Commander Niklaus Elan

Days passed by rapidly without much event except for the preparation of Welahan's 500th anniversary. As the only royal Prince, Karium was also busier than ever. Not to mention that he was often reminded of the envoy from Avaria.

As the celebration was supposed to be a very huge one, King Edric invited royals from all around the world. Missing out enemy kingdoms was a normal occurrence but this time, there will be a representative from Avaria for the first time in the event of Welahan since more than a century ago.

The whole kingdom already knew that the Avarian Princess will be coming to the event. As many Welahans lost a family member in the hands of the Avarians in the past years, many people were indifferent towards the Princess's participation. However, some were eager to see her face.

They wanted to see just how beautiful was the Princess who was regarded as the most beautiful lady on the continent. Many Welahans hoped to get a glimpse of her as the celebration will go on for more than a week.

As the guests were supposed to arrive the next day, the preparation was as good as done and that gave the Prince some time to relax. As such, he was alone in his chamber waiting for someone. Soon, a servant came and informed him that the one he waited had arrived. Then he told the servant to let him in.

When Karium Maselli's gaze landed at the young man who made his way inside his chamber, he rose from his seat.

The young man was as tall as the Prince. With blonde hair, captivating blue eyes paired with an enticingly handsome face, everything about him screamed perfection. However, he gave out a cold vibe and his face seemed to be a bit too serious.

Nevertheless, he was still considered as the most eligible bachelor among the nobles in Welahan and the dream husband of many ladies throughout the Kingdom.

When the young man was just a few steps away from the Prince, he respectfully bowed. "Greetings, Your Highness."

"It's been a while, Commander Nicklaus." Karium Maselli greeted him back with a smile.

The young man was Nicklaus Elan, the Commander of the Elan Army, the biggest and most influential private army in Welahan. Of course, the only one who can turn the Prince's best friend into an obedient General. At 22, he was older than the Prince by two years.

"It is, Your Highness. I apologize for not meeting you sooner," the young Commander promptly said with his voice remaining respectful. "How have you been?"

"I'm doing fine," Prince Karium replied. "Please have a seat."

Nicklaus Elan nodded and took a seat opposite the Prince. "I really wanted to come to the border when a conflict with the Avarians occurred, Your Highness. However, I was told to watch over the situation in the capital and I have to send General Lena due to that. I hope you understand."

"I know it's not easy to lead an army, Commander Nicklaus. Besides, it's just a conflict, not a war. You don't have to apologize," Karium Maselli stated. "With you in the capital, I don't have to worry and that's a huge relief."

"I'm glad you think that way," the Commander said. His expression was quite stoic but the Prince knew him quite well. That's the way Commander Nicklaus was.

He rarely smiled and he never spoke much. However, he was an honorable and righteous man. He was loyal and more than capable. Above all, he was never the type to judge people by their title or status.

As far as Karium could remember, this young Commander might be the only one who never once treated him indifferently out of all the nobles who were around his age. Though years had passed, Karium Maselli could never forget how strange this Commander was. No one dared to treat him that way now, but he still had huge respect for him.

"Would you care for a chess game?" the Prince asked the Commander. "We can discuss the condition of our soldiers and other things while playing."

"Sure. It seems like you want to beat me again, Your Highness," Nicklaus Elan said with a subtle yet rare smile on his lips.

"I think I also lost to you enough," Karium Maselli jokingly said as he prepared the chess pieces.

As the Commanders of two powerful armies, they often spent their time having friendly matches by all sorts of weapons and mind games was no exception. They often take turns in winning and losing to the point where one could say that none of them was above the other in all fields. Soon, the game starts.

"Do you think we will be able to avoid fighting against the Avarians this time, Your Highness?"

"I think that is unpredictable," Karium replied. "We don't know what the Avarians truly think."

"I have a feeling that the Avarians did want the negotiation to work this time but... maybe they just want to stall some time to strengthen themselves," Commander Niklaus assumed.

"You have a point," Karium replied and briefly glanced at the Commander. "But it won't be a bad idea to feign ignorance and accept if they really offer peace."

"I understand what you meant, Your Highness. It won't harm us to have some more time too," Nicklaus Elan promptly said. "The Avarians became quite powerful in recent years. It won't be good to underestimate them. Maybe King Malon is pretty intelligent."

The mentioning of King Malon Amiel reminded the Prince of the feisty Princess, the King's cherished younger sister. Well, if the siblings take after each other, the King will be intelligent.

Brushing off the thoughts, Prince Karium tried to speak up, until...

The door to his chamber was suddenly opened and storming in without even knocking was none other than... his problematic friend. Judging from the look on her face, it was sure that Lena was not pleased.

As the backrest of the couch where the Commander sat faced towards the door, Nicklaus Elan couldn't see the interrupter and with his calm nature, he didn't even bother to look. Meanwhile, the General was too fixated on the Prince to even know his existence.

With a little smile on his face, Karium Maselli rose from his seat and walked towards his friend. He deliberately blocked his friend's view of the Commander so that she won't realize his existence too soon.

"What brings you here? Did you forget all your manners?" he jokingly asked, only to irritate her more.

"How can you play that trick?" Lena Parish grunted. "Do you even know that I spent hours to reach that address you gave me?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Commander Nicklaus slightly raised a brow.

"I indeed sent someone to tell you that you don't have to go there again but... " A mischievous grin appeared on the Prince's face as he added, "You already set out."

The mischievous grin. Lena Parish instantly realized that he was still playing around. It made her lose her composure like always. Once again, she grabbed him on his clothes at chest level.

"Karium! I will surely kill you today!" she grunted, thinking of half a day she lost just because of his trick.

Karium Maselli always finds it amusing when his friend always refrained from calling him by the full name even when she was fumed with anger. The reason was simple. Maselli was the surname of the ruling family, the royals. So, she was always careful not to pronounce it disrespectfully.

"You should calm down if you don't want to regret it," the Prince whispered in his friend's ear.

"I'm tired of your threats," Lena snorted.

"But I'm serious this time," Karium Maselli simply said.

Lena sneered at him and tried to speak up again, until...

"I can see that you're still reckless as ever, General Lena."

She suddenly heard a voice which she was too familiar with. How could she not remember it? It was the voice that always commanded her.

He was here?

Finally, she turned to the front and then a little to the left only to see... her Commander who just rose from his seat. She blinked at what she saw.

"Don't say that I don't warn you," Karium whispered in her ear again.

Glancing at his victorious smile, the General just understood that this was the revenge he promised her when they were at the border!

How vengeful!