Chapter 12 - Wait...Your Who?

Aether didn't have time to dwell on the strange encounter as a maid came running up to them. Her face was red from anger as she scowled at the young Princess. 

"Lady Irina!" She harshly grabbed Irina and dragged her away from the gazebo, giving no face to Aether who stood up in slight desperation to grab the young princess and keep her from harm. The maid was a step faster. Walking away at a brisk speed, Aether could faintly hear her scolding Irina for walking away when she wasn't looking. Though, Aether doubted it was Irina's fault. It was probably the negligence of the maid that led to Irina wandering away. 

He pursed his lips. He wanted to help, but what could he do? 

"You know, you shouldn't trust strangers so easily." 

Aether startled at the deep voice. His head snapping to the side where a figure stood hidden in the shadows of the gazebo. 

"Who-who are you?" Aether placed a hand on his chest and took deep breaths to calm his racing heart. The shadowy figure moved into the light slightly and instantly Aether's heart calmed down. 

"Oh. It's just you." Aether sighed in relief. The figure in question was the same figure that had helped him get inside the Royal Academy when he was locked out. Though they didn't talk, Aether already had a good impression on him due to him helping him. It was reassuring to know that the stranger wasn't entirely a stranger. 

The figure paused, his head tilting slightly as his blue eyes narrowed, "Just you?" he repeated. 

Aether, believing he took offense, quickly raised his hands, "No, no. That's not what I meant. It's just that I thought you were…" He trailed off, not sure how to continue. An intruder? Someone who meant harm? One of the Princes? The list went on.

The figure took another step into the light, but did not move closer. "Who did you think I was?" His lips quirked up a bit into what resembled a mock smile of amusement. A look that should have made him feel better, but instead it made him worried. His smile didn't reach his eyes.

"I-uh…" Aether trailed off, too distracted by the notion that the man in front of him was putting up a fake front. He wanted him to think he was amused, but his eyes told Aether otherwise. Aether, too curious for his own good, asked the question that was lingering on his mind. "Are you okay?" 

The figure froze. His fake smile dropping and his eyes widening. "What?" His voice was deep and held a hint of hoarseness to it. 

Aether sheepishly smiled at him and took a step closer, only stopping when he noticed the other flinch at the action. "Sorry, I…" Aether paused. He took a moment to really look at the man before him. Hiding behind the gazebo, flinching when he got to close and hiding behind a fake smile. Aether couldn't help the insane story building inside his head. 

'He's probably been tormented like hell.' With a determined gaze Aether decided to change the direction of the conversation. "Thank you." He gave a warm and honest smile. 

The man held his gaze, his blue eyes sparking with some sort of life. "Thank me?" The man chuckled, "For what?" 

Aether smiled at the small quirk of lips on the other. It was gone before he could blink, but the man still genuinely smiled. "For helping me the other day. I never got a chance to thank you." 

The man stared at him for a moment and then glanced away as if disinterested in the conversation. 

Aether frowned, 'Perhaps he doesn't remember?' 

"It wasn't anything to thank me for." The man mumbled.

Aether thought back to that moment and wanted to laugh. 'If only he knew what situation I was in.' 

"But it was. If not for you I wouldn't have gotten inside and who knows what would have happened if-"

"Why were you locked outside?" He interrupted. He had turned back to face Aether, his eyes held a darkness to them as he spoke. Aether found himself slightly trembling under the scrutinizing gaze. 

"Because they locked me out." He mumbled out, his survival instinct kicking in. 

"Who?" The man took a step forward. His hand that rested against the pillar of the gazebo shifted forward. Aether was drawn to the hand, it was rather pale, but what really caught Aether's attention was his fingers that were slowly indenting into the stone pillar.

'What the fuck! Why is he mad?' warning bells rang inside his head and Aether quickly changed his tactic to diverting the conversation to something else. His eyes darted around him, until they finally landed on the poorly crafted flower crowns. 

Without thinking he rushed over, grabbed one and pushed it into the other's chest. "Here! A gift for helping me!" 

The man grabbed the flower crown, his cool fingers brushed lightly against Aether's. Aether shivered at the contact, but did not flinch or back away. Raising his head slightly he caught the man gazing down at the flower crown with a look of bewilderment. 

