Chapter 303 - Apologize

Fan Xui knocked once again. "Did you just say no?"

"Yes, I did. What are you going to do about it?" his friend haughtily said from the side.

Confused by the strange behavior he gave Yue a look.

"Why did he say no?" he whispered. In actuality, Yue's voice was quite loud. Since he had lost his ability to hear, he started to shout a bit.

Even that was cute.

He pinched his nose.

Yue swatted his hand away. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything," he mouthed slowly.

But thinking about it he did do something.... he kind of attacked Qian's lover, and kind of threw Liwei off the wall when Qian was watching...

Qian still believe Liwei was innocent even after all that happened. it was a mistake on his part.

But it was also brutal to kill one's friend in such a way….

He might or might not have traumatized his best friend.

Fan Xui grimaced dramatically.

Yue tugged at his shirt with his brows arched.