Just a passerby

In the condominium area of ​​Buloff Street in southwest Washington,

An old man and a young man entered the apartment complex at eleven night;

A complex is known to be full of criminals, gamblers, debtors, and the poor people who cannot afford to rent ordinary apartments,



This complex is called the land of bliss for the poor because renting the rooms is very cheap, but the residents must be warned of criminals and others, this complex is known for being without supervision so a person can be killed without any mercy and no one will take care of the body.

Mark and the old man entered into the compound, where all the addicts sleeping on the floor turned their eyes toward them;

Mark stared coldly at the faces of addicts and vagabonds, seeing this strange place, he doubted his decision to follow the old man.

They both came to a room whose door number 202 was written, and then the old man opened the door with his key and entered;



"Dad, you're late today."

Immediately after Mark closed the door behind him, he heard a girl's voice inside the room;

She came out of the small kitchen, a young woman in her twenties, with crimson eyes and wavy black hair,

Mark looked at her as usual with cold eyes, despite the beauty of the girl in front of him, he had seen many maids and women in the Zoldak family and they all possessed angelic beauty.

His mother, too, had a beauty that women envied and that men fell for.



The old man stared at the handsome Mark in amazement, as he did not react at the sight of his daughter, which is indeed a strange thing, and then he pulled himself together and said with an embarrassed look on his face.

"I was late because I stopped with young Mark in the near restaurant for a snack, it turned out that he was hungry."

then add ;

"My daughter, Mark is a young man and I found him in the street alone, and he also lost his memories so he will stay with us tonight, is that ok with you?"


Rachel Carafe looked at her father bewildered, then turned her gaze to Mark behind him, a young man whose features looked like a very beautiful artistic sculpture, which made Rachel lose control of herself for a second and then spoke as her face became red as a tomato;

"Okay, dad, I'm going to make dinner."


Mark sat on the small sofa and stared around him, not recognizing the many tools placed in the corners of the room;

In his world, most of the ancient technology was lost, only his undertaking of the history of the ancient world, allowed him to learn about some invention in the room;


The Zoldak family was known for being a traditional family, due to the fact that its founder was fascinated by ancient Chinese culture, so the Zoldak family adopted an ancient and different system from the systems of other families.

The old palaces and the principle of multiple concubines is a system of the Zoldak family only, while other families use modern palaces, villas, and luxury residences.

. .

Mark sat down and stared at the rectangular screen in front of him, then said in an inquisitive tone;

"Uncle Samuel, is this the TV?"

Samuel turned to Mark's side and stared at him in astonishment;

"Are you kidding me? Yes, it's TV. A young child can recognize TV easily. Do you have a mental illness, boy?"


Mark stared at the old man in front of him, not knowing how to formulate his answer, so he decided to keep quiet;

"Shit, young man, speak normally, sometimes your actions scare me."

Samuel picked up the remote control, then turned on the TV;


"Philippines Golem Dungeon Broken Incident, 6000 Civilians and 7 Class D Hunters Died"


Mark stared at the TV as a young child watching something new for the first time in his life;

"The President of the American Hunter's Association Announces the Appearance of a Mutant Dungeon in Florida..."

Then a few minutes later, the reporter continued talking about the world's daily major news headlines;

"A strange space fissure appeared over Washington for three seconds, as NASA confirmed that it is a completely new phenomenon, and they are wondering about its causes."


Mark focused on the topics on which the journalist spoke, but only obtained bits of information, most of which he did not understand, which puzzled him;

"Shit, the news is just full of hunters." Samuel clicked the remote, which changed the channel from the news to music.


"That's what I love, it's my favorite clip"

Then Samuel began to dance, sweeping the floor with a broom;

Mark didn't say anything and then closed his eyes to rest and accept the facts in front of him, as his revenge would be a little late.






A sweet smell found its way into Mark's nose, making his stomach growl from his hunger;



"Ha-ha-ha-ha, Mark, are you hungry? My little girl's cooking is the best. Just wait..." Samuel spoke after noticing Mark's stomach growl;

For the first time in years, Mark felt a sense of embarrassment as his cheeks became red for a second, and then his features returned to their cold form again;

"Really, there's something wrong with your head, boy."

Mark scratched his head and then turned his gaze to the television, songs he had never seen, a world he had only heard in ancient legends and tales, a world where technology was positively prevalent, a world free of the rule of the Twelve Families.

Mark exhaled exaggeratedly and then nodded to Samuel and said;

"Are there monsters in this world?"


The old man looked at Mark in surprise, wondering if this boy was acting or not? This boy is either a fool or a con,

"Boy, are you really kidding me? Is this a new kind of prank?"


Mark pointed at the TV and spoke softly;

"That guy on TV talked about hunters and monsters."

The strangeness of the situation astonished Samuel, who held a glass of cold water and then spoke while drinking the water;

"Do you not know about the great catastrophe?"

Despite Mark's little knowledge of the situation, he denied and said;

" No "

"Shut up, are you a monk who lives in a mountain? No, not even mountains are spared from the onslaught of monsters, who are you really?"


Mark stared at the old man and said;

"Just a passerby"