New world

[The host has been transferred to Planet Earth No. 5]



" where am I ? "

Mark spoke as he removed the mud from his naked body;

A perfect, muscular body created by the energy of Chaos itself.

Velvet yellow hair and red eyes might make girls fall in love with him at first sight.

Mark became incredibly handsome,

An automatic voice answered Mark's question instantly;


[Current location: Washington, 2021]

[Im the Fifth Earth]


Mark showed no reaction, maintained his emotionless expression, then turned his gaze to his current surroundings.

A wonderful dark sky, trees surrounding it from every direction,

Mark inhaled fresh air with a charming smile on his face, all he thinks is that he's back, he's out of that damn space, and his revenge is very close.

Then Mark unconsciously cried out;


"Finally, I am out of the damn jail"

Suddenly, new messages appeared in Mark's mind;


[The host's feelings will be gradually restored]

[The damage to the host's mental state is too great]

[Because of the host's loneliness and dimensional energy, the host suffered setbacks in his feelings]

[A little while ago, the host was overjoyed]

"Huh, happiness!" Very quickly Mark's features returned to his usual cold expression;


Then Mark added:

"Hey, have I never heard of Washington before?"


"Wait, this name is familiar."

Mark felt the electricity passing through his body as he remembered his pent-up memories in his subconscious,

"Washington, was the name of a historic city 1000 years ago, before the great catastrophe, is this a joke?"

Then he added;

"Did I not advance in time to the future? 1000 years, but if the screen in front of me was correct, that means I went back to the past."

" what the hell? "


Ding ding

[To answer the host's question]

[There are parallel planets. It can be said that the difference between these planets is the timeline and also the historical data. ]


[I want to inform the host, that the time specified previously by the King of Chaos to download the system is two days in the human world time, but since you came out of the human realm due to your exile, you have created problems to reboot the system]

[In Primal Chaos, the element of time is virtually non-existent, so the system was able to barely operate, due to the authority of the Chaos Ruler himself, as it took 1000 years to reboot the system]



"So if I didn't have the system I would be dead by the time I got out of my world?"

[Yes sir, the system used the power of the Chaos Ruler and your Space Element to keep you alive and to escape from the dark void]

Mark gave a cold smile and spoke while rubbing his chin;

" This is good "


Then he added;

"If time stops in a vacuum, does this mean that my father and brother are still alive?"


[Technically yes, human time and time in chaos vary greatly]

[Judging from my mathematic calculation, nearly six years have passed in your world]

"This is very good, so take me back to my world."




Mark broke the silence and said in a calm voice;

" What? "


[For humans to travel between dimensions, a person must reach peak power in his world]


[The worlds are divided into:

- Lower worlds are the lowest in order due to the weakness of their creatures.

Middle worlds are characterized by the concept of spiritual cultivation.

Demon worlds, in which the enemies of gods and rulers reside.

Sublime worlds are worlds in which gods, rulers, and humans who have exceeded the limits of their power live.]


[The host must become strong in the lower realms in order to have the necessary strength to cross between them and also to go to the middle worlds. ]


Mark interrupted the system and spoke in a dangerous tone;

"But I crossed into this world when I was very weak, so what's the harm in trying it again?"



[The host borrowed the authority of the Chaos Ruler, which authorized him to pass through forcefully into this world, and also your soul absorbed the Primal Chaos with the passage of years ; These two factors allowed you to travel one time between dimensions]

[To return the host must become stronger]


"But how?" Mark said while he is looking at his facial features in the reflection of a puddle of water in front of him because of the moonlight.

[The system was created to make the host unimaginably powerful]


"So then what?" Said Mark, looking at the dark sky above him;


Suddenly, Mark heard an unknown voice behind him;

"Who is there?"

The unknown shone a bright light on Mark's handsome face, causing him to close his eyes automatically;

"Is this an attack from the Light Element?"

Mark muttered these words before the light suddenly went out.

"My goodness, young man, why are you naked at night?"


Mark couldn't make a convincing sentence to answer the person's question in front of him,


Because of the bright moonlight, Mark was able to see him, a white-haired old man in blue clothes with a white hat on his head;


"Young man, this Washington National Park, how did you manage to bypass the tight security around the area? And most importantly, why are you naked? My God, is this so-called late adolescence? Are you filming videos for posting on the Internet?"

The old man stared at Mark at length, but didn't find what he was looking for;

"Where is your phone? You don't carry it with you, so why are you here? Where are your parents?"

Then he added;

"Are you deaf? Or are you kidding me? And you pretend not to talk, young man"


Mark focused on the messages of the system before him that appeared minutes ago;

[The stranger speaks human English]

[The English language will be learned by the system data]

[ learning completed ...]

[Current location: Washington City International Park]


Suddenly, Mark spoke calmly with a wonderful English accent;

"Uncle, I woke up and found myself here. I can only remember my name, but I don't remember my family and my previous identity."

"Are you kidding me, boy? I have to hand you over to the authorities so that you can search for your parents," the old man spoke, looking at Mark with strange features;


Then the old man took off his pants, fortunately, he wore two pants because the weather was cold at night;

"Take this one."

Then he took off his warm coat and gave it to Mark;

"Damn, my shift will end in 10 minutes. I know the authorities will not pay you attention on Sunday unless it's an emergency."

Then the old man added;

"You will leave with me to my house. Tomorrow we will go to the Civil Police to search for your previous identity, is it okay?"

Mark looked at the old man who tenderly reminded him of his late mother, thought of the possibility that he would be deceived, but he had no choice but to find a place to live and discover information about this world

Mark spoke falsifying his kindness;

"Thank you, Uncle."