Chapter 37- Dinner

If one were to ask Erik Frenzel if a Prince would ever have the honor to eat at his table, he would have laughed in their face, mocking them of their stupidity. Yet, at this moment, he found himself unable to laugh.

He didn't know what his life was thinking, inviting such a guest to their table. If his father was still alive he would surely be beaten black and blue for allowing such a thing to happen. Despite every fiber in his body telling him to get rid of the unwanted man, he could only clench his teeth and try his best to hold in his boiling anger.

The clinking of dishes being placed on the table by the maids and butlers did little to distract him. When Erik caught their curious if not deadly gazes that lingered on the uninvited guest. It did little to soothe his anger, but knowing that even the servants of the Frenzel households hated that man made him more comfortable if not smug.

'If that bastard steps out of line even once, this entire household will be on him in seconds.' The thought alone brought a slightly smug smile to Erik's face. He reached for his wine and took a small swig, trying his best to ignore the situation in front of him. But the more he heard, the more he saw, the more his eyes twitched.

That bastard Prince was sitting at his table. Eating with his family and more specifically talking with his youngest son. No longer was the bastard showing a menacing face or deadly aura, but instead his expression was relaxed and more calm than anyone else at the table. To make matters worse when he spoke he had a small, if not soft, smile on his face.

It was as if everything that had transpired before was all an illusion.

Erik's fingers clenched around his wine glass, causing cracks to spiral up the sides. A hand covering his was the only reminder from his wife that he couldn't cause a scene, at least not now.

He glanced over at his wife who was giving him a meaningful look. Yes, he had to calm down. There was still something good that could come out of this…whatever this was.

Yet, there was still a part of him that understood the severity of this situation. His dear wife only saw part of it. She saw that something was wrong, but she couldn't see it in its entirety. Knowing her she pushed it aside to focus on more important matters, like having their youngest gaining control over the third Prince.

It was a bold and strong move, one that could work in their favor if done right, but as much as he appreciated his wife coming up with such an idea, the chosen person was no longer an option. He would have to pull her to the side later tonight and talk with her. She wouldn't be happy, but once she knows what's really going on, she will gladly follow his orders. After all there are plenty of other princes to choose from.

"Aether, does that thing really need to be at the table while we eat?" His wife calmly asked while cutting up her steak.

Aether stopped mid bit and glanced over at the small dragon in his lap. "…No, but he won't do anything! I promise, so can he stay? Just this once?" Aether's eyes sparkled as he spoke and Erik wanted nothing more than to curse at this new soul occupying his son's body.

He was acting too…cute! As cunning as it was, the monster that sat calmly at his side was being affected more and more and he couldn't let that happen.

Gnashing his teeth silently he stuffed some food in his mouth and drank some more wine before saying, "Now Aether. I understand that the dragon needs to bond with you, but from now on it can't be eating at the table." He paused, his eyes shifting over to Nox who was now staring at him with those same dull eyes. He scoffed at how fast the look in the others eyes could change and continued to eat.

"Your father is right. Dragons' are known to have big appetites. It should be fed separately so it doesn't eat your food." Nox replied.

Erik's eye twitched at the word Father. It sounded demented coming from that bastards mouth.

A sharp kick to his leg and Erik was lifting an eyebrow at his wife who was now glaring at him. He rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth at another hard kick to his shin.

Erik resigned himself to drink some more wine, but that asshole just had to continue speaking, "Hmm, now that I think about it, Dragon food is rare to come by. If the Frenzel household does not have any food for the dragon, perhaps I should bring some food over for it." Nox worded it as if it was a suggestion, but knowing his youngest he would see it as a helpful gesture rather than a manipulative tool in order to see him once more.

"That won't be necessary." Erik seethed out before Aether could even move his mouth.

There was another kick to his leg and Erik scowled at his wife. His wife on the other hand let out a small cough and quickly changed the subject.


Eriks scowl deepened, but he raised his brow in confusion. His wife seemed to be struggling to say the monster's name.

"I heard from Aether that the two of you have been assigned to do a project together."

