Chapter 38- The Royal Family

Nox walked leisurely through the front garden of the Palace. It was well past midnight and the grounds were practically empty, save a few roaming guards. They didn't stop when they saw him, only bowing their heads and moving on with their rotation.

In this way he made it to the Palace entrance without any problems. The two knights guarding the door bowed and opened the door for him, quickly closing it when he just barely passed the threshold. Nox quickly made his way towards the stairs, ready to sneak into his room and get ready for tomorrow, but his plan was quickly thwarted by one of his pesky brothers. He clicked his tongue.

"Where have you been?" Lucian stood near the bottom of the stairs, hidden by the darkness. His arms were crossed and his eyes were closed as he leaned against the wall.

Nox had no intention of interacting with his brother and playing into his whims. Purposely, he avoided looking in Lucian's direction and continued to walk up the stairs.

Lucian snarled and with a swift leap, he blocked Nox on the stairs and roughly grabbed him by the shoulders. Lucian's eyes were bloodshot and a drifting scent of alcohol wafted from his mouth as he spoke. "You didn't answer my question." Lucian's face was mere inches from Nox's. His voice was dripping with malice, "Where have you been?"

Nox's dull eyes gazed at Lucian and slowly he smirked. It wasn't hard to guess where his dear older brother was. If the alcohol on his breath and the lingering rose scented perfume was anything to go by, then it seems his dear brother had visited yet another one of his 'Lovers'.

Nox shot his brother a knowing look and watched with satisfaction as Lucian snarled out in anger. Lucian let go of Nox for a single second, shifting his hold and using one hand to grip the collar of Nox's shirt and the other to gather light. He was ready to throw it directly into Nox's face, but stopped when a pair of small chuckles came from the top of the stairs.

Nox could tell that Lucian's anger was boiling at this point. It was easy to notice the aggravation and annoyance seeping into his voice as he turned around and glared at the two identical children smirking upstairs. "Get lost, this has nothing to do with you."

Ren and Rael, like the little devils they were, let out another mocking laugh, "It has everything to do with us." Rael crossed his arms, smirking.

"No. It doesn't."

Ren crossed his arms and with an almost identical smile he repeated in a sing a long voice, "Yes it does~"

Nox could hear Lucian's teeth grind against each other as he seethed through clenched teeth "Listen you little imbecil-"

"No. You listen." Rael interrupted, his eyes cold. "Father wants us all to report to him. Now." And with that the two spun on their heels and left with a little peep in their step.

Nox had to give it to the two. Their actions were starting to get more like their brothers, ruthless and uncaring, though their childlike appearance killed the aura making it look more like children trying to act tough.

Nox rolled his eyes as Lucian snarled at their retreating backs. Lucian snapped back at Nox, "Don't think I don't know what you have been up to behind our backs."

Nox let his smile drop. He narrowed his eyes and clenched his hands. He even let the shadows at his feet shake just enough to look as if he were threatened by what the other was saying.

Lucian glanced at his face rather than at the shadows. He let out a puff of air and shook his head, "Whatever you may be thinking in that small mind of yours, you better stop now. We wouldn't want another accident like last time. Right?" Lucian patted him on the shoulder before shoving him back.

Lucian fixed his shirt and controlled his breathing. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and returned to his usual self righteous self. Though the faint smell of liquor still lingered on him, he was the perfect image of an ideal Prince.

Nox knew better than anyone that this little act he puts on is just that, an act. He could play righteous Prince all he wants, but those that really know him, know better. It's only a matter of time before his charade breaks at the seams and he crumbles like the dirt that he really is.

Nox waited for Lucian to reach the top of the stairs before following suit. The walk to their fathers study was silent and eerie. The maids and butlers usually patrolling this area had all but vanished. Nox did not mind. He walked with his head held up high as he hummed a small tune. His hands were in his pockets where he toyed with the shadows, morphing them into small knives and tracing the tips with his thumbs.

Their fathers study was heavily guarded. Four guards on each side of the first door. A quick glance by the guards and one spell later they were let into the first room. The second room contained two more guards plus two researchers who specialized in defense magic. They were each holding a book, reading along the many complicated scriptures. A dull white light encased their hands and they gazed at both of them.

Nox stood still as the light covered him. Like prickling needles the spell entered every inch of skin, searching for hidden objects or harmful spells. Perhaps it was the researchers fault or even the creators fault, but even with two highly advanced researchers, it was a useless spell with a single fault.

