The bus moved on, we were ten men in it with guns, explosives and some work stuff, the last week was busy, planning and getting things in place was tough but we did it.

We went pass the statue of Kelzai, "That is huge!" Naresh exclaimed.

"These bastards stole everything from us and build their royal lives." One of the guys said.

We reached the governor's building, everyone was in awe, it was midnight, and we started the work. The sun rose and the main plan was to capture the governor, blast the barracks and get our work done.

We worked on the all the floor throughout the night, in the morning we reached the 12th floor. The work was to apply water-based varnish on the walls of floor 12 to make them shine. We wanted to be on the floor when governor walks in and get him in his own office.

It was 8 am; Mithil pushed the can of varnish onto the floor, trying to show that it fell. Six men were working on cleaning it; we four were on a break in the parking lot, at 9 am the Governor showed up. He got off and went into the lift, the driver and I shared glances. He parked the car and came to meet me; the policemen were still at a distance. We shook hand and acted like friends. "You can go now." I said as I handed him a walkie-talkie. He left.

We left for the 12th floor, the guard at the door questioned us, "You just came down? Why do you wanna go up?"

"Some paint has been spilled on 12th floor, we need to clean it up before we run out of time." I explained. Luckily we got in. We reached the 12th floor, the two guards were standing at a distance, the Governor was inside the office. We ten people acted like cleaning up the floor, Mithil did a great job spilling the varnish.

"What did the driver say?" Nirmal asked.

"He's on it!" I replied.

Few minutes later the walkie-talkie buzzed, "What is the situation?" it was Ramaiya.

"Under control, the driver is on his way." I replied in slow voice.

"Good." He cut the call.

After few more minutes we started getting worried, the driver didn't call us yet and the guards were forcing us to finish the job fast. It was nearly 9.45 am; the driver spoke through the walkie-talkie, "It's all set, I'll set it off any minute now."

"Do it now! We are ready!" I replied.

He did it; he blasted the explosives, the noises of shouts, BOOM! THUDS! were heard across the walkie-talkie. Naresh smiled at me, "Let's get this son of a bitch!"

Nirmal and I got up with one bag in our hands, our other hand still inside the bag. We walked to the two guards and I said, "The work here would take some…" and we pulled out our guns from the bags in a blink! And shot them in their head at point-blank range.

We both kicked the door behind them hardly, the door wasn't locked, and it opened with a THUD! We both pointed our guns towards the assistant and the Governor. "Hands in the air! Move a muscle and we'll blow your brains away!" Nirmal declared. The other guys got into the office with the bags and guns. I locked the door when everyone was inside.

It was a success; we had the Governor as hostage. He walkie-talkie buzzed again, "You have him?" it was Ramaiya again.

i pulled out my fake beard, and said, "Yes, initiate next move."

"On it!"

"And let me hear it."

"Sure thing brother!"

He didn't cut the call; everyone in the room was looking for the next move, the main part of plan DOOMSDAY!