"For…me?" He held the flower crown up. With pursed lips he inspected the flower crown in great detail. 

Aether smiled at the others reaction, "Yes. Here." He reached forward and grabbed the flower crown from the other hand, "Lean down a bit." He gestured for the man to lean down. The man, though obviously confused by the situation, lowered his head enough for Aether to place the flower crown on his head. 

"There!" Aether smiled triumphantly at his work, "It's perfect!" He beamed.

For a moment everything seemed to freeze. The man gazed down at the smiling Frenzel. His eyes were shining like rubies and his cheeks were flushed a light pink, a strange look to see on a Frenzel. His hands unclenched and clenched. He wanted to reach out, to touch the smooth skin and see if perhaps the pink was painted on. A dark gleam flashed in his eyes, but before he could enact on such thoughts they were interrupted.

Aether heard the noise and glanced over to see Leon scowling as he walked towards him. Sensing the other's foul move he took a step towards him, "Brother? What's wrong? Did something happen?" there was a hint of worry in his voice as he asked. 

Leon ignored his questions and gazed at the spot next to him. Noticing his gaze Aether quickly interviewed, "Oh, brother! This is…" His voice died in his throat. The spot next to him was empty, not a single soul in sight. 

Aether looked around the garden, but did not see the young man. 'How did he move so quickly?'

"Was someone here?" Leon asked, bristling with aggravation. 

Aether glanced at his brother who was obviously on the verge of a raging fit and shook his head, "No one."

"No one?" Leon asked, his voice tinged with disbelief. 

Aether nodded, "No one. What are you doing back? Is it time for lunch? Did the situation get sorted out?" 

Leon hesitated for a second and then nodded his head, "It's time for lunch. Let's go." 

Aether nodded, he didn't miss the strange way Leon was acting. 'Did something happen with the situation outside?' 

Leon waited a moment before following Aether. His eyes lingered on a certain spot on the gazebo. Five marks no larger than the size of a finger were indented on the pillar. With narrowed eyes he turned around and left, sticking close to Aether.

As much as Aether was despising this lunch, he was pleasantly surprised to find only the King and his father in the dining room. The Princes noticeably missing. He silently hoped that it would stay that way.

He was led to the seat next to his father with Leon taking a seat on the other side of him. He was sandwiched in between the two and for once he was happy with the arrangement. He was fine with anything as long as it meant he didn't have to sit next to the Princes.

They sat in silence for a long time while the food was being served. One by one, dish by dish, Aether's eyes went wide and his mouth slightly watered at the meal placed in front of him. Yes, the Frenzel household had delicious food, but compared to the Palaces food, their food looked like commoners' food. 

Once all the plates were served the maids bowed and took their leave. Aether noticed that besides the plates that were placed in front of him, his family, and the King, they also placed five plates in the empty spots opposite of him. 

Five Princes, five plates, but no plate for the princess.

Aether frowned at such an obvious display of dislike. Unconsciously he lowered his hand and slowed his chewing.

The King noticed Aether's strange behavior and asked, "What is wrong? Is the food not to your liking?" 

"Sorry." Aether apologized and lifted his hand once more, scooping up more food in the process, "The food is amazing, but…I just noticed that there were only five additional plates." He gestured to the plates across from him, "Is the princess not joining us?" Aether gave his best innocently confused gaze.

Aether truly felt sorry for the princess in the novel. She was barely mentioned, but it wasn't hard to see how mistreated she was. After all, the Queen did die after she had given birth to the princess. The King lost his lover and the Princes lost their only source of warmth. It was only inevitable that she was treated as the cause of her mothers death.

But, perhaps he could change her fate. Even if it's only a little.

"The Princess." The King's eyes turned dark, his hand tightening on his cup. Yet the smile never left his face.

His father shot him a cold glare and reassured the King, "Don't mind my youngest, he is…not accustomed to such settings." he seethed the last part while bearing holes into Aether's head. 

Aether dutifully glanced elsewhere. He never knew food could look so appetizing.

"No. His bluntness only proves that he is a Frenzel." the King took a sip of his wine. His other hand rested on the table and he lightly began to tap his fingers. "The Princess has had a weak body since birth. Due to her poor health, she can not be out for long periods of time. It's not wise for her to be running around, so she takes her meals in her room." 

