Same bloodline.

Raelle just nodded and didn't dwell much on this. "But why did I felt this ring summoning me that time? But when I touched it, that feeling vanished. And after I dropped my blood, the stone of the ring changed its colour and it was same as my eyes. And I also felt my powers were got completed the moment I entered here."

The little boy looked at her for a few seconds, "I don't know anything about that. I have been here since thousands of years but I don't know much about it."

"Okay then. But what about your last master? Where is she now?" Raelle asked. She wondered where the previous master was right now.

"Come with me." He asked her to follow.

He took her to dark room. He flicked his fingers and the room lit up. At the centre on the room was a stone tablet and a ruby coloured jade was kept on the top of the tablet. She instantly knew that it was a soul jade. It indicated whether the owner of this was still present or not in their soul form. Soul jades are very rare. She was surprised that the previous master had such a precious thing. They walked towards it. Raelle didn't know why but she felt very familiar, it gave her a familiar feeling. But she was sure she has never seen this jade. When she observed the jade, she could see some tiny cracks on it . The cracks indicated that the soul was not in a very good form and has received injuries.

"Little boy, why do I feel familiar with this jade? It's not even mine." Raelle questioned.

"Because you both share the same blood."

"What?" She turned to him perplexedly. How was that possible?

"Yes, I can feel it. I am familiar with all of my previous masters bloodlines. You and her share the same Roseheart's bloodline. I don't what relationship you two share but you both have the same bloodline." He crisply replied.

Raelle stared at the jade and was silent for a long time. Who was that person? What's her relationship with that person? How did that person got trapped in the Spirit Realm?

She has many questions in her mind and only her Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father could answer her questions. She decided to ask them afterwards.

"Let's leave this topic for now. I don't want to think about it for now. My mind will get exhausted." She said and they went out of the room.

She looked at the overly cute boy, "What is you name? How should I address you?"

"I don't have a name." He said faintly.

"Why? Didn't any of your masters give you a name?"

"No, they didn't. They only wanted to get powerful and didn't care much about me. The previous master would talk to me but she just called me little one.", Raelle could feel his sadness from those words.

She didn't want him to be sad and said, "That's alright. I would name you and after that you would be exclusively mine." Yes, she isn't going to share such a cute little bear with anyone.

"Really?" , He asked, surprised. He couldn't hide the happiness overflowing from his eyes.

"Billy, from now onwards I will call you Billy."

He was so happy and overwhelmed that he couldn't control his tears and burst out.

Raelle saw him crying so badly and heart ached. She stepped forward, crouched down, hugged him tightly and patted his back to soothe him.

Billy also tightly embraced her neck and didn't let go for a long time.

"Now, my dear Billy. I have to go now." She said.

He looked at her sadly but didn't stop her. She looked at him and lightly kissed his forehead.

"Don't be sad. I have something to do. After I am done with my work, I'll spend lots and lots of time with you."

Billy's face instantly brightened at her words. "Okay, I'll wait for you. Time here flows slower than outside. One day outside is equal to thirty days inside. So only few minutes must have passed outside."

"Okay, I will keep it in my mind and I'll be back soon." She gave him a light kiss in his cheek and with one thought, she left the space.