A new beginning......

"So this is the end?"

Mark spoke, while his body gradually disintegrated. At first, his sensation in his feet faded, followed by his hand's sensations, then, in the end, he lost all of his senses.

He felt as if his body was melting gradually like when the snow is exposed to heat.

He felt that his limbs were gradually disappearing from his thin and worn-out body.

the death

This is what Mark thought as his body gradually faded into the vast space.

The external space pressure crush his body easily;

Mark remembered the last hours before he was exiled into the space hole.


First, Tom Tartarus pronounced the final verdict of his ridiculous trial in which the board pleaded Mark guilty to a crime he didn't commit.

He remembers Adam's last smile, which means his pitiful victory over him.



Mark did not automatically enter the black hole, as he was naturally imprisoned for a few hours to spread the news of his indictment on a large scale.

The news spread like wildfire among the nobles and the public - the culprit is Mark Zoldak, an illegitimate son who had killed Hannah Tartarus with the aim of revenge.


Many stories began to circulate, about the bravery of Adam Zoldak who, despite the fact that they bore the same family name, he brought the murderer to justice.

Adam's fans increased significantly after announcing his contributions to the case, as he led the trial and managed to convict the vile criminal.


Mark Zoldak was famous in all the world's news. Most of the world's population insulted him, especially the people of the Tartarus family.

The word scum became synonymous with the name Mark all over the earth, his reputation was tarnished significantly overnight, this is completely due to his brother Adam, who not only destroyed his life but wanted to destroy Mark's reputation and dignity as well.


Everyone who had a good impression in the past about Mark, also insulted him, from his childhood nanny and his mother's friend, Sina Ruffler, to all his other acquaintances, as they started saying;

"Really, he deceived us. He was a wild wolf hiding in sheep's clothing. Would he have killed us too if we insulted him?"

Public opinion continues to insult Mark, who is in prison awaiting his death.


Not only did the heads of the family condemn him to death, but he was stoned by the commoners in the city of Liano in the heart of Jonas Island.

Mark continued to endure the pain, everyone had a chance to stone Mark in any part of his body, and he was stoned for two hours straitly by the angry public.

Then finally, he was led to a huge platform south of Liano, above which were the heads of the twelve families, accompanied by Adam and concubine Lana.


In the middle of the stage is a huge device that looks like transmission gates, but it actually moves the person out of dimensions, so it is called a black hole, because if someone was swallowed,they cannot return.


Tom spoke to Mark in an arrogant tone:

"Do you have any last requests?"

In front of the thousands of onlookers who came to see Mark's banishment through the transportation gates,

Mark raised his head to the dark sky, then started laughing out loud and said:

"Oh, oh, I will come back, and when I do, I will turn not only these disgusting families but the disgusting and pitiful humanity to pieces, just wait for my revenge."

These were the last words Mark said before he turned his gaze to the woman who killed his mother and smiled a frightening smile.

"I will take care of you soon, my father, concubine, and my wonderful brother Adam, my gift will arrive sooner or later."

Tom interrupted Mark's words and then told the guards:

"Put it in"




These are the last memories Mark remembered when he was in his current state, he felt his existence gradually disappearing.

Mark smiled as he imagined the face of his beloved mother, which gradually disappeared from his memory with the passage of time.

His heart was armed with a sense of revenge, which did not disappear.


after a long time ;


Mark looked around, couldn't help but see the darkness, his physical body had disappeared completely and only the remnants of his soul remained flying in the dimensional emptiness.

Mark said in his mind :

"How much time has passed?"


He didn't know how long it had passed since his entry into the black hole, all he knew was that he was holding together because of his desire for revenge.

It's been a long time in the vacuum but for him, it's just a short and dull moment, Mark has now spent 96 years in dark space.

His soul spent decades in lonely darkness, 100 years, 200, 300 ...

Mark's soul became empty and hollow, the loneliness gradually stripping away his human feelings over time.


The psychological feelings, the joy, the anger, the sadness, the pity ... disappeared.


Even hope disappeared from his heart.


However, the sense of revenge remained steadfast in the face of the changes, and Mark could not and would not forgive the Zoldaks and other families for what they had done to his right.

Revenge ...

Revenge ....


Once 1,000 years, after Mark entered the void, his soul gradually began to dissipate as his sense of revenge began to disappear as well.

"Really, I will never come back."


"damn this world."

"Hope I get a second chance"


And as if God heard his miserable call,

A strange automatic voice appeared in Mark's fading mind,

His soul began to shine brightly in bright white light, but, strangely enough, Mark's feelings did not move, as he stared coldly at the light in front of him.

His feelings disappeared and all that remained for him was revenge,

If he gets out of this void he will make sure to fulfill his promise.


Ring - Ring

[Download system ...]

[ Done successfully ]

[System installation .....]

[ Done successfully ]

[Error, time in the space: 1000 years]

When Mark saw 1000 years, he felt that his heart would go out of place, if the sentence in front of him was correct, this means that his father, his brother, and his enemies have died.

"They can't die, they can't."

'They have to die in my hands'

' No '

[New glitch]

[The host's body absorbed an enormous amount of Primal Chaos in the void]

[A body will be reconfigured by the power of Chaos]

[The hands are formed ...]

[The legs are tied ...]

[Facial features are formed ...]

[ The body will be completed soon ...]

[The process is underway ...]

If someone saw Mark's transformations, he would lose consciousness of the strangeness of what he is seeing.

Mark's white bones were formed from the Primal Chaos, they were not ordinary bones as many black symbols were engraved on them creating a sinister feeling.

followed by the skin, and then the organs were formed and bound together.

If doctors and saints saw this phenomenon, they would call it a miracle.

[The transport will be to a nearby planet ....]

[Parallel Planet Earth No. 5 ...]

[The Lord of Chaos will be transported to Planet Earth 5 ....]

[Will the master accept? ]

[ Yes or No ]

Mark did not think and clicked yes,

[Transferring in progress ....]