Chapter 14 - Views from the Palace

"I don't want you leaving this room unless either Leon or I come for you, do you understand?" His father was fixing the cuffs of his sleeves while Leon was polishing his sword on the side. 

"Yes Father." Aether replied, though he was not entirely happy with the scenario. He wanted nothing more than to leave, but if he were to say so he would most likely be scolded. Though, he can't say he isn't entirely dissatisfied with the situation. Being locked up in a room while the others hunted down an intruder had its perks. 

Not only was he separated from the deranged Princes, but he also had the authority to request whatever he wanted knowing full well that he is safe in this room. It wasn't the ideal situation, but it could be worse. 

Aether let out a small sigh as he glanced out the window. He was on the second floor overlooking the front garden and gate of the Palace. He was told by the maids that this was the safest room. Part of him doubted it, especially after looking out the window, but after learning what rooms were in the same hall he understood why this room was considered the safest. 

Aether glanced at the vast garden, a few soldiers could be seen running around searching for the intruder. He didn't see any Princes yet, but he was certain they too were also running around. 

Aether didn't want to admit it, but he was concerned with the way the story was progressing. When he first arrived he had assumed he was in the beginning of the novel, but now he was second guessing himself. Not only was a plot point happening that didn't happen in the novel, but the Princess, she was too young. 

'Did I arrive before the start of the novel?' He frowned and shook his head, trying to shake away the ominous feeling that was growing. Since waking up in this world, he hasn't been able to get rid of this feeling that death was following him with every step. One misstep and that would mean the end.

Aether could see in the reflection that his father was staring at him. After a minute he gave a small nod of approval, "Bert."

"Yes, Master?" Bert came over and bowed.

"Have some books prepared for him. I don't want him wandering out due to boredom." His father gave him one last look before gesturing for Leon to follow them. 

"Of course, Master." Bert gave a curt nod and left with the two.

Aether waited for the door to close and then frowned. Of course his father wouldn't let him just relax. Looks like he was going to be stuck working on problems while he waited for the little game to finish. He sighed, 'Oh well, it's better than running around with a potential assassin trying to kill me.'

Aether turned around and glanced around the room. The room itself was extravagant like the rest of the Palace. The brightly colored accents thrown over every piece of furniture combined with the overuse of multi-colored flowers gave Aether a headache just looking at them. 

It wasn't long before Bert came back with a giant stack of books in his hands. With gleaming eyes he ecstatically made his way over to a large desk, "Young Master! You won't believe the books I found in the Royal Library. Hurry, you must read them before night falls." 

Aether glanced at the large pile and then at Bert. 


"Young Master, are you alright?" Bert voiced his concern and gestured to a maid on the side, "Go and fetch him some tea." The maid bowed and opened the door to leave, but a dark figure stood in her way. 

Letting out a small gasp the maid deeply bowed her head, "Greetings your highness." Her voice wavered, cracking slightly at the end.

Aether frowned and glanced over at the door, but he could not see past the maid. Bert on the other hand had a full view of who it was. At first he was shocked, but then his face hardened and he scowled. Slamming the books onto the table he walked over to the door, pushing the maid out of the way, "Your highness." Bert was firm and bleak as he spoke, "What a surprise. I was under the impression that you were participating in the competition, but it seems I was misinformed." Bert grabbed the door, closing it to the point that even if Aether leaned over he would not be able to see which Prince had come to visit him.

Though was that really a bad thing? Although his curiosity peaked, he didn't want the attention or a confrontation with the Princes, especially Lucian or Sean. He shivered. Remembering the way the two talked at lunch only validated his decision to avoid them.

"I'm still participating." The familiar deep voice caught Aether's attention. He stood up, but hesitated. Should he go and see why Nox was looking for him or should he keep his distance? Logically he knew it would be better to stay away from Nox, after all he was a Prince. Yet a part of him was hesitant. 

Although he had only met Nox a couple of times. Nox had been nothing but nice to him. Even if he did get mad rather easily, he got mad for him not at him.

"Then it would be wise for you to start, a prey can not be hunted when the hunter is not hunting." Bert was firm when he spoke and went to close the door without another word, but the door was stopped by a foot. 

