Chapter 13 - Propose a Competition

Aether glanced at Sean. He knew that the Princes would be fast to catch on, and in a way, he was hoping for it. 

In the novel, the Princes had a bad habit of trying to provoke and defeat those that they thought were more powerful than them. His dear older brother was sadly a prime example of that, though to this day they haven't actually won a battle against him, it still didn't stop the Princes from trying with every chance they got. 

After finding out that he was the one to figure out the problem, of course the Princes would want to fight him. And that was a scenario he never wanted to become reality. 

So he was glad for the Prince's keen insights. Their confused if not skeptical faces gave him the reassurance that he would never have to fight the Princes. He internally smiled at the thought.

Aether's smile almost threatened to reveal itself in reality. After all, there was another small matter that would make Aether's short stay in the Palace more amusing to watch. That is to say, the King wasn't so fond of the Prince's little habit. 

The King was looking for an heir that was both cunning and intelligent, but also benevolent and courteous in front of others. An heir that would silently watch from the shadows and make their moves strategically after learning everything they could. Not an heir that ran into a fight whenever they met someone that might be more powerful than them. And poor Sean was the first to do this. Of course he wasn't alone. 

Lucian was also staring at him with that same calculating look, though his was more subtle than Sean's. He was more laid back in his scrutinizing gaze and because of this he could in a way get away from his father's disapproving gaze. 

Nox was also staring at him, but his stare was completely different than the other two. Aether refused to meet Nox's gaze so he turned his focus back to the issue at hand. Avoiding Sean's demanding question he quietly hid his body partially behind his father. Tilting his head to the side he frowned and gazed up at his father.

Sean's eyes narrowed at the action, his fingers dug into the table and he said, "If you solved the theory then it would only make sense for you to demonstrate it."

Aether internally rolled his eyes at the others' stupidity. He put on his best pout and took a chance to glance at the King. The King caught this glance and his eyes immediately darkened. The King glared at Sean, successfully shutting up Sean. 

Following the King's actions, his father glared at Sean and scowled, "He shouldn't have to demonstrate anything, just be thankful that you got a chance to witness such a feat." His father scoffed.

Sean bristled. Despite his father's warning glare he retorted, "Witness such a feat? Are you not hearing yourself? Anyone in their right of mind would want to be the one to demonstrate such a feat if they themselves solved it. They wouldn't want others to take credit for what they have accomplished and yet you're letting that happen. Why is that?" he let out a mocking laugh, "in fact,-"

"Sean." Lucian warned at his side, but Sean ignored him.

"-Why did no one know about him until now? It's so strange that no one, not even the King knew of his existence until this very moment. And don't give me that crap that we would have seen him because he went to the Royal Academy. If he was properly introduced as a Frenzel then we would have known he was there, but he wasn't. Why is that?" Sean slammed his hands on the table and stared daggers at Aether, "What are you trying so desperately to hide?"

Aether was uncomfortable under the others' gaze. Sensing the hostility, Leon came back to his side and Aether wasted no time in moving behind him instead of their father. After all, he wasn't sure if his father would protect him if Sean lashed out. 

Sean's lip twitched when he saw this action. A playful smile made its way onto his face, "Oh, I didn't think I would ever get to see this. The famed Leon Frenzel reduced to a loyal guard dog." he scoffed, "It makes sense. I mean you never were one to use your brain. This," He gestured to their position, "is definitely more suitable for you."

Leon shifted next to him. All movement stopped and the aura around him changed. It darkened to the point where it started to feel as if he was suffocating. Aether gently touched his throat and then glanced over at Leon. He subconsciously flinched when he noticed the giant black mass coming out from his brother's shadows. 'Crap!' If he didn't do anything, then he might seriously witness a fight between the Princes and his brother.

Without giving it a second thought he reached out and grabbed onto Leon's arm, gently tugging, "Brother?" His voice was gentle as he spoke. His words never got far as his hand was gripped and harshly pulled away from Leon. 

His father sneered as he gazed down at him and then turned his rage at Leon, "Leon! Control yourself! This is unbefitting of a Frenzel!" The shadows underneath Leon shifted and contorted into sharp swords before evaporating into dust and whisping back into his shadows. 

With a dark gaze he sat down, picked up his fork and continued to eat. Aether let out a sigh of relief thinking that the entire episode was over, but his brother just had to prove him wrong.