Nox nodded while Aether shifted in his seat, shooting a worried glance at his wife. Erik's eyebrows raised even higher. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he had a hunch that whatever it was, he was going to enjoy it.

His wife stopped eating, her voice firm as she spoke, "Unfortunately that won't be happening."

A silence filled the dining hall. For the first time sitting down, Erik sat up straight in his seat and smiled snuggly at Nox. It seemed that this night would end in his favor after all.

"Why?" Nox shot back. His stance was as calm as it had been the entire dinner, but his voice wavered. Erik could detect a hint of anger floating in his voice and despite a part of him knowing that the monster in front of him should never be angered, he couldn't help the satisfaction growing in his heart.

"As you know, Aether is just beginning to understand his true potential when it comes to his vast intelligence. Unlike Leon and Aria, he learns better when working by himself. A partner would only get in the way. Wouldn't you agree?" His wife spouted nonsense that not even he would have agreed with, but at this moment he could care less as long as that monster was sent far away from his youngest son.

Nox stared at her, his expression unreadable.

"No. I don't agree."

Erik watched as his wife's lip twitched.

"What did you say?" Now his wife was clenching her fork so hard that it was beginning to bend under her grip.

Nox smiled back at her, his eyes filled with an unnerving darkness. "I said I don't agree."


"I don't doubt that Aether is intelligent." Nox interrupted, "But that doesn't mean he should work by himself." Nox turned his gaze towards Aether, "I believe that in order for someone to gain their full potential, working with others is a necessity."

Aether smiled, "I agree." He turned his gaze towards his mother, "Our project has to do with the other Kingdoms and unfortunately that is a subject I am not well versed in." He sheepishly said. "Besides, the library here doesn't contain any books on the other kingdoms."

Erik and his wife froze at the same time. Their eyes widened at the same time and before they could stop what was bound to happen from happening Nox had already opened his mouth.

"If that is the case, you could come over to the Palace. The royal library has an entire collection on the other Kingdoms."

"Really? Okay." Aether smiled brightly.

Erik grit his teeth and shot his wife a look. They couldn't let this happen, but for now they would let it pass. Afterwards they will pull Aether to the side and explain to him that this little project will not be happening, that the outing to the Palace Library will definitely not be happening.

And if he fought him over it, then he had other ways to convince his new son.

He glanced over at the two, they seemed to be having a light hearted conversation about the dragon and school. It wasn't too concerning, but his eyes couldn't help but watch Nox's every move. Erik wasn't sure what the bastard was planning by getting this close to his youngest, but whatever it was it couldn't be good.

His gaze shifted over to the dragon. Dragons were considered a rare species because they don't like to be in the presence of humans. Their prideful nature and destructive behavior proved too much and only a few humans had ever been able to form a bond with one. Those people were known far and wide to be the strongest and most powerful beings in their time…a drastic difference compared to his youngest.

A child that has no abilities. A dragon that bonds with the powerless.

'Could it be because he isn't from here?' His eyes shifted back over to Aether, 'Did the dragon bond with him because it felt a connection to a god?' His hands paused for a second, gripping harder on his utensils. 'If that is the case, then why did that bastard lead him to the dragon?'

There were too many questions to be answered, but no one to voice his questions to. He could only seethe in silence as his mind came up with more and more complex and outrageous theories. He stayed that way until Dinner was finally over.

The group got up together. Aether was rather calm, scooping up the dragon and idly chatting with Nox as they made their way towards the entrance. The Frenzel family on the other hand were all tense.

Erik quickly dismissed his other two children and with his wife by his side followed their youngest to the front. With how the night was going, who knew when that bastard would offer yet another drastically inappropriate suggestion. Erik's worries proved to be correct when he caught wind of the two's conversation.

"Oh, it is quite dark out." Aether gazed out one of the windows they had passed by after Nox had made a small comment about the stars. Erik nearly had a heart attack at his son's next words.

"Perhaps it would be better for you to spend the night. We have plenty of rooms."

Nox smiled and was about to nod in approval, but with quick thinking his wife swooped in for the kill, "Although the offer is kind, it wouldn't be wise to keep the Prince from his duties at the Palace. I will have a carriage arranged for him."

