Did Your Impression On Me Change?

He always surprised her with his absurd request and his words which were always beyond her expectation.

Yara Amiel didn't even know that someone like him existed in this world.

Didn't he know that someone like him tends to have a hard time surviving in this cruel world? Maybe he led a rosy life until now.

"What kind of weakness would someone like you have?" she simply asked him. She was convinced that he won't go through many hardships.

If not, he would already lose this rare nature of his!

Someone like you?

It made Karium wondered what kind of person he was in her eyes.

"Then let me ask you first," he promptly said. "Why is it a crime for me to see you that day? All you did was talking to yourself and practising your swordsmanship."

"We all are different," Yara Amiel replied. "I have my own story and reason. That's why."

Karium Maselli gave a quick thought and knew that she had a point. He too had his story and weaknesses which the world never knew.

No one except his family knew the past and sufferings of the infamous God of War.

What's normal for some might not be for others.

"I understand what you're saying," he finally said with a nod.

"You seems like someone from a powerful family but you talk like you are well familiar with life and hardships," Yara Amiel remarked.

She had never met someone from an influential family who talked like him.

Hardships? Karium Maselli was reminded of how his childhood was filled with just that. He might even be the only one among royals to have such a tough childhood.

"I am," he said to the Avarian Princess. "That's the weakness I'm talking about but... sometimes, it also works to my advantage. It made me stronger."

Yara Amiel quietly stared at him without saying anything. Then the Prince sat straight with his gaze on the front as he continued talking.

"I was born out of wedlock. So, I think it's normal for me to experience many hardships since childhood. After all, our society is never kind to people like me," he explained. Then he turned to the Princess with a small unconvincing smile on his lips. "Did your impression on me change?" he asked.

Ever since he was young, it was normal for him to witness people being indifferent to him once they heard of his origin. However, now with his ever-growing achievements and power, they just don't dare to do that anymore.

There was no reaction from the Princess and instead, she only stared at him. Then she finally said, "I never care about such a thing."

"I'm glad," Karium Maselli promptly said and turned away again. Then he lies down on the ground and glanced at the sky with a little smile on his face. "I think I'll be okay with spending the day here. The view, the atmosphere and everything about this place are great," he remarked and closed his eyes.

Yara Amiel shifted her gaze to the man whom she didn't even know his name. Now that he was closer than ever, she took a clear look at his face.

Due to her beauty, she had many handsome royals or nobles courting her but... this stranger would easily surpass them all. However, she was reminded of one thing when she looked at his cloak.

She still remembered how he was suddenly sensitive when she reached for his cloak the other day, but... she didn't know why. She didn't plan to question him either. Then what he just told her crossed her mind.

He was born out of wedlock? Though she had never experienced it herself, she knew how tough it would be while growing up.

Discrimination and the unwillingness of society to accept someone like him... it would be a traumatic experience.

She was never sympathetic but... she hated such kind of discrimination.

Why must they let an innocent child suffer?

Apart from her people, innocent children are the ones whom she never wanted to harm.

"How did you go through those hardships?" she asked him.

It can't be helped as she was suddenly curious.

Karium Maselli opened his eyes when he heard her question. When he looked at her, he somewhat felt amused.

Didn't she ask him that because she was curious? But her face was just blank. It didn't suit her question at all.

"With the help of my older half-brother," he replied. "I was just a weak child at that time. So, each time, he would come to my rescue and defend me."

"You don't seem that weak now," Yara Amiel remarked without much thought.

According to her, he was more than capable now. He won't need the help of others again.

"You're right," Prince Karium said with a smile. "I trained hard to become strong but... it wasn't because I wish to defend myself. I just don't want to be the weakness of my brother but his strength. That's why I started learning swordsmanship and all."

"If I were you, I will make sure to crush everyone who made my life miserable once I become strong," Yara Amiel remarked.

She was never that forgiving.

Prince Karium shook his head. "Why would I stoop low just for revenge? Doing that will only make me the same as them."

Yara Amiel frowned when she heard him. "You're hopeless."

"We just have different opinions," Karium Maselli simply said.

"Do you always talk about yourself this easy?" she asked him. "We don't even know each other."

"That's why I'm willing to talk about myself," the Prince promptly said. "If we know each other, I won't tell you all these. Besides, I never talk about myself before. I don't have anyone whom I can freely chat with and I refused to talk about myself to people who are around me."


"Same as you," he quickly said and added, "I don't want them to witness or hear about my weakness but... it's different with you. We won't meet each other again."