After the bombings many people declined to support me, all of them were blaming it on me, well they weren't wrong. Naresh managed to get nearly 40 people who were still ready to help me out. The people who came in for the rally were still stuck in Fazaipur. Luckily we still had place to take our meetings. We all gathered, I said, "We need to plan our next move, we have people with us right now, we need to use their energy before they retreat. Due to the lockdown they won't return for another month."

"So what is your plan?" a guy asked.

"The governor, this guy has the power to change rules and give us what we want, we tried the silent way yesterday but they replied violently. Now maybe we need to go violent."

"What do you mean by violent?" Naresh asked.

"We point a gun on governor's head, and tell him to change the rules!"

"And how do we do that?"

"We breach the gates!"

Everybody gasped and started murmuring into one another's ears, breaching the gate was something that'll result in another deadly strike by the Rohas.

"I know what you guys are thinking, how? First thing to be noted is, if we breach the walls chaotically, it would be a huge fail, they'll simply kill everyone. For that we need something going on in Rajesor to distract the army."

"And what would be going on in Rajesor?" Naresh asked.

"A hostage situation including the governor!" I said.

Everybody was shocked, "For taking a hold of the governor we need a plan, we need to know about Rajesor and the governor's building. Sadly not so many people are allowed into the localities near governor's building, and the few those go, simply clean the toilets. We need someone in this room to go in, get an complete idea of the building and the city, and then we attack the governor!"

Everybody was confused and surprised by my plan. "But who would go inside the gates? They don't allow everybody in!" Naresh asked.

"Well we'll make them allow me." I replied.

"So you plan to go inside governor's building?"