Despite being pushed back from Bert, Nox pushed his way through the threshold of the door. His eyes met Aether and for a moment it was like all time had stopped.

Aether was standing in front of the window. The light from outside cascaded around him like a halo, the sun reflected off his silver hair making it appear as if his hair was sparkling like silver. For a moment his face scrunched up as if he were thinking deeply about something, but unlike when this look was on the rest of the Frenzel family Nox found this appearance almost cute. He frowned at thought and shook his head.

Unaware of what the other was thinking, Aether sheepishly smiled and waved. 

"Prince Nox." Aether gave a slight bow and the frown on Nox's face deepened. 


Aether raised his head. Tilting his head to the side he shot Nox a questioning gaze, "You are a Prince right? I'm addressing you the proper way, no?" 

Nox shook his head and let out a short chuckle, "There is no need for you to address me that way."


"Just call me Nox." Nox smirked. 

"But…" Aether trailed off. It wasn't appropriate was left unsaid.

Nox gently smiled and reached into his pocket. On the side Bert became alert, his hands twitch at his side and he eyed the Princes every move. Aether noticed the sudden movement, but the apprehension and worry quickly disappeared when he saw the small bag of cookies in the Prince's hand.

Aether's eyes lit up when he saw the delicious looking cookies. The bag was see through and he could just barely see the small white powder in the shape of a flower on the cookies. He unconsciously swallowed at the sight of them.

Nox's gentle smile grew as he pushed the bag into Aether's hands. 

Aether held the bag, his eyebrows furrowing. "For me?" He pointed to himself.

Nox nodded. 


"As an apology for not telling you who I was, but then again I've never met someone who didn't know who I was." Nox shot Aether a smug smile.

Aether faltered and without meeting Nox's gaze he played with the bag of cookies in his hand while stammering, "Well I-I um…you see…I-I didn't know…" Aether's face began to heat up as he tried to come up with an explanation, but to his utter dismay and embarrassment he couldn't get his words out. "It's um… I mean, I knew about the Princes, but I-I wasn't sure what the Prince's looked…like?" His voice squeaked at the end and Aether found himself turning even more red and wanted nothing more than to go and bury his head under the blankets.

When Nox gazed down all he could see was the top of Aether's head and the tip of his ears that were burning bright red. He smiled in amusement as he listened to the others stammering. A knowing glint flashed in his eyes as Aether finished talking.

Chuckling he patted Aether's head "I was only joking, no need to think too hard about it." 

Aether blushed even harder in embarrassment and tried to respond, but Nox didn't let him speak.

"Wish me luck on the hunt." Nox lowered his hand and walked back towards the door, where an impatient Bert was standing alert. 

Bert glared at Nox as he walked back, lowering his voice he said, "I don't know what you are planning, but it would be in your best interest to stay away from the Young Master." 

Nox raised his eyebrow at Bert's blatant threat. 

The atmosphere between the two was tense, but a sweet voice broke it in seconds. 

"Good luck." Aether's voice was quiet, but the two heard him perfectly fine. 

Nox glanced back at Aether and then back at Bert. The corner of his lips quirked up and he smugly whispered to Bert, "I don't think that's possible."

Bert simmered in silent rage, but ultimately couldn't do anything as the door slammed shut behind the Prince. 'I'll have to tell the Master about this.' Bert thought. He waited a batted moment, fixed his sleeves and said "Now that he is gone, come on, no dilly dallying. We don't have much time and these books won't read by themselves."

Aether who had thought he had gotten out of having to read the pile of books groaned. It was going to be a long day.


Outside of the room and across the hall a pair of twins were causing mayhem as they scurried about trying to "find" the intruder. Though, compared to the other princes, what they were doing could be considered anything but hunting.

"Hmph, we are supposed to be looking for the intruder! Not roaming the Castle." Ren stomped his foot in aggravation as they wandered down another hall.

"Fine. Then go hunt the intruder by yourself if you want." Rael rolled his eyes as he played with a picture frame hanging on the wall. 