'What a load of bullshit. She was perfectly fine in the garden.' Aether thought, but on the outside he gave a thoughtful and worried look and nodded. "The King is very caring." He gave a warm smile and took a bite of his food putting an end to the conversation.

"Your youngest is nothing like your other children. Hah!" the King laughed, the sound straining to the ears. He abruptly stopped and smirked at his father, "I wonder if that is a good thing." 

His fathers eyes narrowed, "I don't know what you mean." He growled through gritted teeth.

The King smirked, "I think you do." 

His fathers face turned red, but before his father could retort the door to the dinning hall was slammed open and five boys walked in one after another. Aether tensed at the new arrivals. He secretly scooted back just enough to where he would be hidden by Leon's body, but still be able to glance at the five Princes. 

The first Prince to walk in immediately caught Aether's eyes. From the way he walked to the way he looked, it wasn't hard to tell that he was the protagonist, the first born Prince. 

His build resembled Leon's, but unlike Leon he walked with grace and poise. He was the perfect combination between his mother and father. His hair was blonde just like his mothers and reached just above his shoulders and he had bright green eyes just like his father, but unlike his father when he gazed at you, his eyes were filled with warmth and calmness. His clothes were nothing less of what a protagonist was expected to wear. A white shirt with golden foil accents decorating the sleeves and bottom, with a pair of plain black pants. He wore gloves and carried a sword around his waist. 

Aether had to admit he was impressed by the looks of the protagonist and if he hadn't read the novel then he would have probably fallen for the calm and warm aura he produced, but lucky for him, he read the novel. 

The first Prince was named Lucian Soline. He was known by everyone to be kind and collected, but in reality he was scheming and manipulative. All the schemes he helped solve in the novel were all orchestrated by him.

The second Prince was called Sean Soline. He was more unique in appearance with short light green hair and dull hazel eyes. He took after his grandfather in appearance and often got criticized for not being like his grandfather in temperament. The clothes he wore were the embodiment of his personality, flashy and narcissistic. The neutral colored clothes were a way to draw people into his attunement with nature, but the single green jeweled necklace dangling off his neck was a startling reminder of what he was really like. He walked with confidence, his hands in his pockets and a small bird on his shoulder.

He gently petted the bird on his shoulder and the little bird cooed. The sight should have been endearing, but Aether found himself scoffing. In the novel, Sean was known as the communicator of all magical beasts due to his unique ability. The calming effect and his closeness with nature caused women and men to be drawn to him like flies. They went to him for warmth and security only to be met with an abuser. The unique ability that everyone envied and loved, was abused by its wielder. Anyone that annoyed Sean met a cruel fate at the mouths of those magical beasts.

Aether rolled his eyes and glanced at the next Prince only to freeze. 'Wait, isn't that..' 

Following behind the two Princes was the young man from the garden. His head was held high, but he looked bored. His head would lull to the side as he walked and his dull blue eyes roamed the entire room like it was searching for something even mildly interesting. He wore the exact same clothes from before, a tight plain black shirt and black pants. The clothes and his short black hair gave him the appearance of a shadow. Like he was there, but wasn't. 

It was a stark contrast to the other two. 

Those dull roaming eyes met his. Aether gasped and sank into his seat, 'Fuck. Had he been talking to the third Prince of the Soline Kingdom? Maybe it wasn't and he was just a friend or a butler that walked in with the other Princes.' He glanced up meeting the dull blue eyes once more. Startled, he glanced away, 'Nope. That was definitely him.' 

Aether felt stupid for not realizing sooner who he was talking to. Though, it wasn't entirely his fault. Nox Soline was an enigma in the novel. The only thing ever mentioned about him was that he refused to be part of the family politics. 

Aether paused. Glancing up again, he made and held eye contact with Nox, 'Why was the third Prince barely mentioned in the novel?' He would have never thought about it before, but after meeting him, Aether felt like he was missing something, but what?

He didn't have time to dwell on such thoughts as the chaotic duo behind Nox were wrestling their way into the spotlight.

The last two Princes were younger and noticeably smaller than the other three. They were twins, almost identical in appearance, and about thirteen in age. They both had short blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Both were wearing black dress shorts and light blue shirts. The only way to tell them apart was by the birthmarks on their faces. Ran had a birthmark under his right eye while Rael had a birthmark on his chin right under his bottom lip. They were holding hands as they walked in.

