Baby, come here.

"Brother…" Dion called out under his breath, in disbelief at the conclusion in his head. He could be wrong, right? That his brother didn't end up getting friend-zoned.

Lewis only needed to glance at Dion to read his thoughts. "We'll talk later. Let's go."

"Ah? Where are we heading, my friend?" Devon perked up, gazing up at him, who stood up after grabbing his keys.

"My friend," Dion murmured in horror. Hearing it sent a sense of dread down his spine. 'Just what was going on?' He was so sure that a woman had finally piqued his brother's interest. Was he wrong?

No. Dion was certain Lewis had taken an interest in Devon, as he didn't get mad when he addressed her as 'sister-in-law'. So, what could be the problem?

Lewis was a man many women desired. Even if they take away wealth and success on his back, just Lewis' face certainly didn't lack appeal.

"We'll shop some clothes for you," Lewis said, extending his hands to her. "Let's go."