Chapter 302 - Settling down

Yue sat down on the couch watching the silent drama that was ensuing. his mum was vexed, his dad was trying to comfort her. and even Fan was trying his best to calm them both down.

The cushion sank slightly.

He glanced to his side to see Tian eating a bag of chips.

She offered him some.

Yue silently ate it. "Do you think it's so bad that I lost my hearing?"

She shook her head. "You're strong. It's okay," she said casually.

For once Yue felt slightly reassured. Looking at his family and Fan worry about his new disability really made him silently panic inside.

But his sister was there to calm down all that anxiety.

He leaned against her shoulders and crunched on the salty potato chips.

It took ten minutes for them all to calm down. His dad looked out of breath, his mum looked like she was finally done crying and Fan looked exhausted.