Just Like The Rumors

"Your Highness, the Princess of Avaria is well-known for her beauty. However, she is also known for her elegance and well-sheltered upbringing. Do you think the Avarians have a hidden motive by sending her to settle this matter?"

General Cassius still couldn't understand why the Avarians would send the Princess of all people. He wondered if the Avarian King had a reason for sending his sister here.

Rumors have it that his sister was the most precious treasure for the young Avarian King and... the border was such an unsafe place. Sending her here made no sense!

Was the rumor false?

"You always tends to overthink," Prince Karium who was currently preparing for the meeting said to the General. "No matter what, she is the Princess. In times like this, her presence will make more sense than the presence of the Generals. It's not like the Avarian King is free enough to come here himself."

"I know that," General Cassius promptly responded and walked closer to the Prince. "Do you think she plans to bewitch you by her beauty to get out of this mess?"

Prince Karium stared at the General with displeasure before he let out a sigh. "Do you see me as someone who can be easily bewitched by a beautiful woman?" he asked in a pretty stern voice.

"No." The General's response came faster than ever. When he gave a more serious thought, he realized that he wasn't making sense.

The Prince was never short of beautiful women vying for his attention but... none of them succeeded. So, even the Avarian Princess who was a legendary beauty won't succeed no matter how much she tried!

While Prince Karium continued to get prepared, a soldier made his way inside the tent.

"Your Highness, the Avarians just reach the meeting destination."

"Alright. Tell General Moris to be ready."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Once the soldier left, Karium Maselli shifted his gaze to General Cassius. "Let's get going, but remember what I told you. You must control yourself no matter what."

General Cassius promptly nodded. "Will you reveal your face? You don't carry a mask with you."

"I bet the Avarians don't know my face. So, to assure them that I'm really the Prince of Welahan, I should at least do this."

"Will it be okay, Your Highness? If things go wrong, it won't be good for you as you love to travel around. Besides, they are the Avarians," General Cassius uttered with concern.

"Do you think I will give them the chance to catch me?" Karium Maselli simply said and walked out of the tent while the General followed him out right away.

Outside the tent, General Moris who was in charge of guarding the eastern border was already waiting for them. Then the three mounted their horses and rode towards the banyan tree which was just a few metres away.


"Look, Your Highness. The woman on the middle must be the Avarian Princess."

Prince Karium Maselli looked far away to the front when he heard General Cassius. The woman in the middle was wearing a red cloak but she didn't wear anything to cover her face. He saw her chatting with the Generals around her and he wasn't supposed to be feeling anything, until...

He suddenly halted his horse when he finally gets a clear look at her face! Confused, the two Generals on his left and right did the same.

It's that woman! The revelation was enough to make the God of War frozen!

The woman he met in that Muric Forest was... Princess Yara Amiel of Avaria?!

"Your Highness, what's the matter?" General Cassius asked and attempted to look at the Avarians, but...

"Return to the camp."

He raised a brow and quickly shifted his gaze back to the Prince when he heard his order.

He wanted him to return? Why all of a sudden?!

However, when the General noticed that the Prince was serious, he complied with the order without asking anything.

The moment General Cassius returned, Prince Karium turned his horse around and for a while, he didn't make any movement. Wondering what to do, many things crossed his mind.

Why must she be the Avarian Princess?!

"Your Highness, the Avarians are waiting," General Moris reminded the Prince who suddenly acted strangely. He wondered what was wrong with him but he didn't dare to ask.

"Tell them that there is a problem on our side and we will have to reschedule the meeting once we solve it," Prince Karium suddenly said after maintaining his silence for a while. Before General Moris could say anything, he rode back towards the camp.

Now that he was left alone, General Moris was in a dilemma! Though they were having the upper hand in this matter, the Avarians weren't one to underestimate!

Will he go and really tell them that the meeting was cancelled at the last minute? He felt more than reluctant to be the one relaying that message! However, he heard the order of the Prince and he had no choice but to comply. As such, he slowly rode his horse towards the Avarians.

When Princess Yara and the two Generals saw General Moris alone, they were quite taken aback as this wasn't what they expected.

Where was the infamous God of War?

Halting his horse a few steps opposite the Princess, the General bowed his head to show his respect to the Avarian Princess. "Greetings, Your Highness."

As someone who had guarded the border for a few years, General Korin recognized the Welahan General right away. "General Moris, where is your Prince? Didn't he ask to meet here?"

"I apologize to say this, but His Highness can't come today. Something came up on our side and His Highness have to be there to solve it. So, we will have to reschedule the meeting," General Moris informed the Welahans.

"Reschedule?" General Korin asked with disbelief. "Her Highness is already here for the meeting but you want to reschedule now? What did you take us for?!"

"General Korin," Princess Yara calmly muttered and looking at the General, she shook her head.

Though General Korin was fumed with rage, he tried his best to maintain his composure. "I apologize, Your Highness."

Yara Amiel never once lost her composure and she shifted her gaze to the Welahan General. "I understand. Prince Karium must be very busy and as a royal myself, I understand his responsibilities. Please inform us once things are settled, General Moris. We will be waiting," she said in her 'usual' calm voice.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness. I will make sure to relay your message to His Highness," General Moris quickly responded in a formal tone. He was feeling quite relieved as the Avarian Princess seemed to be elegant and kind-hearted just like the rumors.

Yara Amiel nodded and turned her horse around. The two Generals followed suit and they rode back to their camp.

Little did the Princess know that the Welahan Prince was watching her every move from the hill at a distance.....