Mother's death

A week passed after the wake-up ceremony, during which Mark regained his vitality and his spirit and soon he began to search for information about the space element, in order to begin training on his element.

However, he didn't find any clue about his power, because the ancients considered the element of space and the element of time as an undissolved mystery.

So books about the space element are extremely rare and even if he found some books, he would have to pay a lot of money to get them.

However, Mark is poor and does not have the money.

"Let's talk about our history again?" Mark's mother, Sarah, spoke with a broad smile on her face;

"But, mom, I have to hunt, the food won't bring itself".

"No no no, tell me about the history of the continents, as a rowdy child lie you taught by a smart noble like me, you have the honor, silly kid."

"Pfffffff..hahahahaha.... well, mom .... a thousand years ago, United States of America ruled the capitalist world with China, Korea, the European Union and Rossia."

Sarah hit Mark's head with her hand and said,

" Russia "

"Oh, I forgot, yes Russia, these countries controlled the world and controlled the resources of the weak states, but after the appearance of monsters all over the continents, these countries disappeared and then the system of the twelve families appeared, like the abhorrent Zoldak family, the Bolton family, The Sabunok family, the great Shen family and others, I don't remember the other families. "

Then Mark added:

"They defended humanity while it was on the verge of extinction, and the founders of the Twelve Great Families were called heroes of humanity. They were more likely than S-class hunters, and they invented many skills before their death ..."

"Tsk, this is what I remember, now can I go? It's getting late, mom."

"Well, you're really stubborn, but don't be late."

Sarah warmly embraced her son, then went to the kitchen to prepare the food.

Mark left as usual for the front of the Monster Forest, a forest full of monsters between Class H to Class C.

A forest that was founded by the founder of the zoldak family 900 years ago, to train subsequent generations and prepare them psychologically to confront monsters.

A person cannot be called a Hunter without getting used to seeing and killing monsters,

Therefore, the forest is used as a training ground for the disciples of the Zoldak family, while Mark finds it as a hunting ground for H-class monsters and weak animals to obtain food;

Although he risks his life to feed himself, he has gained experience avoiding powerful monsters' territories over time.

Wow, finally, I caught a white squirrel and a lot of little winged birds, and today we're going to have an excellent meal. "

Mark's face is cheerful after he gets his precious catch, when Mark thinks about his mother's warm stew, which he loves, his body automatically gets excited;

Mark returns at sunset to his home, the dark mansion, which he has become accustomed to , over the years, carrying his precious catch on his shoulder;

" mother Mother "

" mom.. "

However, Mark did not hear her answer, which created some anxiety and fear;

' is she asleep ? It's really weird, mom doesn't sleep at this time. ' That's what Mark automatically thought.

Because the dark palace was vast, Mark grabbed the dagger that he used in hunting, then without hesitation, Mark headed to the kitchen,

he ran..

he ran..

he ran..

"Hoof hoof"

Mark breathed while inspecting the kitchen,

However, the scene in front of him completely destroyed him, tears streaming down his face profusely, a totally gruesome scene,

"Noooooooooo ... no ... mom ... not you .... please"

Mark held his mother's head to check her breathing;

"No, my God ... No ... Mom, wake up"

His beloved mother is lying on the ground like a lifeless corpse, profuse blood covering her head to her legs, and her face is full of rotten blood,

" No ...."

"Wake up please"

Mark couldn't stand the shock and started yelling at the palace at the top of his voice;

"Who ... who dared to do this? ... Why am I not having a happy life? ... Why? ...."

" mom ... "

" mom.."

Then he tightly grabbed his mother's body and began kissing her forehead non-stop,

"I found you, little rat."

A frightening and unfamiliar voice spoke behind Mark, the killer of his beloved mother,

Mark tried to turn around to see the owner of the voice and attack him, thinking that his death in the company of his mother was an honor for him.

However, the speed and strength of the enemy was not something Mark could face, as a sudden blow from the back made him unconscious,

"No .... I will take revenge ... mom."

These are the last words that Mark mumbled before he lost consciousness,