The Hunter And The Deer

The royal palace of Welahan was very lively from early in the morning. In every hallway of the palace, servants walked past each other, working hard to get everything done before the opening ceremony of the 500th-anniversary celebration.

The guests gather in some rooms, chatting and laughing with each other. Even in the streets and houses of the capital, the people were busy with the preparation as the opening ceremony will be free for everyone to attend. What's more, a huge feast will be served for everyone who attends the ceremony.

The ceremony will take place in the vast ground on the left of the palace and it will be over before noon. Starting from the afternoon, there will be a tournament in the arena for mostly entertainment. Finally, it will be followed by a huge feast.

The palace was noisy enough to wake Princess Yara from her sleep. Rubbing her eyes, she pushed herself up and sat on the bed. The Princess glanced around her surroundings and reality flashed in her mind.

That's right. The day she anticipated had finally come. The realization drew a little smile on her lips. She can start her little game today and things will be even more fun tomorrow!

Yara Amiel heard the sound of knocking on her door and she responded as she gets off from the bed. Then Andrus walked inside. He was the one who escorted the Princess along with the other four soldiers. Her maid, Rhea also came with her but she must be busy somewhere else now.

"Greetings, Your Highness," Andrus said and bowed. "Do you have a good sleep?"

"Much more than I expected," the Princess replied. She opened the window and flashed a little smile at the mesmerizing view of Welahan.

The Princess seemed to be in a good mood and Andrus had an idea of the reason. However, he knew better than to say that. "Do you have anything you want me to prepare for today?" he asked.

Yara Amiel gave a quick thought and shook her head. "No. I think I will be able to manage on my own."

"I understand, Your Highness," Andrus replied and asked, "Will you meet the spies?"

"Maybe, but not now," the Princess shrugged. "Today's schedule will be very boring," she muttered. Seemed like she will have to put up an act all day.


Yara Amiel soon realized that she wasn't wrong. She finds the opening ceremony tedious. Though there were some amazing performances, she wasn't just into them.

Maybe she was more into the young man who sat on the left of King Edric Maselli.

Not to mention that many people of Welahan can't stop gawking at her! Of course, that's not the case for everyone. She noticed the contempt on some faces when they saw her, but... she remained unfazed.

This wasn't unexpected anyway. She came prepared.

While the King was giving his speech, she noticed him turning to her... for the first time in the day. It seemed like he hasn't forgotten about her after all.

Karium Maselli gazed at the Avarian Princess after refusing to do it for almost an hour. Just like last night, he felt her gaze on him ever since the ceremony started.

She already made him lost his sleep for two consecutive nights! When will she be satisfied? However, when he realized that the celebration only started with more than a week to go, he felt helpless. Who knows what was in that little brain of hers?!

Quickly, he turned away from her and that formed a slight smirk on the Princess's lips.

The infamous God of War compared his situation to a deer who attempt to run away from a hunter.

She was the hunter and he was the deer.

Why was her presence so overbearing? No one had ever made him felt this helpless!

'What's wrong with you, Karium Maselli?' he inwardly asked himself.

Little did he know his futile attempt to maintain his composure only entertained the Avarian Princess even more!


Finally, the opening ceremony was over and according to the Prince, the uncomfortable gazing was over.

Ugh! Why did he forget that gazing was followed by a confrontation last night too?! When he finally realized it, she was already just a few steps away from him.

Should he run away?

He quickly brushed off the idea. No... that's not what a man should do.

This time, he decided to be the one to speak up first. Then he greeted her with an undeniably 'forced' smile. "Do you enjoy the ceremony, Princess?" he asked, trying his best to sound normal.

"Not so much in case of the ceremony," Yara Amiel said and flashing her signature angelic smile, she added, "But another thing fascinates me more."

He was that 'thing' and he knew it. Yet he feigned ignorance.

"I'm still glad that you found something fascinating," he simply said. "There will be a tournament in the afternoon. Maybe you will enjoy that."

"Tournament?" she asked as if it was her first time hearing it. "I'm sorry but I'm not really into tournaments." With an obviously innocent smile, she added, "I find them too manly."

Karium Maselli could felt his jaw dropped to the floor! Manly she says?!

Then what about the thing she did in that Muric Forest? She was still the same woman who pointed a sword at him not only once but thrice!

Did she think that sending her men after him was ladylike?

What a dramatic Princess!

It was his fault. He should already expect this much! After all, she was the supreme queen when it comes to fooling people.

Staring at his reaction, Yara Amiel suppressed a chuckle. "I think you always appear nervous when I'm around," she pointed out. Her voice was menacing yet seemingly innocent.

Observing him for a few seconds, she took a step towards him. "Did you perhaps... like me, Your Highness?"

Karium Maselli glanced down at the overconfident woman who was a few inches shorter than him. He was already blown away by her brazen question but... he flinched at her next action.

The shameless Avarian Princess was gently pressing her right palm against his chest! He was too shocked and that rendered him frozen! Then he heard her saying...

"You know, Your Highness. Even if you put up an indifferent act, heartbeat never lies."