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Raelle closed her eyes and observed everywhere. After five seconds, she opened her eyes and walked towards the closet and opened it. There were few a dresses which must belong to her mother.

She bent down and opened a drawer. There weren't much contents in it. Just a few ornaments.She took out a small box from the drawer and opened it. Inside the box lay a very ordinary ring. It was so ordinary that nobody would want to look at it after taking a glance at it but it was this ring that has attracted her here.

She carefully observed the ring but couldn't find anything. The aura she felt earlier also seems to have vanished.

Well, she'll just look at it again afterwards. She took out the ring from the box and replaced it with another similar ordinary ring so that no one would find out that something is missing if they come to check in future. She closed the closet and , once again observed her surroundings and left the room and came back to her room.

Nobody would have ever thought that the not -so- loved lady of the Inoaden clan would steal something from her mother's room without any difficulties and not a single person got to know about it.

She lazily sat before the desk and took out the ring from her pocket and fiddle it for a few seconds.

Then a thought came to her mind, she took a sharp needle from the embroidery box and poked her index finger a couple of times and after a few second fresh red blood drops started coming out. She wore the ring on her middle finger and dropped her blood bit by bit on the ring.

After 10 seconds, something changed. The ring which looked ordinary started to change it's appearance and the ordinary stone changed its colour from grey to the color which was similar to her eyes.

The stoned just looked like her original eyes which were the mixed colors of Violet, golden and pink.

For the first time, Raelle couldn't comprehend what was going on. She thought about taking off the ring but she could not.

Just as she was thinking what to do, her surroundings changed and what cane into her view was a very wide space of greenery. There were plants, trees and herbs everywhere.

She had experienced countless dangerous situations before so she was calm.

She stepped forward. After waking for how know long, she came across a waterfall. Water was flowing down from some unknown heights she couldn't think off into the spring. Beside the spring was a huge mansion. She walked forward and stepped opened the door.

"You are here." A childish voice sounded out of nowhere.

Raelle: " Who's there?"

Then she heard the sound of very light footsteps coming towards her. She turned towards the sound of footsteps and when she looked what it was, her eyes couldn't help but widen.

What came into her view was a round chubby boy of around 4-5 years of age. He had long black hair and big watery dark eyes and wore light blue robes. He looked so cute that she could hardly contain herself from pinching his cheeks. His voice broke her trance.

"Welcome, master.", he said in his cute childish voice.

"Huhh, so I am you master? Did this happen after I dropped my blood on the ring?" Raelle asked him.

"Yes, after you dropped your blood on the ring, it made a contract with you and now your are the master of the ring. And this place and I are inside the ring so naturally you became my master too." He explained patiently.

"Ohhh, now I understand. But what is this ring? How come I don't know that a thing like this existed." Raelle questioned while looking around.

"I also don't know what it is. I only know that it it something that the Heavens itself made and those who can pass the seventh level of this tower are blessed by the Heavens." He said.

"Heavens made this? Really? Then what is this tower and those levels you just talked about?"

Raelle didn't think much about who made this place. She thought that when she'll reach the great godhood, she would naturally know.

"This is called The Heaven's Tower. There are total of 15 levels inside the tower. There were six people in the past who became the master of this ring but none of them received the Heavens blessing because they couldn't pass the seventh level. Every past master started from level one and by shedding their blood and sweat, they managed to reach level seven but they weren't powerful enough to reach the eighth level. The blessing bestowed by the Heavens isn't something that anyone could get. The first five members died due to their greed because they only wanted power to dominate the whole world." He explained to her slowly.

Raelle digested the information and then asked, "Then what happened to the last master? You didn't say anything about him. Did he also die because his eyes we're blinded by greed?"

"No, she didn't die. She could have passed the seventh level but something happened before that and she forcefully broke the contract with this place. Due to forcefully breaking the contract, she received a backlash and her body became extremely weak. But she's not dead. Her soul is still alive."