These two were interesting. They were the youngest of the princes and yet still in consideration for the throne. This was because of the spoiled behavior they showed on the outside. Many nobles, believing that they were easy targets to use as puppets to control the throne, quickly jumped to their side, expecting things to go their way. How wrong they were. Though the twins looked naive and easy to manipulate they were actually the exact opposite. They used their naive looks to make others think that they were in control when in reality they were walking into their traps. Once someone realized that they had fallen into a trap it was too late. 

The Princes quickly got to their seats. Nox had made an effort to sit directly across from Aether, but one foul look from his older brother had him sitting one seat over. Once all the Princes had taken their seats, their gazes fell on Aether. 

Aether shivered, but otherwise ignored their blatant stares and continued to eat his food in a graceful manner. 

In order to appear Frenzel like he held his head up high and ate, but did not gaze in the Prince's direction. He needed to appear as if he didn't care for their presence just like his father and brother next to him, but on the inside he was still grappling with the fact that he was now sitting at the same table as the novel's protagonist. 

"I see we have guests today, but I don't recall meeting the one sitting next to Sir Frenzel. Tell me, what is your name?" Lucian was the first to speak, his voice was calm and relaxing. It should have made Aether feel welcomed, but the only thing Aether felt was disgust. 

'Why does it seem like he's being rude?' Aether wondered with furrowed brows. Remaining silent despite Lucian's constant staring he glanced at his father first. His father met his gaze and with a hard look Aether beamed. 

He knew that look! It was the 'Don't you dare say anything' look, perfect!

Aether turned away from his father, ignored Lucian's gaze and question and continued eating.

"He is my youngest son, Aether Frenzel." His father responded for him and Aether's lip twitched. 'You didn't need to tell them my name.'

"I didn't know you had a second son." Aether could practically hear Lucian accusing his father of keeping a secret.

His father scoffed, "There was no need to announce him."

Aether nodded along absentmindedly. Although what his father was saying about him was rude, he was attacking the crazy Princes. It was like watching a show. How could he pass up on an opportunity like that?

"Oh? And why is that? Did something happen?" Sean asked with a playful voice while he poked at his food.

"In fact something did." The King smirked as he stared at his son's frozen faces. A sense of apprehension floated through the air, creating a dense and suffocating aura around the table. "All of you don't have to worry about solving the magical theory anymore." The king lifted his head and looked down at the Princes. 

There was an immediate reaction.

"Give me a couple of weeks and I'll have it done by then, I am curr-"

"No he's not! He is using others to solve the problem for him instead of using his own intelligence!" Ran interrupted Lucian by standing on his chair and pointing an accusing finger at Lucian who was scowling at his younger siblings.

"That's right! He is not doing anything!" Rael joined in.

"Ha! You two are just upset because you couldn't manipulate anyone into solving the theory for you." Sean mocked while leaning back in his chair.

"That's funny coming from you. You aren't even trying to solve the theory." Rael said. 

Sean's face got ugly as he leaned forward. "And where did you hear that from, huh? I bet you got it from one of your little puppets didn't you? Did you ever think that they might be feeding you false lies?" 

Lucian laughed at that, "how true, but Sean how can you say that to them when you are doing the same thing." 

Sean whipped his head to Lucian and snarled, "Don't you dare try to accuse me of things when you are using others to solve the theory for you. What's wrong, not intelligent enough to solve it by yourself that you have to use your looks to get by?" Sean taunted.

Aether leaned back into his chair, unconsciously scouting closer to Leon. He knew that the princes hated each other and most likely did not get along, but this was just ridiculous. He expected them to act like decent human beings in other people's presence, not to tear at each other's throats. 

The only one remaining silent was Nox. Aether took a chance and glanced over at him only to find that Nox was still staring at him. 'Has he been looking at me this entire time?'

"Enough!" The King slammed his hand on the table, shattering the cup that was in his hand. Aether flinched and scooted even closer to Leon, practically hiding behind him. The longer this lunch went on the more he didn't want to be here. He glanced at his father, hoping that the other would look his way and see his pleading gaze, but fate had other plans.

