, he had also obtained something from the pyramid as trophies. It's just that after arriving in this world, he has been a little busy, and has been ignoring the existence of this trophy.

Hermione was sipping hot tea when she heard a sudden cuddle. She followed the sound and saw Ryan take out a dirty animal skin pocket from his belt and place it on the table.

"What is this?" Hermione asked curiously, fanning the dust with her left hand.

"Last time I took some spoils of the blood god in the temple, I was so busy before that I completely forgot about it. I just remembered it. Let's see what's inside?"

This is the time to open the mystery box, and Ryan rubbed his hands and prayed before opening it.

What surprised him is that although this pocket is a space bag, the space inside is very small, at most, it is a bit larger than a normal school bag.

"Why is the space so small?" Ryan complained feeling a little disappointed, where are the world rings that MCs get.

"You should know that the space equipment that can be carried with you was very scarce a thousand years ago. At that time, it was popular to use certain natural space-powered creatures as a space bag. For example, the one in front of us obviously used the skin of the magical beast and was thus shrunk to the size of a palm with a special method." Hermione said after placing the teacup on the saucer.

Sure enough, Ryan looked carefully and found the animal's limbs and tail from the bag, and the animal's mouth was made into the opening of the bag.

"How do you know that?"

"Obviously this is what was taught in class. It is clear that you didn't listen carefully in Professor Binns's class. He specifically mentioned this when he talked about the magical world thousands of years ago." Hermione said quickly.

"Blame it on the boring class, don't blame it on me." Ryan shrugged. "Apart from you, I really can't think of anyone who listens to his whole class carefully."

After speaking, Ryan took out a forearm-length plain gold box and a few medicine bottles made of natural crystals. Through the bottles, he could see some dark things piled up at the bottom of the bottles.

"This should be the blood of some magical creature, but it has been so long, it probably has gone foul." Ryan observed several bottles and then pulled the corks off, and put the bottles aside after sniffing. Then brought the gold box over.

There was only one buckle on the gold box. Ryan walked to the middle of the living room with the gold box and opened the buckle by magic.

As soon as the lid of the box was opened, a dead scorpion fell out.

"This is a very rare rune gold scorpion, very poisonous. It should be the little pet of the witch king, but unfortunately, it couldn't save the witch king from the evil stone." As Ryan said that to Hermione, as he was talking, The dead scorpion quickly weathered into a pile of ashes.

Ryan took the box and returned to the edge of the table. There was a silver dagger in the box, and a lot of words were engraved on the lid of the box.

After reading it for a while, he discovered that this was actually a letter, which described how he was injured in the process of taking the bloodstone. And this box contained the weapon that hurt him back then, and he vowed that one day he would poke this weapon back into the person who injured him.

"It seems that the bloodstone was found in Europe because this dagger is obviously European style." After taking the dagger out, Ryan looked at the silver dagger encrusted with rubies and said. "I think we found a good thing." Hermione picked up the dagger and looked at it carefully, then said a little excitedly.

"Oh, when did you learn the skill appraisal?" Ryan asked curiously. Because from this dagger, he can only be sure that it is in the European medieval style and may have come from the hand of a wizard, and can't judge the rest. So he was curious how Hermione identified it.

"Hey, isn't it clear?" Hermione pointed to the guard part of the dagger, and Ryan realized that there was a string of letters engraved on it.

"I was a little careless." Ryan took the knife to look at those letters, on the rear guard he was surprised to find on the handle of the dagger there was an engraved text with a very familiar name: Godric Gryffindor.