Ren glanced outside at the setting sun and shivered. He turned towards Rael and pouted, "No! I don't want to go by myself!" 

"Then stay here and shut up." Rael poked his brother in the chest and continued to work on the picture. 

Ren sighed and placed his hands behind his head, "What's the point in doing this anyway?" He kicked his foot.

"Remember at lunch when we met that new Frenzel?" Rael clicked his tongue as the picture remained unmoved.

"Yeah, he was weird." Ren scrunched up his nose, "Why wasn't he introduced to us before? Do you think his father just forgot?"

Rael rolled his eyes at his brother's simplicity. Ignoring his questions he continued, "Didn't you think something was strange with him?" 

Ren thought for a moment before nodding. Rael poked at a corner of the painting, smiling when a piece fell out and into his palm. 

"If you're so curious about that Frenzel, then why are we doing this?" Ren gestured to the hole in the wall behind the painting. "Can't we just go and confront him in his room? It would be so much easier." He whined.

"Uggghhh," Rael rolled his eyes, "Can't you see, we can't get close to that room right now." 

Ren blinked and shook his head.

Rael sighed in aggravation, "What were you doing this evening. Did you not see when we passed his hallway that the butlers from the Frenzel household were setting up formations." 

Ren made an 'O' with his mouth, "That's what they were doing." He paused, "But, then why can't we enter. It's just some simple formations. They are easy enough to break."

"They are not just some simple formations. They are permission formations. Without his permission, we can not step into that room and knowing how the Frenzel's are, he has already been warned about us. So we have to take a different route to get information on him." 

Ren gave him a deadpan look, "So your solution is to go and eavesdrop on Father and Erik Frenzel."

Rael nodded.

"Are you looking for death?" Ren whacked his brother on the head, "If we are caught, father will have our heads!" 

"Ow! Stop hitting me." Rael smacked Ren's hands away, "Father is too focused on the intruder to notice our presence. Besides, even if he does notice us he would just assume we are in the hall searching for the intruder." 

Ren hums. "I see your point." He glances towards the hole, "Uhhh, fine, but if we get caught you're taking the blame." He threw his hands up in the air and climbed into the hole.

"Trust me we won't get caught." Rael climbed in after him. He took one glance around the empty halls before carefully closing the picture behind him. 

A shadowed figure watched the small interaction between the two Princes before turning on his heel and walking away.


On the first floor of the mansion was another pair of Princes, but unlike their younger counterparts they were actively hunting. 

"Sean, do me a favor and get rid of that pest." Lucian's hand hovered over his sword. His eyes narrowed as he walked forward. He didn't need to turn around to know that an unwanted pest was trailing behind them.

"It would be my pleasure, but-" Sean flicked some dust off his shoulder, "-that would leave you alone to go and find the intruder all by yourself and I can't have that, now can I." He smirked and put his hands back into his pockets as he leisurely strolled behind Lucian.

Lucian was unbothered by Sean's antics. "All the more reason for you to deal with him." He hissed out. 

Sean scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Don't be such a pussy. A little competition won't harm you." He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes landing on the figure following them. 

At first they had been alone, but in a turn of events they had crossed paths with Leon. They thought that Leon would go his separate way, but to their utter annoyance he had been following them for some time now. 

Sean shifted his gaze to the shadows surrounding Leon. They were becoming more active the longer they walked. "Not that it would matter. With the two of us here, his chances of winning are close to none." 

Lucian clenched his teeth and gritted out, "That may be true, but if all three of us come across the intruder then how would we determine who rightfully caught them? Without any witnesses and only our words to rely on, it would only take one small mishap for him to claim what is rightfully ours." 

Sean rolled his eyes and peeked to the side, his hands idly tracing the walls, "Speaking of unwanted company, where did our dear younger brother go?" 

Lucian turned around the corner, "Forget about him, you know he doesn't participate in things that have to do with the throne." 

"Hmm, that may be true, but he did seem rather…interested." Sean mused. 

Lucian paused and bit his lip. There was truth to Sean's words. That brat did look more interested than before. 'Could he be planning something behind our backs?' The thought caused Lucian to stop in his tracks.

