Don't die on me, breathe.

"I'm scared!" Devon's entire body shook from fear, tightening her grip around his body. 

The life in his eyes slowly faded away as Lewis stabilized his breathing. "Do you want to get embrace now to comfort you?" 

"I'm scared!" Her reply was a mere exclaim as she shook his body while taking slight jumps. 

'Really… can't she tell you're topless?' His subconscious mind commented sarcastically, making him sigh as he placed his hands on her shoulders. 

"Wait," He said, pushing her a little while Devon reluctantly let go. "You run here because you think a ghost haunts this place?" 

His eyes searched for her eyes as she nodded as an answer. Lewis let out another sigh as he hung his head low briefly before raising it back again.

"You're scared of ghosts and not of the living?" He asked sarcastically, cocking his head a little to the side. "What do you think you're doing hugging a half-naked man? Do the consequences don't scare you?"