Tiny man

Devon was in utter shock upon hearing bits and pieces about the original owner of this body. Lewis didn't even detail everything yet.

She raised her gaze to him. Lewis was staring back at her, arching a brow, when their eyes met.

In this body, with this same lips and same voice, she asked his hand for marriage? A woman proposing, throwing herself to a man…

No wonder she accepted an odd job of sleeping with him. She had no pride in her!

"Don't look at me as if I bullied you. It should be me who should be like that. After all, you don't remember, but I do." He uninterestedly clicked his tongue.

That's right. Even so, Devon bit her lower lip, experiencing second hand embarrassment.

"Please forgive my manners in the past. I had lost my mind. I assure you I will conduct myself properly." Devon exclaimed, bowing in utter shame.

"Sure." Lewis waved. "Whatever."

Slowly, she lifted her head, raising her brows. "Did you forgive me?"

"Mhm. That happened months ago. I'm still with you." In a matter-of-fact tone, he answered with a shrug.

The side of her lips immediately stretched into a smile. She's relieved that Lewis was a forgiving and a decent gentleman.

"Then —" Just as she perked up to him, Lewis jolted back.

He had his hands up between them, cautiously. Devon moved back a little as she pursed her lips.

Because of Lewis' kindness and the sense of security he gave her, she's more comfortable with him. Despite all the nonsense the original Devon had said, Lewis was lenient.

He's like… a protective big brother! He reminded her of her brother — the only brother who was nice to her.

"Uh…" Realizing his actions, Lewis carefully put his hands down.

"My apologies." She muttered under her breath.

After that, Devon conducted herself like a real princess. She stayed in her spot, staring through the window, her hands on her lap. She marveled at the world outside secretly.

As she did, Lewis let out a sigh. He scratched his temple and rested his other leg over the other.

He just told her to stop stepping on the line. Yet, the second he "forgave" her, her enthusiasm returned.

"Geez…" He shook his head.

Devon was a strange woman, even from the start. However, this sudden change was just a bit too drastic and abrupt.

The way those usually lifeless eyes shone. The way her lips curled up easily at small things. It was all new to his eyes. Especially when her cheeks colored with a light shade of red, he'd be lying if he said it didn't suit her.

Lewis had never seen Devon have such a cute smile. All her smiles in the past just exuded evilness.

That's why it was too abrupt for him.

'Marriage, huh?' He whispered internally, staring at the window in his side.

To be honest, the former Devon made sense. If not for her strange character, he would've reconsidered marrying her out of convenience.

After all, he was not dating anyone because of his edgy attitude. He's sleep deprived, and so he didn't have time to date. He just got annoyed easily.

If he could marry someone whom he could sleep with peacefully, he didn't mind. IF only she's a bit more normal.

Unfortunately, she's not… in the past.

Lewis cast her a side eye. He then moved his head in her direction, crossing his arms and just stared at her.

His fingers lightly tapped his torso. One could tell a lot of things were going on in his mind.

"She's still not normal." He muttered to himself, shaking his thoughts away.

Just then, he felt his phone vibrate from his suit pocket. Furrowing his brows as he took his phone out.

Before he could answer the call, his thumb paused. Lewis lifted his head and turned to her.

"You." He called out, catching Devon's attention. "Come here."

He raised a finger, beckoning her to come closer. Devon pressed her lips together, tilting her head to the side.

"You want to find something amusing?" He arched his brow, seeing her nod immediately.

"Come close. And listen to the tiny people inside this phone."

When he pointed at his smart phone, Devon bit her lower lip. She restrained her excitement at this discovery, but failed miserably.

Devon excitedly glided to his side as Lewis picked up the call. He placed it in front of his ear.

"Brother Lu! I heard a very impossible rumor! They said you're taking a week break?! I think one of your employees is so tired of your schedule they fantasized that you'd finally get tired…"

From the other end of the line, a loud voice of a man complained on and on. However, Lewis ignored it.

Instead, he cast Devon a look. She kept her distance, trying to hear the voice inside it.

"Come closer. You wouldn't hear it." He uttered to her. Devon hesitatingly leaned closer.

"What do you mean, come closer? What?! Where are you?! Brother Lu, don't tell me you're here?" Panic shrouded the man's voice as if he was looking around at his surrounding.

This time, however, Devon had heard the man's voice from the other end of the line. She looked at Lewis, bewildered and amused.

"How can a tiny person shout so loud?" She inquired in delight.

In her mind, she imagined a tiny fairy complaining. Although Lewis had already explained it was a communication device, she hadn't fully understood its function.

Perhaps, in her understanding, fairies were inside it and just passing the message? Right…

"Wha — ah!! Is that a woman's voice!? What?!"

"Yes, it's a tiny man." Lewis nodded, ignoring the person from the other end of the line.

"Let's listen more!" Devon excitedly leaned in again.

As soon as she did, a subtle smile resurfaced on his lips as he glanced at her hand around his arm. He could have put it on a speaker mode, but he didn't.

"What? What little man?! Hello?! Brother Lu!? Are you dating now?! Will the curse of our family who can't get married because the eldest son couldn't is finally over?! Brother Lu?"

The person from the other end of the line kept prattling. Yet, he received no response, as the two only listened.

He had warned her. But, Devon… she kept stepping on the line it started to fade away.