Sean noticed Lucian's strange mood and decided to add oil to the fire, "He may even be fighting the intruder as we speak." 

Lucian clicked his tongue. He highly doubted that Nox had found the intruder, but he couldn't take any chances. Gritting his teeth he said, "That imbecile doesn't even know how to use his abilities properly, let alone fight. If he does run into the intruder then he would most likely run away with his tail between his legs." 

Sean smiled, knowing full well that what he said had gotten to his brother. Without a word he leaned down to pick up a small mouse. "Oh? Well isn't that interesting." 

Lucian glared back at Sean, "What?" He gritted out.

"It seems that our useless brother has found himself in the garden. How strange for him to be there, I mean we never go to the garden, but oh! Didn't that new Frenzel say that he was in the garden? Our little brother may be onto something." he cooed at the mouse.

Lucian growled and without a word took a sharp turn towards the garden.

"Oh? Change of directions? Where are we going? The Garden? Hahaha!" Sean quickly caught up and Leon followed suit. 

"I hope he dies." Lucian seethed.

A single shadow watched the trio retreat from afar. They smirked before turning away.


In a room situated on the second floor, Erik and the King were idly chatting while waiting for the results. 

"Your children are as useless as ever." Erik twirled the glass of wine in his hand as he peered out the window.

The King glanced up from his desk, but did not speak.

"They are playing foolish games with each other instead of looking for the intruder." He turned away from the window, "At this rate they will never be ready for the throne." 

The King's hand stopped, "She spoiled them too much." He sighed, rubbing his forehead as he spoke, "They focus too much on each other rather than the task at hand, but perhaps after tonight's show they will understand what is required for them if they ever want to be sitting on my throne." 

Erik hummed in agreement. He took a sip of the wine and abruptly said "Will you ever tell them about it?" 


Erik took a seat opposite of the King, "They will have to know eventually." 

"Eventually or never, the words are no different to me." The King's hand began to move once again. 

"If you won't tell them then-"

"Enough." the King slammed his hand onto the table, the ink spilling all over the table and dripping onto his papers. Erik rolled his eyes at the other's temper, but dropped the conversation. 

"Erik," the king spoke, breaking the silence, "Why didn't you tell me you had another child?" His voice was soft as he spoke, but his eyes were calculating. 

Erik glanced down at the wine in his hand. "You know better than anyone why I didn't announce him." 

The King was silent, but his state spoke words.

Erik scoffed and added, "I thought he would be dead by now. Non-users tend to live short lives, so I thought he would die young. There would have been no point in introducing a son who was a useless non-user who was going to die soon, but that boy is stubborn." He swirled the wine and took a sip. He looked at his reflection and hesitated just for a second before speaking, "He…changed."

"Changed? How so?" The King pushed aside the papers he was working on. 

"He used to be so…useless, but then one day it was like he turned into a completely different person. Instead of being weak and cowardly, he showed his intelligence and even bargained with it. Ha!" Erik laughed at the memory from a few nights ago, but then his eyes narrowed. "I don't know what happened, but that brat not only gained the courage to stand up to me, but also knew how to use his intelligence and kindness to his advantage." He gestured towards the King, "You saw it first hand on how he shifted the blame from the soldier to you." 

"I-" The King paused and peered towards a picture on the wall. "It seems my youngests' have a bad habit." 


A small figure ran through the empty halls. The halls that were supposed to be filled with guards, but for some reason she couldn't find anyone. Her bare feet barely made a sound. She huffed and puffed as she ran as fast as she could, constantly looking behind her for any shadows that moved. 

"Mmmm." She bite her lip as a shadow moved in the corner. With tears welling up in her eyes she scrambled down the hall towards the guest rooms. She was too distracted to notice the small lip in the carpet causing her to stumble and fall to the floor with a small thud. 

She lifted herself up. Her nose red and her tears silently falling. She sniffled and rubbed her eyes. The shadows twist around her, creeping towards her legs. They morphed into vines ready to latch onto her and drag her away, but at the last minute they retreated.

One of the doors she had fallen in front of opened.

And the beautiful boy from before met her gaze.