Nox stilled and his eyes ghosted over them with a new found coldness.

Aether's head tilted, "Oh." He seemed to ponder for a moment before his eyes lit up once more, regaining the usual shine, "Then we will speak next time." He gave Nox a smile and was ready to say his goodbyes before Nox interrupted them once again.

"What are you going to name it?"

Aether tilted his head to the side before his mouth opened in understanding. Glancing down at the dragon he shrugged his shoulder, "I'm not sure. What do you think?"

Nox mimicked Aether's reaction, then pointed to himself. "You want my opinion?"

Aether nodded, "Yeah. You found him first, it's only logical that you get a choice in his name."

"Ah, I see." Nox smiled gently. An unknown emotion swirling in his eyes. Nox pondered for a bit before shaking his head.

Aether let out a small chuckle, "What's wrong? It can't be that hard, can it?"

Nox nodded his head, "A dragon deserves a name of nobility and power. Choosing one will take great care and caution."

"Oh, I see. I didn't think about that."

Erik cursed at his son's naivety and was about to intervene when his wife came to the rescue once again.

"If that is the case, Nox can take the time to come up with a name and tell you later at school. For now, it is getting late and both of you have school tomorrow. Aether." His wife came over and gently grabbed him by the shoulders leading him away from the monster and towards the stairs, "Aether, you have had an…extraordinary day. It would be best to get your rest."

Aether did not hesitate in following his mother up the stairs and Erik silently prayed that he wouldn't turn around.

The moment Aether's figure disappeared from view, the smile on Erik's face fell. He turned around and pushed Nox out of the door.

"Don't think for a moment that I don't know what you are doing." He hissed. The sneer on his face was to the point where it could kill with a single glance.

Erik looked at Nox up and down, the disgust on his face growing, "I don't know how that foul woman did it and I don't ever want to know, but I swear on my soul that my family and I will have nothing to do with it." He spat out through clenched teeth.

"Now get out and never show your face in front of us again." Erik slammed the door in Nox's face. Not giving the other a chance to speak.

Nox did not flinch as the door slammed in his face. He stood still for a moment, listening to the footsteps behind the door until they were too far away to hear. With dull eyes and a soft smile he turned on his heel and left the premises.

When he approached the mansion's gates, he was met with only the silence of the night, no carriage in sight. He let out a short and curt laugh, expecting none the less from the Frenzel family. Walking towards the forest line, he paused for a moment and gazed back at the looming mansion. His eyes immediately latched onto the figure laughing in the room on the second floor.

The small dragon could be seen flying around the room with a small stick in its mouth. Aether sat to the side, the smile on his face contagious as he laughed. A maid with flaming red hair ran after the small dragon with a look of anger.


A figure clad in black approached from the forest. The figure came up to Nox, stopping only a couple feet away before kneeling on his knee, "Sir, it has been done."

Nox did not glance back, his eyes still focused on the laughing Aether. "Good."

"Should we begin with the next step of the plan?" The figure waited for a moment, but there was no response. With pursed lips and a tilt of the head the figure asked, "Sir?" Nox did not respond right away and the figure trembled at the sight.

Nox stood in complete darkness. The shadows leaping at his feet danced around him as if they were pets trying to get his attention. Nox's eyes were dark and he seemed to be mumbling incoherently.

The figure bite their lip and hung their head down, not daring to say anymore.

"No." The word hung in the air like an executioner's sword.

"S-sir?" The figure stumbled onto his feet, "But-but the plan-it must be followed, we can't just-"

"The plan has changed." Nox glared at the figure.

The figure froze. The cold chill of death creeped down their spine and they found themselves unable to meet the gaze of Nox.

"Uh-I-um…what should I do next, Sir?" The figure kneeled back down, ready to take the next order.

Nox looked away from the figure, glancing back at the window. He frowned when he noticed that the light was now off and he could no longer see Aether.

"Gather everyone and meet me here." Nox threw a folded paper back towards the figure who grabbed it with ease and tucked it inside their hood.

Nox watched as a small dragon head popped up in Aether's window. "Oh, and for those that still follow her orders." The figure froze in their actions, their head tilting to the side.

"Kill them."