Dion Qin

And so Ghost Lin and Devon agreed to meet up after a week once Lewis returned to his work. For now, Ghost Lin would wander around and would come to check on her from time to time.

"Are you really going?" Devon asked as she watched Ghost Lin do a sprinting starting stance. "Where?" 

Ghost Lin raised her head and looked ahead. "Alaska."

"Alaska…?" Question marks hovered over Devon's head, but Ghost Lin didn't explain where that was. 

"Don't worry, I'll come when you're in trouble. For now, you're good as you are." 

"You think so?"

"No." Ghost Lin sped away without another word, rendering Devon speechless by her last answer.

Devon looked at the window Ghost Lin passed through like a bolt of lightning. A subtle smile appeared on her face, recalling their brief discussion.

"It seems she's not that terrible," she whispered, as she had observed Ghost Lin despite that the latter was giving her a scare of spewing vulgarities.