
"Wash these in the sink." Lewis instructed, passing the ingredients to her.

Devon held on to them, despite his obvious action of avoiding physical contact.

"Alright." She muttered as she watched him walk around the kitchen.

As Lewis busied himself preparing the utensils he needed, Devon shifted her gaze towards the sink. Lewis pointed that area to her. Hence, she brought the ingredients along.

Devon carefully placed the ingredients down. Her eyes looking from left to right.

"Where's the water?" She murmured, furrowing her brows.

When she turned around to ask him for help, she pursed her lips in a thin line. The second her gaze fell onto him, she hesitated as he seemed busy… and annoyed, like usual.

'What shall I do?' She wondered internally.

Just then, she glimpsed the bottled water he drank. It was still half filled.

With that idea in mind, Devon wordlessly walked towards it and picked it up. Without a word, she returned to her post and raised the bottled water.

'This soft crystal container is quite amazing.'

She tilted her head from side to side. She had seen how Lewis open the lid previously. However, she was distracted by the bottle itself.

She had never seen such a precious "gem" before. The plastic was thin and transparent, and the water was the clearest she had ever seen.

Out of curiosity, Devon pressed her thumb against the bottle. Her brow instantly raised.

'How strange. Such thin material, yet, it doesn't seem it can easily break like a glass.' Devon nodded in amusement, engrossed at the bottle in her possession.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, Lewis' voice reached her ear.

Devon slowly raised her head in his direction. "I am fascinated by this container in my grasp. It is thin like a goat-skin and store water just like it. However, it looks fancier. Not to mention, its amazing properties. Thin and soft, yet not brittle. It appeared like a crystal, but not quite. I wonder…"

"Did you do what I told you to do?" Before she could express her fascination even more, Lewis abruptly stopped her by asking in disinterest.

"Oh." As soon as his question reminded her, Devon pursed her lips in a thin line. Feeling guilty as she got distracted too easily.

Lewis let out a depressed sigh as he scratched his temple with a finger.

"I'll do it now!" Devon insisted, not to anger him.

Just as she said, she immediately opened the bottled water. Her actions, however, perplexed him.

"What… are you going to use that water to wash the ingredients?" He asked in disbelief, causing her to pause.

"Yes. We need water to wash them."

"Ah, goodness…" Lewis massaged his temple upon hearing her ridiculous explanation. "Why did I even ask you to help?"

He added under his breath. Lewis breathed through his mouth to calm himself down.

"My friend? Does anything bothers you?" Devon inquired, curious what he was thinking.

"Water." Once he got a grasp of his humanity, Lewis trudged towards the sink. "We have plenty."

Not wasting a second, he turned on the tap and cast her a look. He witnessed how her eyes slowly went wide as she rushed to his side.

Her hand on the edge of the sink counter, her eyes beaming at the water flowing down. "Waterfalls."

Silence. Lewis opened lips, but no words came out. He didn't want to believe his ears. But the more he thought about it, the more convinced he was that he heard what he just heard.

"Oh!" Realizing she'd been too enthralled at the water, Devon snapped. "Right. I'll wash them!"

She clapped her hand enthusiastically. Instinctively, Lewis stepped aside as she picked up the tomato before placing it straight under the tap.

Her heedless action caused the water to sprinkle in every direction. Even Devon didn't expect it.

"Kyaa!" she shrieked, dropping the tomato straight into the sink. She stepped back, wiping her eyes that had waters.

While she struggled, Lewis didn't even have the energy to get mad. He just stared at her with a deadpan expression on his face.

A sigh slipped past his lips. He wanted to tell her he'd do it instead. However, she wouldn't learn, would she?

"You adjust the water first before washing whatever you want to wash. If you don't, it'll just cause a mess like you did." Lewis showed her how it was done.

His tone, however, was calmer than she expected. Lewis didn't cast her a look as he continued on explaining while washing the tomato carefully.

While he explained, Devon walked closer. She watched how his hand moved; from washing and removing its head, then transferring it into another bowl.

Once he was finished with all the tomatoes, Lewis finally set his eyes on her.

"Can you do the rest without causing trouble?" He asked.

Devon nodded, pursing her lips in a thin line. Thus, Lewis stepped aside and let her take the sink.

"I will supervise." He explained, even before she could ask.


Lewis propped his hips against the counter, crossing his arms. He was annoyed, initially. However, being annoyed was not the solution right now.

To his surprised, Devon didn't cause a mess this time. After showing her how it was done, Devon didn't have a problem anymore.

'It's just washing. A simple task. But, why do I feel like it's such an accomplishment?' He wondered internally, staring at her side profile.

Seeing her smiling made him smile faintly. 'Maybe it is an accomplishment for her.'

Well, if only he knew that, it was Devon's first to use her hands in such a chore, he'd have his answers clearly. Alas, Devon wouldn't tell him she's a different person — a princess at that — inside this body, would she?

After that, Lewis taught her everything around the kitchen. She even watched him; how to chop everything, constantly reminded her from time to time to be careful with knives or just keep her hands off of it completely.

Soon, everything was done, and they had served the food on the table. Devon's eyes sparkled as she scanned the appetizing food before her eyes.

"Take a sit." Lewis beckoned while he was walking away.

"How about you?" She frowned, tilting her head to the side.

Lewis cocked his head back to her. "I'll be back. I just thought of something."

"Oh…" Pursing her lips, she didn't argue. "I'll wait for your return then."

When he answered with a nod, Devon took a sit. She waited patiently for him as he left and returned in no time.

In his hands, Lewis was holding his phone as he sat across from her seat.

"Hmm?" Curious about what he had done in that brief time, Devon raised her brows.

"I told you. Camera in a wonderful invention that freezes time and captures the moment." As calm as a lake, Lewis explained.

He held his phone up, taking a picture of the food and the person across from him. "It's a first we did something together. You might want to keep this memory."

"First time we did something together…" Devon bit her lower lip as she blushed. Not because of the thought of them together.

Her mind automatically erased the "we" in his words.

'It's the first I did something in this world and used these hands for something meaningful…' she whispered in her mind as a beautiful smile turned up on her lips.

Seeing her satisfied smile, Lewis frowned.

'Why do I feel like she's blushing about something else? I'm offended.' But of course, he didn't say his displeasure aloud because of his disposition. Regardless, the thought didn't linger in his head as they ate.