Spare No Effort

It wasn't the first time her friend put her in such an awkward situation and General Lena Parish hated it so much! Almost the same thing had happened once!

"While we are on the border, I told you that you will regret playing around with me, remember?" Karium Maselli hinted in a low voice. Seeing her defeated expression, his eyes twinkled with mirth.

It took him so much trick to see that face!

Lena Parish thought that sending her to the wrong address to meet him was his trick but... it was just the beginning. The real trick was the one she was facing right now!

When she saw Commander Nicklaus taking a step towards them, she quickly withdrew her hands from the Prince's clothes and took a step backwards. Then she finally bowed, respectfully. "Greetings, Commander."

Nicklaus Elan nodded in response and then turned to the Prince. "I just realized that I made a mistake by sending General Lena to the border in my place. I hope she doesn't bother you too much, Your Highness."

"It's bearable," Karium Maselli responded with a light chuckle. Glancing at his friend who couldn't bring herself to say anything now, he added, "I'm sure you will also know there aren't many soldiers like her in the army."

"I do know, Your Highness," the Commander promptly agreed. "However, sometimes, being too reckless can also be a problem," he added with a subtle smile on his usually calm face.

"I get what you're saying," Karium Maselli stated. Once again, he briefly glanced at his friend before he turned to the Commander and said, "Why don't we let General Lena join us? I think she will agree if you ask her." Helplessly shaking his head, he added, "You know, she never listens to me."

How Lena wished she could knock down the Prince for saying that! However, she reminded herself to not lost control again. Not when her Commander was here!

Hearing out the Prince, Nicklaus Elan turned to Lena. "Will you join us, General Lena?"

"Yes, Commander," Lena Parish quickly replied, making the Prince trying hard not to laugh.

Karium also knew that the intelligent Commander surely knew what was going on. However, Nicklaus Elan feigned ignorance and played along. He was always like this, calm with great instincts.

For almost an hour, the General spent time with the two powerful men, chatting and playing chess. She knew how much her undeniably compliant behaviour in her Commander's presence entertained her mischievous friend yet... there was nothing she could do, for now.

Not to mention that Karium Maselli spare no effort to embarrass her by mentioning some of her acts!

Argh! How she wished to knock him down right here and then!

Thankfully, the session end and Commander Niklaus left after bidding goodbye to the Prince. The moment her Commander set his foot out of the chamber, Lena Parish turned to her best friend with an undeniably suppressed rage.

"I will really kill you today," she grunted once again.

For the umpteenth time ever since they knew each other, her hands were aching to grab the hilt of her sword! If she had known that the little and weak Prince she helped out was this mischievous, she won't help him at all!

Now, she started to regret it and she already lost count of that.

"Calm down, Lena," Karium Maselli shrugged. "What if your Commander suddenly comes back again?"

She felt too tempted to grab him on the clothes again but when the word 'reckless' crossed her mind, she barely put her hands at the side. Wondering of the time she would meet her Commander at the camp, she frowned.

"You will surely be the death of me, Karium," she uttered with displeasure written all over her face. Her anger seemed to subdue a lot after much effort.

"Well... " Karium Maselli said and took a step towards her. "Didn't we say friends for life? Then you just have to bear with it." With a menacing grin, he added, "Like I bear your overflowing enthusiasm each day.

"Think about it, Lena. Apart from me, who will be able to endure your whiny nature and overflowing energy? You always drained me up with that," he added with a playful smile.

At his words, one person came to the General's mind. However, she felt too offended to think of other things. Then just when she lifted her hand above him, one person suddenly entered the chamber... again? It turned out that the door wasn't closed properly and the one who walked inside was none other than... the King.

The General sighed on the inside. She was on an unlucky streak today. With the presence of the King, 'a protective older brother,' she had no choice but to retreat her hands for the second time.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," she said as she bowed to greet the King.

"You're here, General Lena," King Edric calmly said, greeting the only friend of his younger brother with a friendly smile. "The door is opened and I was wondering why. I thought that Karium is not here."

"I just have a chat with Commander Nicklaus," the Prince quickly said to his older brother.

"That's great," King Edric remarked and turned to General Lena again. "It will soon be time for dinner. You should join us."

The General was quite taken aback by the King's offer. No... whatever the King said, it was pretty much an order even if he didn't make it sound that way. However, before she could say anything...

"We will be there, brother," Karium told the King with a smile. The latter nodded and then walked out of the chamber again.

Though General Lena had spent a lot of time with the royals due to her friendship with the Prince, she didn't dine with them often and even if she did, she always felt awkward. After all, they were the royals. The King and Queen of this kingdom.

"Why? Are you scared that I might embarrass you in front of my brother and sister-in-law?" Karium asked when he noticed her reluctance. He ruffled her hair and said, "Don't worry. I won't do that before them. Besides, they both like you."

Lena Parish gave a quick thought and let out a sigh. "It's not like I can turn down the King."

Karium chuckled at how downhearted she sounds. "Let's go," he shrugged and pulled her out of his chamber.....