
When Lewis told her to eat, Devon fidgeted with her fingers. She watched him pick up a chopstick as naturally as picking up a pen and then gestured her to eat.

She bit her lower lip as she hesitatingly picked up the chopsticks. However, Devon only grasped them.

"How?" she asked, embarrassed at being a bother again.

'Will he get mad again?' Devon wondered internally, getting a grasp of his constant mood swings.

Unlike what she had expected, Lewis only shook his head. He stood up and grabbed her a spoon and fork before he headed back.

"Use this instead." He offered, sliding the cutlery to her side.

These were familiar to her. Thus, her eyes twinkled as she smiled subtly.

"Thank you." Devon expressed while Lewis only waved nonchalantly.

Still, he waited for her to take a bite before he would. As if noticing his gaze, Devon raised her head and blinked innocently.

"Yes, my friend?"

"Eat." Lewis kept it short. Although he didn't know why, he wanted to see her reaction.

It was his first to cook for her. Or rather, it was his first to cook for someone. He only cooked for himself, and those were rare occasions.

'Out of curiosity. Maybe, I've just lost my sense of taste.' Lewis convinced internally, giving himself a reason he wanted to see if she liked it.

Well, he had been grumpy about everything. Although he was eating, following his diet, they're all bland for his taste. Maybe it was not just about his mood, that's why he had been complaining about the taste of food recently.

Perhaps he's just the better cook. Those were what he believed… just now.

"Oh. Alright." Despite finding it strange, Devon still obeyed.

Without hesitation, she carefully spooned rice and forked out a piece of egg with tomatoes. Slowly, she shoved the spoon in her mouth, raising her brows at the smooth texture.

After that, she took a bite of the egg. Her eyes instantly glittered as she shot him a look.

Even though she's still chewing, Lewis smirked in satisfaction. Words were unnecessary for her. He could read her so easily just by her reaction.

'So, the foods I'd been eating are really bland, huh?' He assumed as he dug in.

This assumption was based on her reaction. Since Lewis didn't find his cooking bad, yet others terrible, it only proved there's nothing wrong with his tongue.

This made him happy. Hence, he ate comfortably and didn't pay her attention again.

While Lewis started eating, Devon swallowed down her food.

"I didn't know a commoner's food is edible!" She exclaimed.

Lewis nearly choked on his own food as he coughed. Patting his chest, he reached for water, which he chugged down immediately.

"My friend? Are you alright? You must be careful!" Worried, Devon furrowed her brows as she watched him drink.

"What did you say?" Once he took a deep breath and saved himself from death, Lewis shot her a sharp look.

As soon as she met his gaze, Devon slightly flinched as she drew back.

'How did I anger him again? This man must be so lonely to act like this.' she commented internally, sympathizing on his edgy attitude as she perceived it as his defense mechanism.

"A comm —" Lewis paused as he massaged his nape. "Ah… my blood pressure."

"Did I offend you? My apologies, then. I didn't mean it like that." She expressed sincerely, frowning. "I just… this food tastes good and I'm amused that such a simple dish can warm someone's heart. I want to eat it every day."

Her last sentence only sounded like a whisper. However, it still reached his ear.

As soon as his data absorbed her words, Lewis froze momentarily. A deep sigh slipped past his lips as he massaged his temple.

"Don't mind me. I'm just a bit distracted and frustrated, but it's not your fault." He clicked his tongue and shook his head lightly.

"I shouldn't vent it on you. Sorry."

If anyone who knew Lewis heard him just now, they wouldn't even believe it. They would even doubt that he used someone else's mouth to speak such words. And almost immediately at that.

"My friend…" Moved, Devon's eyes softened as a faint smile resurfaced on her lips.

"Stop. Just eat." Lewis looked away, turning his focus on his food.

Another first for him: to apologize. Not that he didn't know how to, it was just he often acted with reasons. Hence, even though he's grumpy all the time, he rarely crossed the line.

He wouldn't do something he would regret; even if that decision would turn out as a failure. But today, Lewis was aware he's a bit out of character.

While she watched him eat, Devon smiled. 'He looks like a snob and someone who is not used to expressing himself. But, my friend is really a good person.'

With that atmosphere engulfing them, both ate in silence. It didn't feel awkward. In contrast to their silence, it was strangely peaceful.

As they ate, Lewis constantly glanced at her. Now that he thought about it, Devon was the type of person who would survive without food for a day.

If she could turn her blood to coffee, coffee would run through her veins. She'd survived with just instant noodles and coffee.

That's why she's thin. But now, she's eating plenty, and it pleased him. Before he could think, Lewis took a piece of broccoli and placed it on her plate.

His action made her pause as she slowly looked up. The fork was still clipped in between her lips, blinking in puzzlement.

"Take care of yourself from now on. Don't abuse your body again." He said, coming from the heart.

A pure sincerity for her to get healthy and recover her memories.

If so, they could return to what they used to be. If she returned to that indifferent Devon, he wouldn't have to have these strange thoughts.

However, unlike the reaction he expected, Lewis furrowed his brows. Devon bit her lower lip, almost chewing it as her eyes welled up.

"Uh, what? I'm innocent. I'm not trying — don't cry." Panic swelled up inside his heart as Devon just started crying.

Just as he was about to stand up, Devon shook her head, wiping her tears with her fist.

"No, it's… it's not that." She muttered in between her hiccups. Lewis froze in place.

"I'm just," Once she was done wiping her tears, she offered him a bright, lovely smile. "I'm just happy you're here to take care of me!"