Mark confront Adam.

"Mom, why the legendary technology disappeared from our world, I have found in a book that people have used wonderful things like TVs, flies, airplanes, and many other cool things ..."

"I do not know exactly what happened? However, in the records, some of these inventions have disappeared, such as television and others, but the twelve families still keep some remnants of that era, such as cars and. They also made trains and holograms according to the design of the ancestors."

The woman smiled and then patted her sweet baby's head and said:

"I see that you are as fond of history as your mother, baby Mark. I also love the history of my ancestors and I have studied it. Sometimes, I wish to go back to that era. In some records, women are said to have had a great influence on society 1000 years ago."

"But, my mother is wonderful and tender, I wish my father was like you".

"KiKiKi, you troublemaker come here."

"Hahaha, you will never catch me."


" get up "

"Hey, wake up stinky."

pack pack

The guard slapped the young Mark's face, causing him to wake up from his sweet dream in spite of him,

"I think your trial is approaching. I wanted to tell you about it. I think your salvation is approaching."

For the first in three years, Mark spoke in front of someone;

"Huh trial"

"Yes, I really don't know the details, but you will be tried in the International Court in front of the heads of the twelve families."


Mark stared at the guard's face with an emotionless face, two frightening cold eyes, which made the guard feel frightened and subconsciously take two steps back.

Then the guard, after having calmed himself down, continued:

"I just had pity on you, so I wanted to tell you, the announcement has spread among the common people, - the exiled son of the Zoldak family is being tried personally by the ruling families -".

Mark closed his eyes and said,

"What's the charge?"

"The charge ... I don't know ... the charge has not been released to the world."

" Uh understood "

The guard looked at Mark with amazement, then smiled and said:

"Do you not have any final requests?"


Mark did not answer, and there was silence.

Then the guard got from the cell angry.


after two days,

The iron cell door opened and a person hated by Mark entered, his half-brother, Adam Zoldak;

Adam smiled at Mark's face, then lowered near his ear and whispered in a low voice:

"Yesterday, the body of your prostitute mother was taken out of her grave and was stoned by all the residents of the capital as well some commanders stoned her and spat on her. Hahaha, it was announced that she was a traitor to the Zoldak family, she betrayed her husband with an unknown man, then gave birth to the exiled son and the criminal Mark, you have been stripped of the family lineage, so your name remains Mark".

Mark burst out of anger, then hit Adam's face with his forehead, then spat at him while screaming:

"How can you dare to defile my mother's body? .... How? .... I will curse you... I will curse you even after my death ... I hate you ....."

Adam smiled again and spoke in a cold tone:

"The fun is not over yet. Currently, you will be taken to the International Court of Jonas Island for the murder of the eldest daughter of the Tartarus family, Hana Tartarus ... hahaha, you will be judged internationally and a good legend will spread in your name."

Then Adam dropped to Mark's eye level and whispered softly:

"I have been quietly planting pieces of evidence of your guilt. You will not be killed, but rather you will be banished from this world."

Then Adam added,

" The story that will be circulating in the news, newspapers, and in people stories-- Adam Zoldak is handing his half-brother to justice--".

Mark gazed calmly at Adam's face and said:

"Why do you hate me? You are only ten years old and you are destroying your older brother."

"Hahaha, older brother, I'll tell you a fun fact. My cousin Donald enjoyed playing with little Hannah, while I tortured her and then killed her. But, you know what's the most fun?. I suggested that we get rid of Hannah in front of my father for political reasons and he easily agreed to that, plus he didn't oppose making you the main culprit. "

Then he added:

"He only told me three funny 'I hate him' ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, do you think there is someone who can save you?"

Mark calmed himself from anger, he stared at his brother's face once, then closed his eyes and said with a threatening tone :

"You know, I wondered most of my time here, about the form of death, will I be in pain? Will I meet my mother? I tried to kill myself many times, but I can't die until I fulfill my revenge, I want to kill you all, and my soul won't calm down until I destroy this pathetic family."

Mark smiled and then calmly continued;

"I don't mind dying. I'll accompany my mother anyway."

Mark's eyes narrowed and then slowly spoke:

"But if you made a mistake and I stayed alive or survived from this family, know that I will destroy this filthy world, even if God stands before me, I will kill him in order to reach you".

"Nothing will stop me, I will burn and destroy everyone who stands in my way, starting with this hypocritical and abhorrent family."

Mark's eyes filled with terrible killing intent, as he released a powerful pressure that made the guards shiver and made Adam kneel involuntarily.

Adam mumbled the words to himself as he stared at Mark.

Mark closed his eyes and silence covered the place.

Adam was unable to form an appropriate response and then told his companions to take him:

"Send him to the International Court prison and set up the teleportation gates... Oh, I forgot, kill the two guards who were guarding him. We don't want unnecessary witnesses."

The soldiers left carrying the skiny Mark, and then there was just silence in the cell.