
As we all know, Castelobruxo was established in the Amazon rainforest. In the southern hemisphere, the hottest time of the year is December.

But the wizards are wizards after all, when Ryan and Hermione walked out of the school hospital to the Great hall. They found that there was a thick layer of snow that was not melting on the ground close to the Great hall. Snowflakes continued to fall from the ceiling.

"This is really magical." Even if one knows that this is the effect of magic, one can feel that the scenery in front is extremely mesmerizing.

Just because the medical examination body took some time, when they arrived at the hall, already a lot of people were sitting there. Even though most of the students have gone home for the holidays, many students still stayed to attend this Christmas party as a farewell banquet for Hogwarts exchange students.

The entire Great hall was decorated with the power of magic and with various plants everywhere; pillars and walls were covered with green climbing vines, and clusters of small flowers bloomed on the climbing vines. The ground is covered with a layer of soft moss, stepping on it, you'd feel like you're walking on the best Persian carpet. Various Christmas decorations are hung among the plants, setting a strong festive atmosphere.

When Ryan and Hermione found their classmates at Hogwarts to sit at the table, they could feel that many eyes were fixated on them. They chatted with a few classmates normally, pretending to ignore the gazing.

A moment later, Headmaster Fernand and a few people came in from a side door onto the ceremony stage. At this moment, Cho Chang next to them said: "Hey, aren't those Professor McGonagall and Minister Fudge. Why are there so many people here today, what's the matter?"

"It's nice to see everyone together." headmaster Fernand first spoke. "Especially the exchange students who came from the UK this semester added a new touch to our school..."

The official rhetoric all around the world is so boring. Ryan saw that most of the students were quietly doing their own things underneath, so he took out an empty notebook and began to figure out the usage of a technique in Grindelwald's notes.

As he was studying for a while, headmaster Fernand raised his voice and said: "In view of the performance of some outstanding students in the last school crisis, Wizengamot will award them the Merlin Medal."

After speaking, the headmaster made a request. To the British Ministry of Magic, Fudge, he was wearing a pinstripe cloak and a green ribbon with a gold medal on his chest, and stood in front of the podium and began to talk endlessly, speaking from Brazil and the United Kingdom. The importance of communicating with each other to the younger generation of wizards, blah blah blah, ya ya ya ya, all we ever hear from you is blah blah blah...

Finally, Fudge came on the real deal: "Now please Hogwarts third-year student Ryan Liang, and Hermione Granger, come to the stage, because of their brilliant performance in the last event, I will represent Wizengamot and award them the Merlin Medal."

The two stood up and walked to the stage amidst the envious eyes and applause of everyone. After saluting the teachers on the stage, they stood in front of Fudge.

"Thank you for your extraordinary courage and sacrifice in the process of destroying the blood god sect and destroying the nefarious plot of theirs." After saying that Fudge put a purple ribbon gold medal on Ryan, and a white ribbon gold medal on Hermione, then took the lead and applauded.

Amid the applause, several reporters began to take photos to record this scene. They pressed the shutter desperately and endlessly to record this important moment from different angles.

"Hey! See how young they are, they have made such a great contribution at such a young age! It's incredible!" This was the admiration of some guests on the podium.

"Why are only the British people who made great contributions getting awarded, shouldn't teachers who put their life on line be awarded as well, I smell racism?" This is the speech of some Castelobruxo students who were salty.

"Merlin's beard, there are actually third-year students who can participate in such a fierce battle." This is some student whose family members work at the Brazilian Ministry of Magic who knows the inside story of what happened this time.

"They look so cool." Uh, this is the cheers of a certain fan who was rescued last time.

Amid the applause and cheers, the two returned to their seats. "I think I'm getting this medal for doing nothing, but for being with you. Actually, I really didn't do anything this time. I really don't know why I got this medal." After sitting down, Hermione said to Ryan embarrassedly.

"Don't say such things again, you risked your life to save people in an emergency. It is enough of a reason to get a medal, not to mention that two medals are better than one medal to add luster to the school." Ryan comforted.

After the awarding ceremony is a sumptuous Christmas dinner, the rich dishes make everyone satisfied.

At this time, a reporter from the "Daily Prophet" also came to interview the two of them. Fortunately, this is a young male reporter who shouldn't be the one to make up fire out of water, Rita Skeeter. So Ryan said some kind of boring routines like thanking the school and the Ministry of Magic for training, but the reporter's expression was quite satisfactory.

Soon Minister Fudge walked down from the stage and came to Ryan and they shook hands and greeted. The reporter from «Daily Prophet» next to them took a lot of pictures.

Fudge was indeed a qualified politician, at least after the conversation, Ryan thought he was a very amiable person.

In short, the Christmas banquet ended successfully in a harmonious atmosphere. After the banquet, when Ryan walked into the long-awaited carriage, he was once again warmly welcomed.

"I really didn't expect that my students would get the Merlin Medal in the third year." Professor McGonagall in a green robe said, "At least you are the youngest Merlin Medal recipient in the past 30 years. I am proud of both of you."

After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, everyone also held a small celebration in the common room of the carriage.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that everyone was rushed back to the dormitory by the professors. After all, they will embark on a journey back to Britain tomorrow morning.

The next morning just after breakfast, steaming Hogwarts Express came back to pick them up. When the train was adjusted, Mr. Fernand, the headmaster of Castelobruxo, brought a group of faculty members to the train to say goodbye to the teachers and students of Hogwarts. The Hogwarts students collectively participated in the farewell ceremony under the leadership of Vice headmaster McGonagall.

Finally, the teachers and students of Hogwarts boarded the train amid the farewells of the faculty and staff of Castelobruxo, the train slowly rose, and soon disappeared from the sight of the faculty and staff of Castelobruxo.

The way back is much more enjoyable. After all, it is the Christmas holiday, and there are no language courses or cultural dialogue, tasks to complete on the train like on the way here.

Ryan took advantage of this opportunity to pull Hermione ul and have a look at the golden magic book that Nymph gave them.

The Magic recorded in the book is ancient magic, it isn't something that they can chew easily, the power of instinct cast spells by mimicking natural phenomena and a variety of organisms. So this book has a lot of content about transfiguration. Unlike modern magic, which gradually transforms the observed things to suit humans, the method of this book is to temporarily transform the magic cycle of the human body with magic power, so that people can directly release those primitive magic.

This kind of magic is more powerful and closer to the essence of magic. But the price paid is that it is harder to learn and to use it at the same time the risk is higher. Compared with modern magic, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Because of the difficulty of getting started, Ryan and Hermione were slow to analyze and study the book on the road.

By the time the train returned to Britain and entered the platform, the two-member research team still had not made much progress.