"Apologies for my rudeness, your Highness, father. It was…unbefitting of me." He looked up at Sean and with a sharp look said, "I was just making sure that no harm came to my brother." and to add insult to the wound he added, "It seems some are upset that such an equation was solved by a Frenzel, but perhaps if they actually tried instead of using their looks and manipulating others to do their bidding, they would have figured it out."

Not only Sean, but Lucian also visibly bristled at Leon's words. Lucian was more in control of his emotions and didn't let the words break his calm appearance, but Sean was not so lucky. 

The screeching of a chair sliding across the ground bounced around the room as Sean stood up, red faced and ready to argue. "You Fucke-"

"Your Majesty!" A soldier slammed the door to the dining room open and ran in gasping for breath. A couple of soldiers followed in after him. They were all leaning over just slightly and painting heavily. They lowered their heads, probably in an attempt to hide their exhaustion. The first soldier was the first to move despite the glare the King was giving him. He calmly strode to the King's side and kneeled.

"Apologies for interrupting your Majesty's meal, but there has been a development in the situation that needs your attention." The soldier's voice was firm, but his body was tense. 

The King on the other hand was idly picking at his food. He was calm as he cut up his steak and took a bite. The soldier visibly trembled as the King ate, his eyes firmly on the knife in the King's hand. The soldier gulped and looked back towards the ground. He glanced towards Aethers direction. His eyes met Aethers. His eyes widened and he looked away before glancing back at Aether once more. 

"Permission to speak in the presence of others, your Majesty?" The soldier finally looked away. 

The King nodded.

"The intruder has infiltrated the Palace. We located a pair of clothes hidden behind some bushes at the side entrance of the garden, we believe he had changed his clothes upon infiltration. Unfortunately we do not know what he has currently disguised himself as." The soldier gulped at the end of his sentence. His eye flickering between the floor and the King. 

"An intruder?" His father spoke with mild interest. "Since when has the Palace ever allowed intruders to infiltrate their walls?" He turned to address the King with a look that spoke 'Look how far you have fallen'. 

The King frowned, "I see. It seems I'm in need of better guards." The King stabbed the table with his knife. 

The soldier flinched. "Pl-please your majesty!" The soldier stammered as he fell backwards. His face pale as he stared at the knife embedded into the table. 

"I-I-We knew that the intruder had infiltrated through a back door, one that is usually unguarded. I will make sure my men are thoroughly trained and cover any blind spots we have missed." The soldier banged his head on the ground and cried out, "Please, spare us your Majesty!" 

The King looked bored with the soldier and moved his hand to grip the knife, the killing intent strong in his eyes. Aether's eyes widened in realization at what the King had planned to do and against better judgment he spoke out. 

"Please wait, your majesty." Aether's voice was soft as he spoke, but a hint of fear was noticeable to those around him, including the Princes. His father gave him a hard glare, while the Princes watched in half amusement. Aether ignored those lingering stares as got up and made his way over to the fallen soldier. He bent down next to the soldier and placed a hand on his shoulder. He gave the shivering soldier a calming smile.

"Please don't be rash in your decisions." Aether knew that as he spoke he had to be careful with his words. One mistake could lead him to being killed. 

"Oh? And why shouldn't I kill the soldier who let a potential assassin storm in my Palace?" The King was twirling the knife in his hand as if it were merely a toy being played with. Aether gulped at the knife, but knew the King would not harm him. 

He also understood that what the King said made sense. It was a soldier's duty to keep potential assassins out of the Palace, but that didn't mean the soldiers were not doing their jobs. Not everyone was perfect and a single slip up every now and then was expected, but to be killed for one single mistake? It was ridiculous. 

Aether took a deep breath, it was time to play with his words, "It's true that they let an intruder enter your halls, but your majesty, after personally witnessing how well guarded the Palace is, I can not help but think that the fault does not lie in their neglectance, but in your neglectance to properly distribute the guards and soldiers." 

There was an audible gasp in the hall.

"How so?" The King's voice grew dark. 

"Though my time in the Palace has been short, I have noticed a fault in your security. The locations where the Princes and King are more likely to use are more guarded than locations that you don't use. For example, the garden was absent of any guards or soldiers while I was there, making it a perfect place to infiltrate the Palace unnoticed." Aether thought back to the princess at the garden. 

