What Devon was like before?

"Oh…" Devon nodded in understanding. "That's a relief."

She smiled as she heaved a sigh of relief. For her, that was his reassurance that his actions were out of pure kindness.

However, his face was devoid of emotion.

"So, stop stepping on it." He uttered, annoyed at her reaction.

"Ah?" Devon blinked, confused.

"You keep stepping on the line. Stop blushing." He pointed at her, drawing circles in the air. "I know you've been stranger than before, but don't blush with that face. It's weird."

Devon bit her lower lip, staring at him in bewilderment. How could she control being flustered?

It was her first time after a long time outside. Even though this 'kingdom' differed greatly from their kingdom, she could not help but feel giddy.

She's too excited for the outside world. With a new identity, and a kind lord helping her. Who wouldn't?

Seeing her puzzled reaction, as if a puppy sulking after being scolded, annoyed him more. She hung her head low, staring at the back of her hand on her lap.

"Tsk." Lewis clicking his tongue, scratching his temple with his finger.

Whether or not she intended it, she's tugging his conscience. Lewis was aware Devon was not mentally ready and had needs. However, he didn't like the fact that she's blushing around him.

"Do you know why you shouldn't blush?" He asked, after letting out a sharp, defeated sigh.

Devon slowly lifted her head. Her eyes so innocent landed on him.

"That." He said again, pointing at her adorable expression. "You don't make that face — never. It's like a curse and it's frightening. I feel like something bad will happen."

"A curse…? And frightening?" She blinked innocently, furrowing her brows.

Now that she thought about it, she didn't know what personality the original owner of this body had. Lewis and the real Devon didn't seem they were in bad terms.

"My lord, what was I like before?" She asked, out of pure curiosity.

Lewis withdrew his hand and rubbed his chin. "The Devon before the incident, huh?"

His brows and face twitched. As if he was recalling a sinister memory he didn't want to remember — ever.

"A shameless woman whose imagination is too dark." He sighed, massaging his temple as he recalled a memory from the past.

[A memory of the real Devon before the incident happened.]

Devon's Apartment: Dining area

"Miss Lin, say what you wanted to say. You invited me to join you for dinner. It only means you need something important." Lewis coldly raised his gaze at the woman across from him.

Devon was staring back at him. She was cupping her cheek as she watched him eat. The dark bags under her eyes were clear. She barely blinked, her eyes were lifeless as if she's shouldering the entire world's problem.

"Mister Qin, aren't you afraid I put poison in your food?" Without a trace of emotion, Devon inquired.

Silence. They shared a good five minutes of silence.

Lewis put down his cutlery as he inhaled and exhaled sharply. Yet he said nothing.

Devon had asked him to come early. Because they both agreed to keep a good relationship since they sleep together, Lewis accepted her invitation.

It's her first time inviting him to dinner after two months. Hence, he felt like it was rude to reject her.

"I'm joking." She smiled, which appeared utterly sinister. "Or not."

"Do you have a grudge against me?" Lewis inquired, scratching his temple with his finger out of habit.

"I don't. Crimes also happens out of… affection."

"Affection?" His veins in his temple protruded, keeping himself calm.

Devon was obsessed with crime documentary. She also wrote uselessly detailed gore stories. Perhaps, because of that, she exuded a very dark aura that could make a child cry with just a glance.

Lewis always felt he was in constant danger around her. Ironically, he felt at peace whenever it's bedtime. That's why he only came to her late in the night.

"I'm kidding." Devon waved, changing the subject. "I invited you over because I want to ask if you're married."

"If you search my name, you'll know the answer. You can also send me an email if you're interested in my personal life. My secretary will send you my biography."

"You just have to answer, yes or no. It'll save you the trouble to say all that." Devon disinterestedly looked away.

"No." As blank as a flat line, Lewis answered. "What's the sudden interest?"

"Let's get married." As if Devon was just asking for a candy, she proposed and faced him.

Even so, Lewis flinched. Devon raised her brows as the side of her lips curled into a twisted smirk.

"We're sleeping together. Isn't more convenient if we just get married? Maybe, if I marry a filthy rich man, I can do my experiments."

Devon giggled, rubbing her palms against each other evilly. One could tell the experiment she was talking about would do no one a favor.

A dangerous fellow in this society, indeed.

Lewis sighed, shaking his head helplessly. He didn't know if Devon was the weird one or he was. Even after knowing she was like this, he still hoped she's be a bit more normal.

"You understand our deal, right?" He asked, leaning closer to the table as he rested his chin on his knuckles.

"En." Devon leaned back and sighed. She stared at the ceiling blankly.

"I wanted to die…"

Her last remarks didn't sit well for him. His eyes sharpened, glinting as his lips parted. But before words could escape his lips, she mumbled.

"… and get isekai'd."

"Huh?" He furrowed his brows. "I — ise, what?"

"Mister Qin, have you ever felt that maybe, you're born in the wrong world?" Without looking away from the ceiling, Devon asked.

He didn't reply. Just staring at her, studying her change in demeanor.

Although Devon often acted like a creep who was a danger to society, he could not help but doubt it. Why? Because sometimes Devon would speak something deep that laced with a depressing tone.

She's only bad with words and socializing. But until now, she did nothing to harm him physically. Good thing he had a strong mentality, though.

"How nice it must be to get reincarnated to games of thrones. Constantly fighting for survival. My life is so dull." She mumbled.

[End of flashback]

Back to the present time.

"So — so, you're saying… I —" Devon's breath hitched. She raised her shaking hand to cover her lips.

"You proposed marriage once. You even requested to bathe together because it's easier to clean blood in the bathroom." Lewis nodded, speaking in a knowing tone.

For him, it relieved him that this Devon understood how frightening she was back then. Thinking about it, Lewis raised his gaze to her.

This Devon and the Devon in the past were not similar. But at the same time, they were. Both were strange in their own ways.

Meanwhile, Devon was shaken to the core.

"I — I am that vulgar?"