It couldn't detect hidden objects in a person's ability.

The light slowly receded and the two researchers nodded their heads. The two guards opened the second door revealing their father sitting at his desk. He shifted through some papers, his eyes glancing over the words at a rapid pace. Ren and Rael stood in the front, shoulder by shoulder, smiling as they conversed amongst one another with their eyes. While Sean stood to the left of them, his arms crossed and a small bird resting quietly on his shoulder.

Nox went to walk forward, but an outstretched arm and killing glare stopped him. Lucian looked him up and down, with a soft scoff he entered first, standing by Sean's side. Nox glared at their backs and took his position by Lucians side.

They waited for a while before their father made any movement. He let the documents fall from his hands and let out a small sigh. Sitting up straight in his chair he tapped his fingers on his desk, "How is it going?"

Nox didn't even have to wait a second before Lucian flamboyantly smiled and stood up even straighter than before. "It is going rather nicely. Aether is in my war strategy and combat class. From the looks of it, Aether likes power just like the rest of the Frenzels." With a smug smile that screamed that he 'knew' everything he continued "I believe that with a couple of more chances to demonstrate my unique ability that Aether's interest will be peeked and that he will willingly come to seek me out."

Nox rolled his eyes at the others' cluelessness. He could imagine it. This idiot purposely demonstrated his unique ability in front of Aether only for the latter to ask why he was doing such a thing.

He doesn't know him like you do.

Nox smirked. Right, his dear older brother didn't know him like he did. He leaned on one foot and let out a chuckle, catching the attention of his father and brothers.

Lucian openly sneered at him, "What are you laughing at?"

Nox glanced at him. His eyes were as dull as ever. Usually he would have stayed quiet and watched this comical conversation go on, but he couldn't resist passing up such an opportunity. He opened his mouth and with newfound vigor he said, "How Pathetic."

"What?" Lucian's nose scrunched up like it always did when he was angry, his hands clenched at his side as a small ball of light began to form once again. The others openly gaped at him, their mouths slightly open and their eyes wide in confusion.

Nox rolled his eyes. "I said, you're pathetic."


"Lucian." Their fathers voice cut through the air making Lucian freeze. He was still openly sneering at him, but instead of acting out like he usually did he let out a small huff and turned back around, the light gone from his hands.

Nox let out a small sigh at the sight. A part of him was hoping that his brother couldn't contain it and would lash out in front of their father. It would have been a sight to see.

With a small nod Lucian returned to his usual demeanor, "Apologize Father. It won't happen again."

"Good." Their father eyed Lucian for a second before turning his attention to Sean. "Sean." Sean stood straighter with a slight smile on his face. "How is it going on your end?"

Sean's smile seemed to falter a bit, but he still kept his usual calm aura as he said, "Well, I'm not as lucky as Lucian, but I did find out that Aether seems to like creatures. I'm sure if he meets the many creatures that follow me, he will-"

"Your creatures will not be getting near him." Nox interrupted. His voice was slightly strained as he spoke, his fist clenched in his pockets as he openly glared at Sean.

He could see what they were doing. What their minds were thinking and he hated it. He knew what their father had ordered, what he expected for them to accomplish when it came to Aether. He knew that Lucian would fail and could care less what he did, but for Sean to mention creatures, something that Aether loves, he couldn't help the anger bursting from chest.

He couldn't stand it.

The thought of one of his brothers tricking Aether, using his interest to lead his attention astray until he became enthralled with them.

He knew what his brothers would do the moment they capture Aether's attention. He would become like their many lovers. Hidden in the background, brainwashed until all he could think about is pleasing them. With a snap of their fingers he would come running, ready to please them in every way possible. The thought alone was enough to make him see red.

They only see him as a tool, something to manipulate and use until all his intelligence is used up. You should take care of them before they have the chance.

"How would you know?" Sean scoffed. Rolling his eyes he went on, "My creatures are the best of the best. Nobles would die for a chance to see some of my creatures. I'm sure once Aether sees them he will be nothing but enthralled."

Nox smirked and let out a short horse laugh, "You think he would be interested in such things?" His eyes darted to the small bird resting on Sean's shoulder. It was a small delicate thing that would break with a simple snap of the neck. Compared to his dragon this bird was nothing.

Sean bristled and Nox watched in fascination as the bird bristled as well.

It would be easy. Just one flick.

Nox eyed the bird, a storm brewing within.

