How did I not consider the power of Rohas, the jeeps and open fire wasn't all they could do, they had something larger in the box for us. Few hours after the first rally, the people started returning to their towns. There wasn't sufficient area and food for these many people in Fazaipur. Some people died, the streets were unusual, some people crying over the dead, some people regretting joining the rally, some people feeling lucky to survive the open fire, some people cheering and feeling motivated. This scene gave me hope and made me realize the sacrifice some people had to make. I walked down the streets of Fazaipur with Naresh and few others; Ramaiya was stranded with some people in other parts of Fazaipur. Shalini, her parents, and my family were still in Shahbagh.

The situation was something you'd see in movies, but it was a success, our idea of freedom was able to reach throughout Ghatodan. But the worst was still waiting. We were heading towards Shahbagh when nearly eight helicopters flew over the gates, they were probably sent by the Rohas. They flew over Fazaipur for few minutes, like patrolling the town. Everyone was eying on the helicopters when the helicopters dropped bombs all over Fazaipur in different parts! The bombs blasted off killing thousands of people. Nearly ten bombs were dropped, the noises of bombs, cries of people, dead bodies, houses burning, the smoke covering the streets, it all frightened me.

We all ran towards Shahbagh, the helicopters kept hovering around, trying to intimidate the people. The commotion caused people to get crumbled, the streets were jammed, people were running in every direction. We passed through the streets watching lives getting destroyed. This was unexpected.

We reached Shahbagh nagar, the houses were destroyed completely. The whole nagar was bombed, people crying and running all over for help, the guys I was with parted ways and went looking for their families. Naresh and I reached the house where everyone was staying, the house wasn't there. It was just debris and fire. We stood there; I froze looking at the destruction, thinking that my family was ended. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard someone shout, "Vikrant!" I turned around in a reflex, it was Shalini with Leela.

I went running towards them, they were hiding under a tree. Their clothes were dusted, Shalini had blood on her left forehead, Leela had a wound on her right arm. I went running and hugged them. "Are you alright? Where are others?" I asked.

Tears rolled down Shalini's eyes, she fell on her knees and cried, "Everyone is dead!"