I'm scared!

"I'm already unfortunate to have my body stolen," Devon murmured as a faint sigh slipped past her lips. "To top it all off, a grim reaper and a hardworking angel possesses my dear friends Marl and Kween. Marl, I mean, you, can you at least sympathize with me by giving this poor soul a free drink?"

"It's because I assumed it is offensive knowing you're now a wandering soul." Marl smiled as he slid a glass of margarita towards her. "My apologies."

Devon inspected the drink briefly before shifting her eyes to Kween. "Chacha, this is not what we agreed upon. Nani the heck? I did all that voodoo perfectly. Did you con me?"

"Wow… the nerve!" Kween scrunched her nose up in dismay. "The reason I'm working overtime is because of you! Did you know that?"