Someone To Share Your Story With

"Why do I have a feeling that you avoid crowded places?"

Princess Yara Amiel slightly narrowed her eyes when she heard the question of Karium Maselli. He was indeed telling the truth. If the people spotted her, her identity will be revealed right away.

This possibility crossed the Princess's mind since she agreed to guide him for the day but... she didn't know why she was still willing to do it.

"Many people here know my face," she replied. "If they see us together, it won't be good for my reputation."

Karium Maselli smiled when he heard her. "You don't seem like one who would care about your reputation that much," he remarked.

He was right again.

She actually didn't care much about her reputation but... she didn't want people to know about her double life.

"After all, I'm a woman. My future depends on my reputation," Yara replied. She might be telling the truth now but still... she didn't care.

"Then where will you take me?" Prince Karium asked. They were riding their horses for a while now but she didn't tell him anything about their destination and all.

"You will know it when we reach there," Princess Yara simply replied without much thought.

Karium Maselli stared at her back with a smile and followed her quietly. Soon enough, he finds himself near a small path that seemed to be a route to climb up the mountain before him.

Yara Amiel pointed her chin at the mountain. "This is Parov Mountain. It might appear simple but it has the most beautiful view of Avaria." She paused and said, "Didn't you say that you love nature? Then this place will suit you."

Prince Karium observed the Parov Mountain before his lips curved into a smile. "It's beautiful. Besides, we won't need much time to reach the peak," he commented.

There was a subtle smile on the Princess's lips when she heard his response. Then she gets off her horse. "Let's climb up then."

Karium nodded and quickly gets off his horse too. Then they started walking up the path together.

"I really don't expect you to choose this kind of place," Prince Karium said to Yara. "You said that you don't like nature."

"I still feel the same," the Princess promptly responded. "But you're the traveler here and not me."

Her response made the Prince wondered if she was still the same woman who was eager to kill him just 3 days ago.

Just how many sides did she had in her?

"Have you been here before?" he asked.

She said she didn't like nature but... she seemed to have quite a knowledge of it.

Yara Amiel briefly narrowed her eyes when she recalled the last time she went to this place. "Once or twice," she replied.

She had been here countless times but... years had passed since her last visit. Not to mention that she never wanted to reminisce her time on this mountain.

It used to be sweet memories that turned bitter.

Soon, the two reached the peak of the Parov Mountain. When Karium Maselli glanced down at the capital of Avaria from the peak, he realized that the woman was telling the truth.

The view of the capital provided by the peak of this mountain was spectacular! The palace, houses, farms, markets, lakes and all; it was such a sight to behold!

"I never know that there is such a place with this kind of amazing view. If I know it, I will surely come here on my first day!" he exclaimed as he looked at the Princess who was sitting on the ground with her gaze on him.

"It's good that you like it," Yara Amiel simply replied without much enthusiasm. It seemed like she didn't care about the view at all!

When Karium noticed this, he walked back and sat down beside her. Then he offered her some water. "Have some. You must be tired."

"You seem to be underestimating me," Yara Amiel mused as she took the water from him.

She was trained with many tough methods ever since she was young but... he had no idea about it.

Karium Maselli simply chuckled and said, "We already agreed not to ask or dig each other's identity. So, shall we talk about each other?

"Even if we ask each other some questions, it should be fine as long as we don't know each other's identity. Besides, we won't meet again after today."

Yara Amiel raised a brow when she heard his suggestion.

What's the point in talking about themselves when they won't be meeting again?

This man... he was really unique.

"What's the point in that?" she asked him, wondering how he might answer her. He had a way of fascinating her by almost his every word!

"Don't you think it's good to have someone to share your story with? Besides, we won't have to worry about anything else as we won't be knowing each other's identity." Karium Maselli paused and added, "I will leave Avaria tomorrow and I don't know if I would return. Even if I do return, we might not cross paths again."

Sharing her story? Yara Amiel had never done that and even if she did... there was still one story that she promised to never talk about it. The way she lost her one and only friend in the most painful way.

"I don't have many things to share," she replied after thinking about it for a while. "My life has always been the same."

"I don't think there can be such a life," Karium Maselli promptly said. "Each day is different and filled with new challenges. Don't you think so? Besides, tomorrow is never guaranteed."

He made sense and she knew that but... her life was different. She had already stopped thinking about such things years ago.

When Karium Maselli recalled how he witnessed her depressing life that day, he wondered if that still bothered her.

"How about this?" He paused and continued by saying, "I will share one of my weaknesses with you for watching you that day. Then we can be equal."