"I did not tell you so you all could start fighting amongst each other." the King spat out with disgust, "I told you because it's already been solved by the youngest Frenzel." The King smirked as he gestured to Aether. The Prince's gazes followed and they missed the small murmur of "Incompetent fools" that the King whispered.

Lucian was the first one to recover. He coughed lightly and gave a polite smile while fixing his clothes, "I did not know that the Frenzel's were capable of such feats. I thought they preferred the battlefield rather than the books." 

Aether grimaced at the insult.

"How sad it is for the renowned Princes to be outsmarted by a child from a war family. Makes me wonder if they are truly taking their roles seriously." Aether's father gave Lucian the cold shoulder and took a sip while talking to the King. 

Lucian's hand visibly trembled. "I must admit that I was quite shocked that a Frenzel would be the one to solve the theory. Being mathematically inclined is a gift in itself, but a theory such as this even stumped the best mathematical theorism professors we have. Apologizes for my rudeness, but for a child that we have never heard of to solve such a complex theory, it almost sounds illogical." Lucain leaned forward with a calm gaze, "Hiding such a talent and not telling the King, is there a reason why you were keeping him hidden from us?"

Aether frowned at the accusation that Lucian was subtly hinting at. 

His father on the other hand seemed undeterred from the small threat, "My third child has been kept indoors since recently, the King already knows of this matter." Then as an afterthought, his father smirked, "Though he has been attending the Royal Academy. I'm surprised that none of the Princes have run into him before." He smiled triumphantly at the Prince's pale faces.

"Obviously the Princes are lacking in their observation skills." His father added. He closed his eyes and took another drink, seemingly done with the conversation. Aether glanced at the other Prince's shocked faces. He could practically see the steam coming off Lucain's head as he clenched his fists. 

Aether snorted and hid behind his brother's back, trying hard to stifle his laugh. He couldn't help it. The looks on the Prince's faces…they looked so stupid. 

"What was that?" One of the twins asked. Still standing, both twins leaned forward and tried to get a glimpse of Aether who was glued to his brother's side at this point. 

"Brother, did you hear that?" Rael asked his twin, his curiosity peaked as he stared at Aether. 

Ran nodded enthusiastically, "I didn't know Frenzel's could laugh! I thought they were emotionless?" 

Aether froze at the others words and peeked sheepishly up at his father. He might have made a mistake again.

His father met his gaze, but there wasn't the usual stern look. Instead Aether could have sworn he saw a worried look flash through his fathers eyes. 

"It seems the Princes need more training in manners and etiquette." His father addressed the King who nodded along. 

The twins paled and quickly sat down and began to eat in silence, but the King and his father were not done talking.

"Yes. It seems my sons are inadequate when it comes to certain mannerisms. Ran, Rael." The two flinched. "After you finish eating you are to report to your tutors immediately for etiquette training. Do I make myself clear." 

"Yes father." They mumbled dejectedly with pouts on their faces. 

Sean, seeing this as an opportunity leaned forward with a smile on his face, "If it is true that he solved the theory, would he do the honors of demonstrating?" He asked enthusiastically. He glanced at Aether every so often as if waiting to see if the Frenzel household was lying or not. 

"Erik, would your son be willing to do the honors?" 

"Of course." 

Lucian and Sean leaned forward, watching Aether intently. Nox on the other hand gazed at him with that same dull look from before, but this time his eyes softened a little. Aether could have sworn he saw a moment of clarity and understanding flash through those dull eyes. 

For a moment all was silent and then all hell broke loose when Leon stood up.

"Wait, I thought you said it was your youngest that solved the theory. Why would Leon be the one demonstrating?" Sean asked.

"Yeah, why is he demonstrating?" Rael peeped up. 

"Shouldn't the one who solved it be the one to demonstrate it? It's only fair." Lucian added. 

Their questions went unanswered as Leon demonstrated the theory once more. Instantly the Princes got distracted and gave tentative nods. Lucian and Sean immediately took out a book and pen and began to take notes while the younger twins looked on in amazement. 

Aether smiled as Leon puffed out his chest and stood as tall as he could. He obviously was proud of his demonstration and Aether had a feeling that he would never hear the end of it once they returned home. 

After a moment, Sean stopped writing and turned his focus back to Aether. "You didn't answer my question?" His eyes shifted to Aether's father, "If he was the one to solve the theory then why isn't he the one demonstrating?"