"How dare you." Sean took a step forward, his fist clenched.

"Enough." Their father raised his hand. An ominous aura enveloped the small room, pressuring them to stand down. Nox scoffed and rolled his eyes before looking away from his brothers and staring straight at his father.

Their father eyed each of them for a moment, his eyes lingering on him just a second longer. With a sigh he leaned back and began to give what he considered suggestions, but were really orders in disguise.

"Lucian, Sean. I expect the two of you to try harder in your endeavors." He gestured to Nox, "If your dear little brother is speaking then perhaps its time you listen."

"Listen to what?" Lucian sneered, "The false words he spouts in hopes that he is right?" Lucian scoffs and gestures towards Nox, "He knows nothing about what I have been doing, what any of us have been doing." He clicks his tongue and sneers, "How can we trust his words? Hm? How can you trust his words? You know better than anyone that his words are nothing but lies."


Nox didn't move. His eyes were still glued to his father. It was better not to react when Lucian had a little outburst, but a trickling feeling of wetness seeped through his skin as his heart began to beat.

"Everyone in this room knows what is true. We were all there when it happened. "

The sound of waves crashing in his ears should have drowned out the words Lucian was saying, but instead it made him focus and amplify his words. His hands cold as if he had dunked them in a lake in the middle of winter.


Lucian glanced over at Nox, "She died all because of what you did."

The sound of waves came to an abrupt end and the ringing in Nox's ears were too much to bear. He didn't know when it happened, but Nox was now mere inches away from Lucian's face. The knife hidden by his shadows appeared in his hand and was mere inches from cutting deep into Lucian's idiotic face.

"Lucian! Enough of this!" The aura in the room tripled and the brothers all found themselves falling to their knees. The knife fell from Nox's grasp as he landed on the floor. His breathing came out in short gasps as he glared daggers at Lucian. A Lucian that was still intact. Not a single speck of blood on him. Nox's fingers dug into the floor drawing blood, but that was not enough to clench his anger.

"You know better than anyone to mention such a topic in my presence." it was deathly quiet in the room, amplifying their fathers voice as he walked around them. He stopped in front of Lucian, "Lucian." The pressure grew and Nox let a cruel smile out as he watched Lucian struggle to even breath. "Report to the training grounds immediately. The rest of you get out of my sight."

The intense pressure that was suffocating them instantly disappeared. Nox tried to reach for his knife, but his fathers foot stepped on it before he could. With a scowl he clicked his tongue and tried to focus on the one good thing that had happened.

Lucian being sent to the training grounds.

The training grounds were not a place any of them ever wanted to be. It was a secluded place underground where their father would personally punish them.

His father shot him a look, scooped up the knife and walked out of the office.

Without waiting another moment, the five brothers quickly left. Nox watched with enjoyment as Lucian took a deep breath in an attempt to calm his haggard breathing. He shot Nox a meek glare and slowly made his way out of the room, his hand sliding down the door as he left. Nox didn't miss the sweat trickling down his hand.

Nox waited a moment before following.

Nos paused once he left the second door. Unconsciously he registered the door closing behind him, but his focus lay on the hallways before him. Lucian was already a ways away. His figure stood upright and he walked with confidence. If anyone were to see him they would assume he was perfectly fine, but Nox could see the way he swayed every fifth step.

He let out a puff of laughter and turned to look the other way. Sean was nowhere to be seen. Nox rolled his eyes already knowing he was most likely attending to his creatures, forming up a plan to get Aether's attention. Nox clicked his tongue. He would have to fix that. With a wave of his hand a black shadow slithered from underneath him and down the hall.

It is only a matter of time.

His eyes settled and he walked towards the faint sounds of footsteps further down the hallway.

Ren and Rael were walking next to each other. They were shoulder to shoulder as they leaned in and whispered amongst each other. Though one couldn't call it really a whisper.

Rael clicked his tongue, "God, it's disgusting."

"What is?"

"How hard our brothers are trying to gain Aether's favor. Lucian and Sean are acting all high and mighty for his attention and from the sounds of it, so is Nox." Rael stuck out his tongue in disgust. "Really, what the hell do they see in him?"

"The question is what are you not seeing?"

Nox smiled as the two visibly stiffened and turned around with forced smiles. "Brother, we didn't know you were here."

"Yeah, I thought you were heading out to woo Aether like the other two."

Nox let out a small chuckle, "They won't be going anywhere tonight." A dark look flashed in Nox's eyes.

