A Coward

Karium Maselli felt like he was trapped. The bold action of the Avarian Princess rendered him frozen and all he could do was narrowing his eyes at the hand that 'violated' his chest.

To make things worse, he suddenly felt the rapid thumping of his heartbeat!

Why now?!

With a hand on his chest, even a fool would be able to feel how his heartbeat was betraying him!

Was he always this weak in front of a woman? No... it's just her.

Finally, he braced himself and took a step back, making her victorious smile slipped a bit. "Let us not cross the line," he said with his voice remaining respectful. "There are many eyes on us, Princess."

"Cross the line?" Yara Amiel asked. "According to Your Highness, how much is considered as crossing a line?" she asked, menacing as ever.