
The school resumed courses the day after the holiday, with the first class being Care of Magical Creatures. Spending two hours on the playground with thick snow in January was not a pleasant experience, but Hagrid had an ingenious way to let everyone learn about fire salamanders.

In this class, students collect dead branches and fallen leaves to keep the fire going, and flame-loving lizards jump around on the shattered, white-hot wood.

After the course, Ryan dashed to Hagrid to inquire about the eagle-headed horse with wings, and learnt that Hagrid was certain that the creature had nothing to do with the accident, as per Dumbledore's guarantee.

Ryan could only console Hagrid since he knew that the Dangerous Creatures Committee had been bought by Malfoy, and no matter how well Hagrid prepared, it was worthless, and Dumbledore could not have quarrelled with the Ministry over such a minor issue.

However, it was evident that the crime of eagle-headed horses with wings was not going away, and Ryan opted to meet with the Centaur tribe in two days. So he'll be able to take away the Buckbeak when the time comes. Of course, this cannot be told to Hagrid because he will leak it and say, "I shouldn't have said that."

When he returned to the common room after class that day, Ron came to Ryan.

"Ryan, could you please assist me with inspecting my mouse? I believe it's health has gotten worse since summer vacation, but I haven't determined why."

"Ron, I might give it a look, but I am not a veterinarian." Ryan looked at him helplessly.

"The owner of the pet shop stated that it has reached the end of its life span, and I also understand that he cannot be treated, so is there any way to make it more comfortable?" As long as it is not a moment of enthusiasm. Ron is also a reasonable individual.

"Consider euthanasia. You should be aware that in the world of Muggles, if pets cannot be treated, their owners will let them die without pain in order to keep them from suffering."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ryan saw Shaban trying to get out of Ron's hands with his paws waving desperately. Not to mention that Peter Pettigrew is so eager to survive.

"You see it's quite vigorous now. It should be because it wishes to live. Is there any other option?" As soon as he finished speaking, the mouse calmed down. Ryan confirmed that the mouse was an Animagus. After all, despite their intelligence, the animals in the magical world could only understand simple human speech. These animals are theoretically unable to understand proprietary concepts such as euthanasia.

"Allow me to take a closer look!" Ryan finished speaking and snatched Ron's mouse. Ryan wanted to strangle the mouse after grabbing it, but remembering Peter's record of bombing half a street back then kept him from doing so.

"Maybe it would be better to change the environment it's living in." Ryan stated as he pretended to stare at the mouse. "You can leave it with me for the time being. But you should put it in a cage. After all, I am not its owner. It would be a dreadful thing if it managed to run."

"That sounds good; please wait for me." After saying so, Ron raced back to the dormitory, and after a bit, he returned down with the scrambled cage, clutching a paper bag in addition to the cage.

"The paper bag contains food specially bought for it, and feed it ten grains a day." Ron said and handed the things over.

"Don't worry," Ryan stated emphatically. His heart is now lighter since he has finally gained control of an uncontrollable aspect. Corresponding 'Scabs' were carried into Ryan's bedroom, greatly reducing his anxiety. Probably because it thought that it'd be safe from Sirius as he would be away from Ron and Harry.

After dealing with the things, Ryan entered the Emerald Dreamland at night to greet his friends in the Forbidden Forest. As a result, he happened to run into Betty, with a happy face, Betty told him that Wolfe would be looking for them at the edge of the Forbidden Forest tomorrow.

Ryan and Hermione rushed to the edge of the Forbidden Forest after finishing the Defense Against the Dark Arts class the next day. The forbidden forest after the snow was extremely quiet, and Wolfe circled under a tree on the edge of the forbidden forest. Looking at the circle of footprints under the tree, you know that he should have waited a lot of time here.

After exchanging greetings with each other, Ryan gave him a gift, and Wolfe said happily after opening the gift. "Thank you for the gift that you brought to me this time. The purest South American rubber ball. The Magical ball that won't break apart from my bite, and this book of American flora and fauna. You really have a big heart."

"We are friends, and this is what we should do." Ryan used magic to clear a space, and then sat on a tree stump and began to talk with Wolfe about the latest situation in the centaur tribe.

"Do you know? Bain, the old bachelor of the Centaur, is getting married, and the bride is Betty."

"The rough-looking Centaur?" Ryan said in disbelief. He really couldn't connect that barbarian with the gentle Betty.

"Rough, maybe. But I heard from the Centaur in the village. When he was young, Bain was the number one hunter in the village and the most handsome Centaur. At the time, he was enviable with Betty, the most beautiful girl in the village. A pair of lovers. Unfortunately, the centaurs advocate reproduction and Betty rejected Bain's pursuit after being cursed. Since then, Bain has not taken care of himself, leaving his hair messed up, and his temper is getting worse and worse."

"But." At this point, Wolf pricked his ears in excitement, which made him look more like a husky. "Recently, the curse on Betty was lifted, and she also agreed to Bain's marriage proposal. I heard them say that it seems to be related to your adventure in Brazil, isn't it?"

"It can only be said that by chance, I killed the dark wizard who cursed Betty." Ryan replied.

"No wonder Betty said that she would give you a gift."

After Ryan and Wolfe talked about Betty, Hermione also joined in and started talking about various experiences in Brazil this time, and Wolfe also interspersed with some recent events in the forbidden forest.

While chatting, Wolf stopped suddenly, then twitched his nose vigorously.

"What happened?" Ryan asked curiously as he watched Wolfe sniffing around the two people.

"I seem to smell the scent of my kind." Wolf said with a serious face.

"Your kind?" Ryan suddenly remembered that Wolfe is actually a very special descendant of werewolves, and the same kind he mentioned are probably werewolves.

After going around Ryan and Hermione twice, Wolfe focused on Hermione's schoolbag.

"What's in your schoolbag?" Wolf said with a serious face.

"Things from today's class." Hermione said, taking out the books one by one, and Wolfe sniffed them one by one. No problem was found in the books until Hermione pulled out an old-looking notebook with a brown cover.

"Yes, this notebook smells like my kind." Wolfe confirmed after sniffing several times. After speaking, he raised his head and looked at Hermione: "Can you tell me where did you find this notebook?"