The twins flinched, their eyes narrowing and their brows furrowing. They shot each other a quick glance, silently communicating with one another. The two seemed to come to an agreement as they nodded and carefully began to turn on their heels.

"But, don't worry. It has nothing to do with you two." Nox's dark eyes landed on the two.

The twins froze and with a swift movement, they turned back around and returned to their original position with forced smiles on their faces.

Nox glanced at them. He knew the smile on his face was more nerving than welcoming to the two.

"I hear that your little project is going well."

The twins narrowed their eyes, their backs straightened and they took a step closer to themselves.

"Why do you ask?" Rael asked.

Nox smirked. He could see the way the two tensed under his gaze. The way they reached out to one another as if each other were a life line. They were nervous. Nervous about him and their little project. He didn't blame them. If he were in their shoes he would be nervous too. But that wasn't what he was here for. "Would you care if I take a look?"

Nox almost laughed out loud when he saw the immediate change in the two. Their eyes were practically glowing with eagerness as they nodded their heads like chicken pecking their food.

As fast as the change had been, Rael was able to reel himself in. Rael shot him a hesitant glance "Why do you want to take a look?" Ren's eyes snapped back to reality when he heard his twin's words. Following his twin's actions he shot him a quizzical look.

Nox couldn't blame them for their hesitancy. It was a known rule in the family that they wouldn't willingly interfere with each other's "projects". For him to openly ask to see their project was like asking an opposing faction to see their war strategies during a war.

He let out a small chuckle and shot them a reassuring smile. "I wanted to see how the prisoner I captured is holding up?" The relaxing of the twins' eyes were easy to notice. It would only take a couple of more words before the twins complied with his request. "I would love to see if he would admit anything. After all, he may know something about the spy in the Frenzel household."

Nox watched as the idea slowly seeped into their heads. Rael was the first to react. He grabbed his brother and leaned in close whispering into his ear. Ren's eyes went wide and his mouth opened into a big 'o'.

"Okay. You can see him, but not until tomorrow." Rael said.

Ren nodded his head, "Ye-Yeah, we have to make sure he is perfect before you see him. So-so wait until tomorrow."

Nox let out a small chuckle and nodded his head, "Okay, tomorrow morning then."

Rael and Ren nodded. "Okay. See you tomorrow then." Rael reached for Ren's arm and began to pull him away, "Then, we will be going now."

Nox hummed out in response and turned on his heel walking down a different path.

"Hm?" Nox didn't make it far before he picked up on a muffled conversation happening down a different hall. With a twist of his heel he followed the noise.

Further down the hall, two figures, one small and one big were conversing with one another outside an open door.

"Your Majesty, you can't be up right now. Got to bed." The maid held the door, trying to gently push it close, but the small figure was resolute in her decision.

"But, I felt it." Irina said, "Did something happen to him? To brothers? Is something happening that I should know about?" Her questions were endless as her eyes looked past the maid and down the hall.

"Ah! Big brother!" Irina called out. She pushed past the now frozen maid and ran into Nox's outstretched hands.

Ever since her abilities had awoken her father and brothers began to treat her differently. They were nicer, spent time with her and even helped her learn to control her abilities. Especially Nox.

She gave Nox a big hug, "Big Brother Nox, why are you here? Am I right? Did something happen?" Her big eyes were filled with worry as she carefully inspected his face with her hands.

Nox chuckled and gently pried her hands away. "Nothing happened. Father just had a meeting with your brothers. Now why aren't you asleep?" He gently chided.

Irina sheepishly glanced down and twirled her fingers. "I felt fathers aura and wanted to take a look."

Nox smiled and waved at the maid as he brought Irina back into her room. Setting her on her bed he tucked her in, "Being able to feel father's aura from all the way over here. Why, Irina must be becoming a big girl already." He teased.

Irina pouted, "It's true! I felt it!"

Nox chuckled, "Okay, okay." He patted the blanket, "Now, be a good girl and go to sleep."



Irina let out a long dramatic sigh, "Fine."

"Good." Nox stood up and blew out the candle in her room before making his way towards the door.

"Brother Nox."

Nox paused and glanced back, "Yes?"

Irina paused in her bed. Her eyes glanced everywhere but at Nox before she threw the blanket over her head, "Never mind. Goodnight!"

Nox waited for a second. When he saw that she wasn't going to resurface from her blanket he let out a small laugh, "Good night."