Beginning of the trial

At the headquarters of the International Tribunal on Jonas Island,

The trial of the century was announced, knowing to the world that the trial of a nobleman is something completely unprecedented and new, which created a buzz in all the media, especially for the public.

Half a year has passed since the disappearance of the eldest daughter of the Tartarus family. They formed many search and rescue teams, but, no one found her.

The head of the Tartarus family searched for his daughter like a madman. The world knows how much he loves his daughter, Hannah, but his search yielded no results.

The president entered into isolation because of his great sadness over the loss of his beloved daughter. He called and implored God every day to protect his daughter and return her to him safely.

All the commoners and most of the nobles sympathized with the Tartarus family. With their social intelligence, they tried to find evidence about the murderer, but, in the end, they failed.

Everyone asked who had dared to kidnap a famous daughter of the twelve families.

However, four months after Hana's disappearance, while everyone forgot about the incident, the Zoldak family came forward and announced to the world that they had discovered the identity of the killer, then caught him and imprisoned him.

they insure one thing, Hannah was found dead and the killer is a nobleman .

The murderer has confessed to his crime, and his identity will be announced a few days before the trial.

The news spread like wildfire all over the world.

---The noble Zoldak family caught the murderer, and the twelve families would show him the price of messing with them and killing one of their children.

---Zoldak family members are heroes.

The head of the Tartarus family came out of his isolation after hearing the news, despite his insistence on knowing the murderer, the Zoldak family said that they will leak the informations until the day of the trial.

The Zoldak family was afraid the other families would doubt and discover the fact that Mark was innocent before trial day.

So they want to end the matter on the trial day in a perfect way.

The chief of Tartarus sent spies to the Zoldelk family, but, unfortunately, they did not discover anything, which made him wait until the day of the trial.


The day of the trial,

A white-haired old man, two golden eyes, sat on the roof of the main courthouse smoking:

"Lark, did the Zoldaks enter the building?"

A black shadow appeared behind the white-haired man, a man dressed in black that resembles to a ninja, and then spoke quietly:

"Yes sir, they used the teleportation gate directly to the lower prison. I did not discover the identity of the killer, but, we will know the truth in the evening."

Then the man in black added:

"Do you want me, sir, to sneak into the prison to find out his identity?"

The old man gritted his front teeth and then said:

"No, don't do anything unnecessary. I waited six months until today to find out who killed my daughter and why?"

"Today I will find out who dared to do it and I will kill him myself."

"Sir, there is one more thing. I heard that the family of Yonam put their eyes on the killer. As our enemies, we must bear in mind their movement".

Tom Tartarus raised his head to the sky and then said to his soldier, Lark, coldly:

"I took over the matter and the head of the Yonam family assured me that he wouldn't intervene."

Lark nodded and disappeared;

"I will take revenge for you, my daughter."


Meanwhile, in the place dedicated to the Zoldak family,

Adam sits with his cousins ​​Simon and Donald as they discuss the final steps of their plan;

"Adam, are you sure that your evidence will deceive the heads of families? I am frankly nervous," said Donald, anxiously on his face.

Adam hit Donald's back hard with his left hand, then hugged him with his right hand and said:

"Has any of my plans ever failed? Tonight, we'll get rid of Mark and Hannah's problems at the same time, just follow my instructions."

"Hahaha, as expected of my cousin, his plans are wonderful and well thought out". Simon drank a shot of beer and then added, "Tonight we will party."

" Yes "

" Of course, let celebrate. "

Adam looked at his cousins ​​and then said to himself with a malicious smile:

'Just wait the two of you, soon will be your turn '

An ordinary person would not believe that this is the thoughts of a ten-year-old child;

However, there is a fact that has not been made public, Adam Zoldak is a returnee, that means, someone who remembers his previous life.

In his previous life, he lived as an experienced serial killer in the city of Toronto in the territory of the Yunam family.

Now he's a young master of the Zoldak family, how ironic!

So when he was reading the records, he feared they were correct and that Mark would be reborn like him in his reign.

Adam loved money and power more than anyone in the world.


In the evening ,

The heads of the twelve families sat in their own seats, waiting for the accused to enter;

"Sam, it's been a while since we met together. I really wonder who is the killer? your family really have a good intelligence network "

These words came out from a huge man with black skin and a muscular body;

"Shut up, Taylor, you really didn't change and your rudeness is as big as usual. A family known only by their muscles, I heard you were having some trouble in Africa."

The conversation was interrupted by a 60-year-old old man:

Sam and Taylor shouted simultaneously:

"Shut up, Old Ling Feng, take care of your Shen Family affairs".

Ling Feng sighed and said:

"We gathered for a special purpose today, so why argue?"

An old man, red hair and black eyes spoke in a calm voice:

"Yes, Sam, tell us about the killer before he enters the stage".

Sam didn't look at the red-haired man and said in a threatening tone:

"Hahaha you will know in a while, Can't you wait a little longer?"

Suddenly, the Chief Justice and the Leader of the Tartarus family, Tom tartarus, spoke in a cold tone filled with the aura of a Level S + Hunter;





"Let the accused enter the bench of the court."