Hunting Dementors!

After Wolfe pointed out that the notebook had the smell of the werewolves, Hermione seemed to be surprised by Wolfe's words and did not speak for a long time. It wasn't until Ryan shook her that she reacted and said: "This is from the new Defence Against the Dark Arts class teacher, Professor Lupin because I was worried that I did not attend his class in the first half of the school year and missed out on many things, so in the class, I asked him many questions, and then he lent me this notebook."

"Defense against the Dark Arts class?" Wolfe nodded. "This profession does require frequent dealings with many dark creatures, and it is normal to encounter werewolves. Maybe he beat up some werewolves with this book."

Under normal circumstances, no matter how smart one is, people would never think that Dumbledore would invite a werewolf to the school as a professor. So Hermione nodded in agreement after listening to Wolfe's judgment.

Anyway, Lupin is not the kind of villain who likes to bite people, you just have to pay attention when the moon is full. So Ryan didn't care about it. Besides, Dumbledore had appointed Lupin to be a professor at the school. In this case, it is useless to know that Lupin is a werewolf.

Soon they ignored the topic of werewolves and continued to chat about what they had learned during the trip, and they bid farewell to the reluctant Wolfe when it was about food time.

Because of Sirius' escape this year, the Dementors also left their lair, Azkaban, and went to Hogwarts as 'guards'. Ryan has always had a strong curiosity about this kind of creature, especially after mastering life magic, he wants to study this strange creature. This time the Dementor coming to Hogwarts is just the opportunity he was looking for.

Three days later, after the curfew in the evening, Ryan quietly got up from the bed, under the protection of the invisibility charm, he reached the edge of the forbidden forest.

Following the information Ryan collected from the twins, the dementors guarding the entrance of the school are the key targets. But most of the time, there are dozens of dementors in a cluster. Ryan just wanted to catch a single dementor and go back and study it, but he didn't want to mess up. So he chose the dementors who patrolled the Forbidden Forest at night.

The most important reason for choosing the dementors patrolling in the Forbidden Forest is that: a few classmates whose families work at the Ministry of Magic said in the common room that one or two dementors patrolling in the Forbidden Forest would occasionally disappear. The Ministry suspected that some powerful creatures in the Forbidden Forest might have been killing them. If this is the case, it means that even if Ryan catches a few dementors, it won't attract anyone's attention.

Because the place where the Dementor 'walks', they'll absorb the life force around it, this also makes the patrol path in the Forbidden Forest that exudes the breath of death very clear in the sight of the modified version of Eagle Vision activated by Ryan's life magic. After using the life magic to converge his aura, Ryan quietly climbed to a tree on the side of the patrol path, waiting for the dementor to come.

After a while, the two dementors floated from a distance together. According to the description of well-informed classmates, the Ministry of Magic discovered that there can only be two dementors in the Forbidden Forest after multiple losses of Dementors. Once this number is exceeded, it is easy to be besieged in the Forbidden Forest.

Of course, this also gave Ryan enough opportunities. After all, if there are too many in a group, he can guarantee to beat them, but he can't catch them alive.

When the two dementors floated under the tree, Ryan could feel the temperature around him suddenly become cold, and a mental attack struck his soul. But under the protection of the moshan cultivation, this kind of passive soul attack does not affect him.

At this moment, he seized the opportunity to jump down from the two-story-high tree branch, and at the same time, holding a yellow paper charm in each of his hands, he launched a thunder palm against the two dementors.

After this standard assassination action, Ryan fell on the snow and rolled to the side to avoid possible attacks. But when he pulled out his wand and pointed it in the direction of the dementors, he found that a major portion of the two dementors had melted away, and they were hurriedly floating to other directions in an attempt to escape.

"Damn, I can't risk letting them report even if they can't as per original." Thinking of this, Ryan subconsciously pulled out a paper rune from the space bag around his waist and put it on the wand, then waved the wand and drew a spell out of thin air. After the drawing, he pointed to the escaping dementors and yelled: "Thunder-Falls!" As soon as the sound fell, a little white flame appeared on the rune paper out of thin air, and the rune paper quickly burned. Then silver-white lightning fell from the sky, splitting into two strands at the height of the treetops and smashing the two escaping dementors.

With two twisted screams, like nails scratching a blackboard, the two dementors were smashed into black smoke. Ryan could also feel that the two energy clusters full of negative energy within the scope of his life magic detection suddenly disappear.

This is the same as he thought before, righteous energy is indeed very effective on this filthy creature. But the problem now is that the lethality represented by this restraint is too strong. In actual operation, it will directly destroy the Dementor instead of disabling it.

It seemed that only a backup plan could be used. Ryan thought of leaving the first ambush point quickly, jumping on the branch, and running to the second ambush point.

The second ambush point was closer to the periphery of the Forbidden Forest, and Ryan judged that once the first ambush failed. Then the remaining dementors will withdraw from the forbidden forest as quickly as possible, and the second ambush point he chose is just a shortcut from the first ambush point to block the way for another group of dementors that will probably retreat.

Sure enough, when Ryan rushed to the tree at the second ambush point panting, he just saw two dementors rushing over from a distance. This is a major feature of dementors: except for a few bosses, most of the other dementors act by instinct. If they are in a group, it is okay. But, when a few dementors act alone, they can only act rigidly according to their habits. The ability to respond to changes doesn't exist.

Therefore, when these two dementors retreated, they would only retreat stupidly according to the patrolling route, which also happened to give Ryan the opportunity to ambush.

When two dementors floated under the tree, a large red net came down. Soon the dementors were tied to the big net and could not move. Ryan then jumped down from the tree, picked up the net, and threw it into the Myriad Realms General Store.

After throwing the two light dementors into the Myriad Realms General Store, Ryan did not hear the General Store doing anything with the offset point, which means that part of his previous guess was correct, these were ordinary dementors. A monster that just acts on instinct and does not have enough wisdom.

After harvesting two dementors as trophies, Ryan immediately returned to the castle. After all, his goal has been achieved, and losing four dementors at once might cause a large-scale search by the dementors in a while.

Ryan didn't want to run into a large group of monsters. What's more, he is still in a hurry to return to safety to study the Dementors.