
"Are you gambling today, Raphael?"The guard spoke, rubbing his chin,

"No, I lost most of my money. I'll wait until next month to gamble," said Rafael, half asleep.

"I am tired of guarding this prison. We are guarding the prison at the request of the young lady and Mr. Adam."

"Yes, four years have passed. I have pity the boy. He has been in prison for a long time."

"Shut up, do you want to cause us to kill us? Mrs. Lana has assured us that the child has committed a great sin, so he should be punished with life imprisonment, "said Raphael, shutting his colleague's mouth ;

"By the way, it's your turn to feed him. Take it a loaf of bread. Give it to him."

"Hey, why are you so bothering me?"

"It's your turn, don't complain about it."


Tik Tok

Tik Tok

The sound of water droplets pouring from the top of the cell, a dark and dirty place, without any windows, an unpleasant smell flowing in the place, causing the person to vomit involuntarily.

Amidst the gloomy dungeon, there is Mark, whose body has become emaciated due to lack of nutrition, his complexion becomes dry and his eyes dry without feelings;

Mark sat on the ground motionless like an statue , he remained in this position for three consecutive years, his legs were stiff and his health had deteriorated to an unbelievable degree.

Who would believe that this child was the first son of the Zoldak family.

Two empty eyes, if you look at them closely as if you are looking into the abyss,

If we describe Mark , we can say that he is a body without a soul.

All that came to his mind was seeing his mother's body before his eyes, being weak and unable to save her ;

Mark wished that time would return and be able to save her , but he could do nothing in his current situation.

The moment of her death kept fluttering over and over again in his mind deteriorated imprisonment, whenever he closed his eyelids, he remembered that very moment;

He became a prisoner for his father's wife, who visited him every month with her son Adam to mock him and his dead mother.

A lonely word created by his subconscious;

" Revenge "

Mark swore that if he were released from this prison, he would destroy this disgusting system, that he would get rid of these families that deprived him of living with his mother and destroy her.

He will become stronger to hit them back.


Rafael threw a loaf of bread near Mark's legs for him to eat and then left from the filthy cell.


In the most expensive room in the Martini Hotel, south of Atlanta, which belongs to the Zoldak family,

"Donald lost this round."

"But, Adam, is this not deception? You are using the skill of prediction that you got from your father, when I do not have it".

"Yes, your young age Adam does not allow you to cheat".

"Well, I won't use it next time."


Sitting a young man with yellow hair and green eyes who is half the brother of Mark and the young master of the Zoldak family, Adam Zoldak, who is 10 years old, managed to awaken at the age of nine with a golden fire element, which made him a glorious name on all five continents.

Everyone became calling him the miracle of the era .

His cousins ​​Donald Zoldak and Simon Zoldak are near him while they were playing one of the popular slot games.

"Oh, yeah, I lost again in guessing the number , I'm really unlucky," Simon said, sweating.

"Adam, are you really human? You ..... I do not understand how you always win .... But, this time your eyes did not shine, and that means you did not use prediction," said Donald, with dread on his face.

"It's just luck," said Adam, with a broad smile on his face.

"Hana Tartarus, the daughter of the Tartarus family coming to our borders, I heard that she is very beautiful, her beauty is sacred and incomparable and her element is the ancient ice element."

"Yes, of course, Donald. I saw her last year in the dungeon on the island of Rome. She is charming and different from the rest of the girls. What do you think, Adam?"

"Hmmmmm," then a smile spread on Adam's face, then he added;

"Do you know why I'm holding my half-brother Mark?"

" Ah....... Yes "

" Of course "

Donald and Simon spoke at the same time;

"Do you know why I didn't released him ?"

Simon answered;

"He will take revenge on the family, of course."

"No", Adam spoke, then added,

"He owns the element of space."

"If he possesses the space element , he's trash , there are no records about it".

Donald murmured softly;

Adam ignored Donald's words and then proceeded;

" I searched the family records and found an old book written by our family's founder in the old Korean language, and I was able to hardly translate it and then discover that in the book Zoldak Family records ".

" What ?!!"

" Oh really "

The two spoke in harmony;

"Yes," then Adam added:

"The element of our original founder is the element of space, while the element of fire is a sub-element that he developed before his death. Records spoke that, based on the enlightenment of the family master, he discovered that the space element is the most powerful element ever seen , also called the element of the Supreme Creator."

"Imagine Mark freeing himself from our fists, his revenge would be scary, so I decided it was the time of his death."

"Glup" Donald swallowed his saliva because of his great fear, then spoke;

"So why didn't you kill him yet, Adam?"

"There is something frightening that I have not spoken of yet, if the bearer of the space element dies in his mother world while carrying a strong desire in his heart other than calm and serenity, then he will be reborn again with his memories, this is the frightening part in the records "Then Adam spoke in a cold tone.

Then he continued, saying,

"In the past two years, I found no other records"

"So ,I have not yet killed him, fearing that the ancients records are correct, so I thought of a smart plan and I need your help ,cousins ."

" Of course "

"Oh my brother, we are all listening ."