The princess was never guarded, so it was easy for her to roam around, but in the novel it stated that she would be harassed by the servants. So, if she wanted a place where she could be by herself without getting bullied, then the garden would be the perfect place since it was unguarded. 

Now that he thought about it. The garden was surrounded by multiple windows, giving access to the garden and yet the princess was still able to get there in secret. 

Does that mean that the entire part surrounding the garden was unguarded? But then why did Leon look for a place where they wouldn't be noticed by the windows? Was there something he was missing?

The King tapped his fingers against the table and hummed. 

Aether shook his head, "I believe that the intruder knew about this fault in security and found one of these unguarded places and was able to sneak in unnoticed." Aether helped the soldier up and dusted off his sleeves, "That's why I believe that the guards and soldiers shouldn't be punished, but instead the person who discovered the intruder should be rewarded for even noticing the intrusion." Aether gave a warm smile and moved back to his seat where his brother and father immediately moved closer to him. Almost as if they were prepared to protect him against the King in the worst case scenario. 

The air grew tense as everyone glanced at the King waiting for his judgment. Aether pretended not to notice that the soldier from before had sneakily walked further away from the King until he was positioned perfectly behind him. 

The King threw his head back and laughed. "Ha! Your youngest proves more interesting by the second." He turned towards Aether's father, "I knew that you Frenzels were observant in everything you do, but to think that your youngest…." he trailed off, a smile on his face.

The King glanced at the soldier hiding behind Aether, "Fine. Find the soldier who discovered the clothes and give them fifty pieces of silver and a week off." 

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The soldier beamed as he bowed and left with the rest of the soldiers. 

The room went silent. 

Aether smiled triumphantly at his small success. Ignoring the blatant stares he went back to his seat and focused back on his food. He didn't dare look up.

"Father," Lucian broke the silence, "if the intruder is still loose, then it wouldn't be wise to send the Frenzel's away." 

Aether froze. With wide eyes he glanced at Lucian, silently praying that he would shut up.

"After all, we don't know who the intruder has disguised themselves as. For all we know they could have infiltrated the Frenzel's servants without them knowing." Lucian gave a courteous smile.

The King hummed in agreement and made a motion with his hands for Lucian to continue. 

Lucian's smile widened, looking more like a Cheshire cat's grin, "I propose that the Frenzel's spend the night here." 

Aether's hand dropped. Out of all the things that could happen, this was his worst nightmare. He glanced over at his father hoping that he would say something, but he knew by the way his father was gripping his fork that it was a lost cause.

"Why would the Frenzel's need to stay here?" Aether perked up at the King's words. 

"They are more than capable of taking care of any intruders on their own." The King idly said.

Lucian coughed a little, his smile thinning, "There is no doubt that the Frenzel's are capable, it's just I thought it would be nice to host a small competition between the two families." 

Leon furrowed his eyebrows, "A competition?" Aether wanted to hit his brother. He could practically see the competitiveness of his brother rolling off in waves and there was nothing he could do to stop him. 

"Just a small one." Lucian replied, "It's simple, whoever catches the intruder before the morning wins." 

Leon smiled, "Oh? And what do I get once I win?" 

"Who says that you are going to win?" Lucian said. 

"Enough." The King spoke. Everyone turned to face him. Aether watched with resignation. He knew deep inside that this crazy King would approve of this little competition and that he undoubtedly will be stuck in this hell hole until the next morning. 

"What do you think?" He asked Erik's opinion, though it sounded more like he was just asking out of the context of appearing nice, "A little competition between the two families. Whoever wins gets a prize of their choosing." 

Ran raised his hand, "Father! Father! Do you mean that we can ask for anything!" 

The King nodded his head, "Anything you want." And as if he was purposely adding fuel to the fire he added, "You can even ask for the throne." 

The response was simultaneous. 

"I agree to this competition." Sean smiled cockily while playing with the pendent in his hand.

"We also want to play!" Ran and Real nodded together enthusiastically. 

Nox and Leon both nodded in silent agreement. 

The King let out a small laugh, "It seems we have an agreement. Then Erik, what do you say to starting right away?" 

His father glanced at Aether and hesitantly nodded.

Aether cursed.