Do You Have A Friend?

Yara Amiel never thought that she would be riding her horse in a rush because of a man.

Come to think of it, it wasn't that bad. It's better than being stuck in the crowded palace with those fellow guests.

Andrus was the only guard she brought. At first, she tried to go alone but when she thought of how her brother and sister-in-law would think if anything goes wrong, she couldn't do that.

For someone like her, they were the only ones whom she couldn't bear to hurt.

Almost two hours were needed to reach her destination from the palace. However, when she finds herself standing in front of one house which was obviously for commoners, the Princess felt lost.

"Did we got the wrong place?" she asked Andrus who was standing a step behind her.

The right-hand man glanced around before he looked at the Princess again. "This is the place, Your Highness," he confirmed.

"But what would he do in this house?" Yara Amiel blurted out.